Recently, Xuhui Group's new product launch conference was held online. The conference site adopted technologies such as virtual digital human production and virtual scenes for live broadcast. The multi-dimensional scene constructed by combining reality + virtuality allows the aud

Recently, Xuhui Group’s new product launch conference was held online. The conference site adopted technologies such as virtual digital human production and virtual scenes for live broadcast. The multi-dimensional scene constructed by combining reality + virtuality allows the audience to watch It integrates real scenes into it and makes you feel as if you are on the scene. It is full of technological sense and refreshing. In addition, the virtual press conference was co-hosted by Fan Yiting, vice president and chief product officer of CIFI Group, and her virtual avatar "Fan'er". Ms. Fan Yiting and "Fan'er" broke the barrier between reality and virtuality and interacted dynamically. This scene that subverted imagination brought a shocking visual experience to the audience.

As the first real estate company in the industry to fully release the "meta-community" product system, with the help of digital twin technology, Xuhui has created a new digital world for owners, connecting and integrating the physical space of the real world with the digital space of the virtual world. Online and offline, owners can freely switch between different virtual scenes and enjoy multi-dimensional space scenes and online services.

Virtual scenes + virtual people lead brands to explore the metaverse space

For a long time, offline conferences have always been the first choice of brands because it has the natural advantage of a stronger interactive experience. However, since the epidemic spread around the world, for companies and brands, the suspension of offline activities has meant that marketing channels such as press conferences, exhibitions, road shows, etc. have been frequently pressed, and offline marketing activities have been forced to move online. Faced with this situation, companies and brands have to find another way.

With the rise of virtual live broadcast technology and the concept of "metaverse", industry giants have realized that online virtual live broadcast can not only reduce risks and costs, but also integrate virtual digital people, virtual scenes, immersive interaction and other dimensions. Online virtual events inject new power into corporate marketing methods and can bring an immersive audio-visual experience that offline events do not have. It also indicates that traditional marketing methods are transforming towards digital models.

Immersive virtual digital scenes promote brands to achieve diversified marketing

In this era of pervasive information, as the traffic dividend of the Internet gradually disappears, the customer acquisition cost of brand online marketing continues to rise. How to build a good information carrier through novel The model for publicity and promotion has become a rigid need in brand marketing. The emergence of the model of virtual digital people + virtual scenes, with the advantages of low-cost small scenes and large productions, has opened up a new situation for brands.

Today, digital technology has become a part of life. The virtual press conference live broadcast mode of "virtual digital people + virtual scenes" has refreshed users' understanding of the brand and enhanced brand marketing memory points. In the future, virtual press conferences will become The core channel of normal brand marketing and the necessary means of promotion and operation.

Shiyou Technology’s core technologies are real-time virtual digital human technology and virtual studio technology. It has been deeply involved in the field of virtual technology for more than ten years. It is a technical service provider for large-scale virtual parties and brand online live broadcast conferences of major TV stations, providing "virtual scene customization + virtual "Special effects interaction + virtual recording/live broadcast" one-stop full-stack technology solution. Based on customer demands, we provide personalized scenes and special effects customization, and refine the keying down to a single hair strand, which allows the seamless integration of real people and virtual scenes. real-time rendering live broadcast, and also provides XR technology and AR special effects design to make the effect more technological and dreamy. .

Today, Shiyou Technology has worked with many brands to create a number of successful virtual live broadcasts, virtual conferences, radio and television program production, virtual concerts, short video recordings, etc., helping brands unlock the traffic passwords for online activities. Virtual live broadcast scenes were created at the Tuhu Car Care and Logitech mid-618 promotions. The entire online live broadcast of the two events used Shiyou Technology’s real-time virtual studio technology to combine real people with the virtual environment. Virtual and real interaction, using low-cost virtual technology to create scenes in line with the brand's tone.

For most corporate brands, digitization and virtualization have become the general trend. Virtual press conferences and virtual live broadcasts that are full of technology and have stronger visual impact have their own traffic and topics.Facing the fiercely competitive market, virtual digital people + virtual live broadcast have undoubtedly become the key for brands to stand out from the homogeneous marketing competition and achieve breakthrough communication. It is also expected that virtual technology can give birth to a broader metaverse marketing scenario.