Source: National Emergency Broadcasting Summer is the season when bugs are active. In daily life, if they see bugs falling on their bodies, many people’s first reaction is to swat them away, but some bugs must not be swatted! Especially the cryptid, which has been frequently sear

Source: National Emergency Broadcasting

Summer is the season when bugs are active. In daily life, if they see bugs falling on their bodies, many people’s first reaction is to swat them away, but some bugs must not be swatted!

, especially cryptid , which has been frequently searched this summer!

How scary are the cryptids?

A netizen shared the experience of being almost disfigured by this bug:

The netizen said that when she turned off the light and was playing with her mobile phone, the light from the phone screen attracted small bugs crawling on her face. After turning on the light, she found that it was a black bug. Red and white bug.

At that time, she just gently stroked the bug away with her hands. Unexpectedly, her eyes began to become red, swollen and painful in the next few days. After seeking medical treatment, she was diagnosed with cryptodermatitis .

Under the hot search topic related to the cryptid, many netizens said that they have been "bitten" by the cryptid↓↓

What kind of insect is the cryptid?

Cryptoptera, also known as "shadow worm" and "green-waisted worm", looks like a large ant.

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Each segment of the body of the Cryptoptera contains strong acidic venom. After being beaten or crushed, the venom is released, which can be contaminated on the skin and cause dermatitis .

Cryptopterygoid beetles often appear in moist environments, such as under weeds or garbage. It lurks during the day and emerges at night, flying under the light; it has quick reactions and strong agility, and has escaped from the palms, buttocks or feet of humans many times.

What is cryptodermatitis?

Acute dermatitis caused by human exposure to the venom of Cryptopterygium spp.

mostly occurs in summer and autumn. It often occurs in exposed parts such as the face, neck, and limbs.

The infection route of Cryptopterus dermatitis:

① The insect body is crushed and directly infected on the skin;

② Touching other parts with fingers contaminated by insect body fragments leads to indirect infection;

③ The insect body is hidden in washing the face, in clothes, and after rubbing. Infection from skin contact with venom.


After the venom is stimulated, punctate and cord-like edematous erythema appears on the skin, followed by blisters and pustules, and some pustules merge into sheets. Symptoms such as erosion, scabs, and necrosis may occur. The symptoms of swelling are obvious when the eyelids are infected. , and burning, burning or itching. Irregularly shaped eroded surfaces are often caused by scratching.

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The course of the disease is 1 to 2 weeks, and pigmentation or superficial scars may remain after recovery.

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Note: Severe cases will have systemic symptoms such as fever, dizziness, nausea and superficial lymph node enlargement , and should seek medical treatment in time.

What should I do if I am accidentally contaminated with cryptid venom?

Clean the venom from the injured area promptly and thoroughly to reduce damage to the skin area. For example, use alkaline soap to wash the damaged skin repeatedly, apply calamine lotion to the skin, or mashed purslane and apply it to the affected area, and seek medical attention immediately.

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How to prevent being harmed by cryptid insects?

"Destroy its homeland"

Cryptopterygoid caterpillars like the environment of rotten and dead leaves. We should try our best to eliminate their breeding environment, clean up the rotten garbage, remove weeds, keep the environment dry, and spray insecticides. Try not to sit or lie down on the grass for a long time when going out for an outing.

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"Cut off its origin"

Cryptoptera lurks during the day and comes out at night. It has phototaxis and is more active when the weather is sultry in summer.

Close the screen windows to prevent them from "breaking into the house"; put up the mosquito net when sleeping and turn off the indoor lights; try not to turn on the lights or keep a certain distance from the lights when enjoying the cool outdoors.

"Blow lightly and step hard"

If you encounter an insect falling on the skin, never crush or slap it directly with your hands.

Gently blow off the insect body or use other objects to remove the insect body, and then eliminate it with your feet. Wash the clothes that have come into contact with the insects, dry them in the sun and take them back indoors in a timely manner.

These bugs also like to bite you in the summer


Ticks are blood-sucking parasitic animals. April to October is the peak period for bites. They are often active in dense grass and will bite on the necks and necks of people and animals. Blood is sucked from behind the ears, armpits, groin and other places.

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People bitten by ticks will have an incubation period of 1 to 2 weeks before getting sick, after which they may develop high fever, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, which can lead to death in severe cases.

How to prevent tick bites?

① Try to wear long trousers when going outdoors, and use long socks to tighten the trousers if necessary; spray your clothes with mosquito repellent containing pyrethrin before going out;

② Reduce walking among tall grass and shrubs;

③ Return from the outdoors Afterwards, change your clothes and check whether there are any hidden ticks on your body and clothes. The key areas to check are: armpits, around the ears, navel, back of the knees, inner thighs, waist, ankles, and hair;

④ If you take pets out, the pets They also like to run into bushes and other places, so check your pet carefully to see if it has been bitten.

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How to deal with tick bites

①Use tweezers to clamp the tick as close to the skin as possible (clamp the tick's head as much as possible);

②Pull upward slowly, and a certain amount of force is required, do not force it. Pull and twist;

③ Clean the wound with alcohol, iodine or soapy water;

④ Soak the tick in alcohol and flush it into the sewer.

reminds: is bitten by a tick. It is best to go to the hospital as soon as possible. The above 4 points are emergency treatment methods.

Red Fire Ant

The venom sacs of Red Fire Ants contain a large amount of venom. Once a person is bitten by it, the venom will be injected into the skin.

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Being bitten by fire ants may cause pain like a burn, lead to allergic reactions, and in severe cases may lead to anaphylactic shock or death.

How should I deal with being stung by fire ants?

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Bed bugs

Bed bugs mainly live by sucking human blood.

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When bed bugs suck blood, they secrete an alkaline liquid, causing redness, swelling, itching and other immune reaction symptoms on the skin of the bite site. If scratched, it can cause secondary infection.

How to deal with bed bug bites?

After being bitten by bed bugs, do not scratch hard, and do not squeeze with your hands to avoid infection. It is recommended to go to the hospital immediately.


The body size of mites is generally about 0.5 mm, some are as small as 0.1 mm and are almost invisible to the naked eye. Summer is the season when mites are most prevalent. Mites are not only found in the wild, but they can also easily break into indoors.

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Mites live on the surface of the body and can easily cause itchy erythema, papules and even blisters. Intense scratching can cause secondary infection.

How to get rid of mites?

①Sunlight exposure method: Exposure above 25℃ can kill mites in large numbers;

②High temperature scalding method: Hot water above 60℃ can kill mites;

③Low temperature freezing method: Hanging the quilt in a dry and cold outdoor in winter can freeze to death the mites .


Bee stings should never be taken lightly. In mild cases, there will be erythema, rubella , accompanied by burning and stinging sensations. In severe cases, the skin will have large areas of flushing, blisters and itching, and even fever, nausea, vomiting, coma and other symptoms.

(Visual China)

How should you deal with being stung by a bee?

① Use a clean needle to "pick out" the stinger;

② Clean with alkaline solution, such as soapy water, soda water (if you are stung by a wasp, you need to rinse it with vinegar);

③ Apply ointment or ointment under the guidance of a doctor Oral anti-allergic drugs;

④ If severe systemic symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately.