A friend who was familiar with Yang Haipeng told the New Yellow River reporter that his family confirmed that Yang Haipeng unfortunately passed away at his home in Shanghai in the early morning of June 29. At that time, his wife was on a business trip, his children were studying

htmlOn June 30, it was reported on the Internet that senior media person Yang Haipeng passed away unfortunately. A friend who was familiar with Yang Haipeng told the new Huanghe reporter that his family confirmed that Yang Haipeng died unfortunately at his home in Shanghai in the early morning of June 29. At that time, his wife was on a business trip and his children were studying abroad, so he was the only one at home. Another friend of Yang Haipeng also said that he did not want to believe it when he first learned the news, and no one answered his phone calls.

At present, Mr. Yang Haipeng’s body has been transported to Longhua Funeral Home in Shanghai, and his family and friends have begun to discuss funeral arrangements.

Public information shows that Yang Haipeng, male, was born in 1967 in Shanghai. He graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law. He has worked as a teacher, judge, etc., and has served as a senior reporter for media such as "Finance" magazine and "Southern Weekend".

Yang Haipeng was once a senior investigative reporter. He became famous in "Southern Weekend" in his early years. He is especially good at legal investigations and has been working on the front line of news investigations for a long time. In September 2002, "Southern Weekend" underwent a huge personnel change. More than ten reporters resigned collectively, and Yang Haipeng was one of them.

According to previous media reports, after Yang Haipeng resigned from "Southern Weekend", he worked for another media and was detained by the local public security agency during an interview. When he asked the headquarters for help, the boss's first words were: "You are Wasn't there something wrong with someone else?" Yang Haipeng resigned immediately. After resigning again, Yang Haipeng co-founded "The Bund Pictorial" and served as deputy editor; in 2004, he also co-founded " New Weekly ", and later resigned with the disintegration of "New Weekly".

Looking back on his many years of journalistic career, Yang Haipeng once lamented: "Today's reporters should no longer rush with explosive bags like Huang Jiguang, but should be like snipers, both attacking the enemy and protecting themselves."

The more famous incident is Yang Haipeng Defend his wife. According to early reports from Southern Metropolis Daily : In July 2010, Yang Haipeng’s wife was arrested for “private division of state-owned assets.” In order to avenge his wife's injustice, he began to publish his investigation records of the case on Weibo. At the same time, in order to avoid suspicion, he asked the Caijing magazine where he worked at the time not to intervene in the report.

In 2011, Yang Haipeng entered the " Southern People Weekly " China's Charming 50 people selection candidate. He said in his selection comments: He was a judge, a legal investigative reporter in the heyday of "Southern Weekend", and the director of the East China News Center of "Caijing" magazine. As a Shanghainese, he is familiar with the city's most secretive ways of communicating. In his words, in addition to "Shanghai above ground", there is also "Shanghai underground".

Yang Haipeng’s Moments was updated on June 28. Many media people who are familiar with Yang Haipeng said that Yang Haipeng is talented and has a strong sense of justice. He has been threatened several times by Wenling gangs because of his reports. After the news of Yang Haipeng's death came out, many people posted condolences on social platforms. One of his colleagues who worked with him wrote in an article, "I have always been afraid of him because he is really strict, but I also respect him very much. In my memory, he is always talking happily, and I hope that there will be justice and peace in heaven." .

New Yellow River Client Reporter: Wang Likui Editor: Sun Feifei