Demystifying the real life of Laotian beauties on the Chinese border: they are engaged in this work to support their families

As we all know, our country has become the world's second largest economy, and the economic level is getting higher and higher. Coupled with the maturity of Internet technology, we can know everything about the world without leaving home.

And some friends who have the opportunity to travel abroad, waited for a foreign country to discover that there are many lifestyles that we rarely know in China. Today, I will introduce you to such a group, let us go into it Their lives.

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Since the reform and opening up, my country’s economic development has been advancing all the way, and the name China has become more and more famous in the international arena. Tourists from all over the world come to travel and visit. At the same time, many foreigners see the huge potential of the Chinese market and want to come to China to work and live.

In the border areas of China, there are many Lao beauties who use this work to support their families.

Laos, this country is not unfamiliar to everyone, and borders China, but due to its natural geographical environment and many historical and cultural factors, this country is also relatively poor and backward, but it is very friendly to China .

There are many preferential policies only for China, which also makes our exchanges with Laos more frequent. At the same time, Laos is undeveloped and has abundant forest resources, and most of the people here are kind and simple.

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So on the Chinese border, there are many Laotian beauties. They have no education, so they can only rely on their efforts in exchange for income, the best of them The way is to sell.

Because of the rich forest resources, in Laos, there are many wild ganoderma, ancient tree tea and other things that are not easy to buy in the country. These beauties bring them to the Chinese border to sell, often The price is not expensive.

These beauties rely on their own labor to support a home,Their industrious and simple quality is awe-inspiring, and many Chinese tourists will take special care of their business.

In fact, it is also because of this that many Lao beauties gather here, so that many tourists can feel the human pulse of another country without going abroad.

These Lao beauties, engaged in this kind of work to support their families, are already very commendable!

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