This article was originally written by the White Tea Classroom. No one or media may reproduce it without permission. "1" When it comes to spring white tea, many tea lovers will long for it and hope to drink that cup of fresh tea. Drink spring white tea and feel the fragrant aroma

This article was originally written by White Tea Classroom. No one or media may reproduce it without permission.


When it comes to spring white tea, many tea lovers will feel longing for it and hope that they can drink that cup of fresh tea. .

Drink spring white tea and feel the rich aroma of tea with the breath of spring.

In addition to Pekoe Silver Needle and White Peony , Shoumei is also the object of close attention.

Shoumei has a pleasant aroma and affordable price, and has won the favor of many tea drinkers.

Shoumei is divided into two types: Chun Shoumei and Qiu Shoumei. The taste of Chun Shoumei is more delicate than that of Qiu Shoumei.

The tea soup of Chun Shoumei is fresh and sweet, soft yet tender, moist yet pure.

However, many tea drinkers still ask: "Why is the Chun Shoumei I brewed so bitter?"

Freshness is synonymous with Chun Shoumei, and the aroma of Chun Shoumei is pleasant. How can the tea soup made from it be bitter?

Maybe it’s not that Chun Shou Mei is bitter, but because we haven’t mastered the correct method of brewing Chun Shou Mei.


An imbalance in the proportion of tea and water will cause Chunshoumei tea soup to be bitter.

Generally speaking, when brewing Chun Shoumei, you always choose a 110 ml standard covered bowl and add 5 grams of tea.

But this simple standard is not something everyone can achieve. Some people may think that the number 110 ml is nothing, and a difference of 10 ml or 20 ml will not have any impact.

As everyone knows, the difference lies in the 10 ml and 20 ml.

Suppose you choose a 90ml tureen to soak Chun Shoumei and put in 5 grams.

The amount of water injected is less, but the amount of tea added is not reduced. The tea soup brewed will definitely be thicker and more bitter.

If the capacity of the tureen is less than 110 ml, the amount of tea added should be reduced accordingly.

But it is not a random reduction. The amount of tea must be reduced accordingly according to the original proportion of tea and water.

In this way, the tea soup brewed will not be bitter, but will have a sweet taste.

There are also some people who don’t like to use a gram scale to weigh the amount of tea leaves when making Chun Shoumei. They always grab them casually.

The quantity you grab at random is often not accurate enough, which is one of the reasons why the tea soup tastes wrong.

If you add less tea, the taste of the tea soup will not be so mellow; if you add too much tea, the taste of the tea soup will be bitter.

If you want to brew Chun Shoumei that tastes delicious but not bitter, it is important to master the ratio of tea to water.


If the soup comes out too slowly, it will also cause the longevity eyebrows to taste bitter.

If the soup comes out too slowly, it will cause stuffy bubbles.

For some white teas with insufficient internal quality, the taste will be better if they are steeped for a longer time.

Because steeping for a long time can release more endoplasm and make the tea more flavorful.

For high-quality white tea, the taste of the tea soup will deteriorate if it is steeped for a long time.

Chunshoumei has broad leaves and rich nutrition. When it comes into contact with boiling water, its endoplasm will be released very quickly.

Only by choosing the method of discharging water quickly can we prevent excess bitter substances from entering the tea soup and producing a bitter taste.

I also need to mention the fast water discharge. The fast water discharge refers to the time from filling the water to dispensing most of the tea soup. The time should be controlled at about 7-8 seconds.

Some people are at home, slowly pouring water and making soup, thinking that they have met the requirement of quick water dispensing while ensuring the elegance and beauty of the tea making action.

But this is not actually about fast water discharge. Fast water discharge requires smooth and fast movements.

If you can't master the essence of fast water at once, you can practice more, practice makes perfect, and you will eventually learn its essentials.

Brewing tea soup without being stuffy is the key step for making spring and longevity eyebrows well.


Chun Shoumei tea tastes bitter. Another possibility is that the tea soup in the tureen is not drained.

When we brew Shou Mei, we pay attention to the method of quickly releasing the water.

But many people still have questions: "When I brew Chun Shoumei, I use the fast-discharging method. Why does the tea still taste bitter?"

You must understand that the fast-discharging method can only pour out most of the soup. Tea soup.

Many times, after most of the tea soup has been poured out, everyone starts to taste it.

Actually, there will still be some tea soup in the tureen at this time.

What we have to do is to pick up the tureen a second time, carefully drain the tea soup in the tureen, and then start tasting.

As mentioned before, the leaves of Chun Shoumei are large and rich in nutrients.

If the tea soup in the tureen is not drained, it will cause stuffy brewing.

Although there are only a few drops of water left, it will not have much impact.

It is often these few drops of water that make the next tea soup taste worse, bitter and astringent.

If you want to brew fresh and sweet Chun Shoumei, you cannot omit the step of draining the tea soup.


The quality of tea will also affect the taste of Chun Shoumei.

The origin and production process may affect the quality of tea.

Why do tea lovers prefer high mountain white tea when buying tea?

Alpine white tea is grown in an environment shrouded in clouds and mist, and has richer aromatic substances than flat white tea.

Especially in Spring and Shoumei, after surviving the harsh winter, aromatic substances accumulate in abundance.

If you taste it carefully, you will feel that it is very delicate, smooth, soft, warm and comfortable.

The growing environment of flatland white tea is not as good as that of high mountain white tea, so it may feel bitter when you drink it.

Not only the place of origin, but also the production process will affect the quality of tea.

The white tea production process is simple and simple, but the process is extremely particular.

In the tea-making process, a slight difference can make a huge difference.

only uses carefully processed tea to ensure the authentic taste.

When buying Chun Shoumei, you should choose the one with good quality. Only when you pick good quality Shoumei can you appreciate its best flavor.


Chunshou Mei is fragrant, and bitterness is not synonymous with it. It is not its fault that

is easy to brew bitter, but the brewing method is not in place.

Soaking Chun Shou Mei is actually quite a test of skill. If the skill is not in place, the tea soup will not be delicious enough.

But you can’t rush into making tea, you have to learn slowly.

Tea drinking is about pursuing details. If you implement every step of making tea in place, you will definitely be able to make delicious tea soup.

When drinking tea, you have to choose the right tea and brew the right tea before you can drink the right tea.

Welcome to follow [White Tea Classroom] to learn more about white tea!

Copyright statement: This article was originally written by taimumagu from the White Tea Classroom. It may not be reproduced by any media without permission. Tea lovers are welcome to forward it to Moments!