In a dream, a naked man suddenly breaks into the room and wants to do something wrong. What is it like? What is even more surprising is the prominent identity of the "naked man". According to the victim's description, the incident happened around 5 a.m. on June 25, when she had j

In your sleep, a naked man suddenly breaks into the room and wants to do something wrong. What is it like?

This plot, which is comparable to a novel, is the personal experience of a girl recently.

What is even more surprising is the prominent identity of the "naked man".

According to the victim's description, the incident happened at around 5 a.m. on June 25.

She had just fallen asleep at the time and still had some consciousness.

Suddenly a naked strange man broke into her bedroom.

The naked man appeared extremely excited. As he approached the bed, he muttered obscenely:

"Waiting for me here." "It's really good."

The girl was very scared at the time because she was sleeping. Wearing only underwear and covered with a thin blanket.

Seeing that the perpetrator was not taking good care of the incident, the girl quickly picked up the fascia massage roller on the bed to prepare for defense and asked loudly.

Unexpectedly, the other party remained unmoved and still tried to walk towards her.

The girl was so anxious that she shouted "Mom, help me" repeatedly in order to frighten the other party.

Obviously the other party was still wary, he hesitated and took a few steps back.

At this time, the girl’s roommate was awakened by the “cry for help” and got up to check.

After the sound of the door opening was heard next door, the man began to panic.

He changed his gangster behavior, hurriedly picked up the cushion on the chair to cover his lower body, and suddenly squatted down, showing the posture of a drunkard.

At this time, the girl also got the mobile phone, clicked on the camera, and filmed the man retaining evidence. What happened after

was a series of routine operations such as the girl’s roommate helping to call the police and waiting for the police to investigate.

But the magic of things is still behind.

Faced with the girl’s accusation of “intended assault”, the man refused to admit it.

He argued that he lived in the same apartment on the third floor as the girl and went to the wrong house because he drank too much.

As for the clothes on his body, he took them off when he was drunk and unconscious.

The man’s quibbling logic is full of loopholes. He was quickly "exposed" by the girl on the spot.

In her opinion, when the strange man broke in, he spoke clearly, showed no signs of being drunk, and had no strong smell of alcohol.

is just really in a "certain" state of mental excitement.

As for why he is so excited, it is unknown and cannot be speculated on. Police investigation is still needed.

As for the idea of ​​"coming to the wrong door", it is also quite outrageous.

The girl said that the security door in her home was indeed faulty, and the agency never had time to repair it.

Although the opening and closing of the door is not affected, in the locked state, the door is still easily knocked open.

But only the girl and her roommate should know about this matter. Why would the naked man know?

Moreover, the girl lives in a shared apartment with two roommates. Why can the naked man find the girl's room accurately after breaking through the door?

Is it a coincidence? What a coincidence?

In short, there are still many doubts about the development of the matter.

Of course, many of the above are just one-sided remarks.

It is too early to speculate that the man had "premeditated the incident" based on this.

But whether it was deliberate or coincidental, the man who broke into a house without permission definitely did not escape.

As for the truth, we still need to wait for the official investigation results.

Currently, the man has been criminally detained in accordance with the law, and the case is under further review.

However, it is worth noting that this man’s identity is “unusual.”

Some netizens revealed a screenshot of a group chat, which included an alarm receipt and a photo of a man squatting in a corner.

Although it was coded, netizens still recognized the man as Chen Mouhua, a crosstalk actor from Deyun Club .

In a set of photos shared by Chen Mouhua in April, it can be seen that the location where he rented a house is the community where the crime occurred.

And Deyunshe’s next series of actions were a direct blow.

html On the afternoon of June 26, the performance program released by the official account of Deyun Club was re-edited three times, and all the performance information of "Chen Mouhua" was deleted.

then directly issued a statement, basically said that Chen Mouhua was fired because he was "suspected of trespassing into other people's homes", and would cooperate with the police in subsequent investigations.

At this point, Chen Mouhua’s “evil deeds” have basically been confirmed, and the rest is waiting for official identification.

With the confirmation of Chen Mouhua’s identity, more information has been exposed.

In 2012, Chen Mouhua entered Deyun Society through audition. In 2019, he became the disciple of Guo Degang. In terms of seniority, he is still the junior disciple of Guo Qilin.

Although Chen Mouhua has caused a bad social impact, the direction of public opinion on the Internet this time is surprisingly consistent:

"It's not surprising at all."

Netizens expressed such emotion, but there are actually traces to follow.

Let’s not talk about Chen Mouhua’s unhealthy style, such as drunken live broadcasts, forcibly referring to others as his girlfriend, etc.

Deyun Club has not been peaceful in recent years, and its actors have been involved in frequent scandals.

For example, Zhang Moumou’s ex-wife has repeatedly accused him of domestic violence, cheating, and abandonment on Weibo.

Jin Moumou was exposed as a "sleeping fan" by his wife, and Yu Moumou was exposed as having an affair...

In addition to the chaos in their private lives, these actors also repeatedly made mistakes in their attitudes.

On December 31, 2018, Zhang Moulei and Yang Moulang performed "Da Shang Shou" at the Qingdao New Year's Eve.

Zhang Moulei teased Yang Moulang, saying that he has three sisters who don’t come often. Why?

Because they were married far away, the eldest sister married Tangshan , the second sister married Wenchuan, and the third sister married Yushu.

Hearing this, Yang Moulang praised and said, our three sisters are so lucky. Listen, these are all survivors.

It is indeed a bit wicked to take disaster as a burden.

In another cross talk, Zhang Moulei asked Yang Moulang where he had gone, and his mother said that he had gone to the army to provide comfort.

also kept repeating "comfort, comfort, comfort..." in various weird tones and tones, which is really uncomfortable.

refers to the military performances as military comfort, which is obviously using the word "comfort women" to create a "laughing effect".

Chinese people all know that behind this word is a history of humiliation and countless persecuted women.

These have to make people wonder:

How much reverence does Deyun Society have for "virtue"?

Are these overturned actors pursuing the morality of the world under the "teacher-to-teacher system" or the abnormal ethics of the business society?

To understand this, we have to start with Deyun Society’s traditional “teacher-to-teacher” system.

In the field of cross talk, apprentices need to go through a complex set of apprenticeship ceremonies before they can officially enter.

After entering the apprenticeship, the apprentice first has to work for the master for free for several years. He also has to serve the master's family, taking care of food, drink, and toilets.

This is called the "teacher-to-teacher" system, which implies the apprentice's "loyalty" to the master, and even a relationship of personal dependence.

Guo Degang has outstanding professional abilities. He also combines traditional cross talk with contemporary trends to create a new path in the field of traditional folk art;

As for the "teacher-to-teacher system" as a two-way choice between master and apprentice, also avoids certain problems for Deyun Society. A certain degree of employment risk to facilitate expansion.

This kind of inheritance full of "righteousness" is also the tradition of Deyunshe, the "grass team".

also made Deyunshe the industry leader in word-of-mouth for a long time, and branches expanded wildly across the country.

But with the explosion of Deyun Club, the moral principles advocated by Guo Degang have gradually shown to be "incompatible" with the business society.

On August 1, 2018, Li Hebiao came to Master Guo Degang’s Yinghai Garden Villa in Daxing Yizhuang to work for Master and cook on the way.

However, on that day, in order to track down the hot spot of "Guo Degang's villa invading green space" at that time, the editor and cameraman of Beijing TV Station's " Daily Entertainment Report " column came to Yinghai Garden for an unannounced on-site visit.

Without consent, two staff members entered Guo Degang's home, took pictures in an abnormal way, and had a conflict with Li Moubiao.

Videographer Zhou Moufu was knocked down by Li Moubiao and diagnosed with a mild concussion.

Regarding Li Moubiao’s extreme behavior, the TV station criticized him by name.

did not expect this move, which completely annoyed Guo Degang.

According to the moral principles of the world, Li Moubiao protected the interests of his master, and Guo Degang wanted to treat him well.

Therefore, in order to "support" his apprentice, Guo Degang boldly responded to the matter during the performance that night.

satirized the neighbors in the same community as poor people, and called reporters worse than "prostitutes."

Such remarks spread through the Internet, triggering unanimous condemnation from the national media.

Faced with such unprecedented pressure from public opinion, Guo Degang could only admit his mistake completely, delete all his blog posts, and no longer accept interviews.

In the early morning of August 7, Deyunshe announced that it would suspend operations for rectification starting from August 9.

During that time, Guo Degang kept a low profile.

It was not until September 12th that Deyun Club reopened for business after surviving the darkest moment after a 34-day suspension of performances.

The subsequent Guo Degang and Deyun Club became somewhat different from before.

They deeply understand the power of public opinion.

"Success is Xiaohe, failure is Xiaohe." The rise of Deyun Club is due to artists, but the artist's bad conduct ruined Deyun Club's signature.

From "platform" Li Moubiao beating people to now quickly "cutting off seats" with Chen Mouhua, Guo Degang's attitude towards his two apprentices can be seen.

Now Guo Degang has learned to compromise.

In order to safeguard more business interests, those moral principles have become "dispensable".

So far, Deyun Club has been running wildly on the road of pursuing fame and fortune.

Even the "teacher-to-teacher system" that was the foundation of our career is gradually going away:

Small theaters are constantly opening, which makes cross talk actors very nervous and there are simply not enough.

Where do masters have the time to follow the old rules and examine their apprentices' artistic talent and character?

There was even a situation where actors were performing on stage just a few months after coming to Deyun Club to study.

Not to mention a group of "traffic stars" carefully created to adapt to the "fan circle" culture.

They quickly emerged from the circle under the halo of cross talk, bringing more "dividends" to Deyun Club.

But Deyunshe follows the "old tradition" in terms of employment, lacking necessary employment standards and relevant supervision.

doesn’t even have a decent public relations department, which of course makes it easier to expose problems.

In fact, this result is foreseeable - there are only so many audiences for traditional folk arts, and it will be difficult to expand further no matter how strong the business capabilities are.

Therefore, Deyunshe forcibly grafted the traditional system onto the market economy in an attempt to take care of both. On the one hand,

implements the operating model of company-made , signing contracts, conducting operations, and acting in accordance with legal provisions and business rules. On the other hand,

called for respecting teachers and respecting ethics, and even made fierce remarks such as "resignation = betrayal".

This huge sense of fragmentation will inevitably breed many problems:

is not good at learning and rushes to the stage, which affects the level of cross talk and the mood of the audience;

blindly expands and recruits some gangsters and scum into his ranks, leading to illegal crimes;

said After all, the current situation of Deyun Club is quite delicate.

Of course, this is not just a problem of Deyun Society. If many traditional cultural skills want to survive in the market economy, they must face the same choice -

How to balance "the rules of the world" and "commercial interests"?

Deyunshe gave an answer.

But now, this result is not ideal.