Blessed and shared, Tianjin Deyun Club has become a sweet potato, starting from the 9th team, it will be rotated once a week.

The Olympic Games that just ended, let netizens see the great influence of Deyun Society. In the future, who dares to say the "three vulgars", the audience likes the "three vulgars" cross talk so much.

Faced with the "confession" of the Olympic athletes, the crosstalk actors of the Deyun Society have also interacted, and Guo Degang is no exception.

One of the best news is that it is said that Deyun Club is expected to hold a special Olympic Games. If it can be done, it will definitely make a good talk.

Unfortunately, due to the resurgence of the epidemic, large-scale commercial performances can only be postponed indefinitely. After all, safety comes first. The theaters of Deyun Club have also closed down, waiting for the crisis to pass.

Originally, Deyun Club has always been scarce of talents. The current closure has made many cross talk actors suddenly "unemployed" and become "unemployed" young people who are unemployed.

Although Guo Degang gave these comedians the greatest degree of care, the salary was paid in full to ensure that their normal lives were not affected, and they actively paid various insurances.

But the crux of the problem lies in the fact that for the crosstalk actors of Deyun Club, salary income does not account for a large proportion of the overall monthly income, and the bulk of the income is divided into the income of small theater performances.

You can imagine each small theater of Deyun Club as a performance unit, and each team is the employee of the unit, and these employees distribute different amounts of dividends according to the effectiveness of the unit.

Therefore, within the Deyun club, the income gap between the various teams is quite large, and the small theater runs well, so the team members’ dividends will be increased.This is also to motivate each team to do everything possible to increase popularity and increase attendance.

Having said so much, readers will be able to understand why when the small theaters are closed, and the Tianjin small theater has only had its fruitful results, Guo Degang immediately adjusted the performance structure. If there are difficulties, they will share the blessing and the teams will rotate. The speed of the performance is greatly improved.

Starting from the 9th team, Tianjin Small Theater rotates once a week, and try to let every crosstalk performer have the opportunity to perform on stage.

Not only that, but the first-line comedians of Deyun Club, including Guo Degang himself, will occasionally airborne small theaters. If the audience is lucky enough to encounter these actors, they will make a lot of money.

Judging from the various things experienced during this period, Deyun Club’s decision to restart Tianjin Small Theater during May 1st this year was so correct.
