Huang Xi and Lin Hao, who have removed the protagonist's halo, are our real lives

"My dear, how did you know our beauty loan?" Does this sentence sound particularly familiar? I believe that female compatriots will often hear such words when they first go to beauty salons, and one of our protagonists Huang Xi, a reporter from the Luteng City News Agency, appeared on such occasions.

All TV series have a protagonist halo, " Sweeping Dark Storm " is also inevitable. Huang Xi, who has the protagonist's halo, wears an electronic watch that can be used for video recording, and smoothly finds the den of Meilidai. While looking around, Manager Zhang, who handled the loan, happened to "give a head" to her, thinking about it.

Manager Zhang, who speaks an awkward Cantonese, can be described as a talent. When the undercover police were making a lot of noise, they did not panic at all, with a gentle attitude, and politely explained the cause of the chaotic scene. They flickered a meal and hoped to use their own three-inch tongue to cut this to the door. The "leeks".

Don't say it is a girl who loves beauty, even me, a middle-aged uncle who claims to be a little experienced, will probably be fooled for a while.

Since it is an unannounced visit, if it doesn't increase the difficulty, it is right for the audience. Sure enough, the big tongue Manager Zhang learned that this silly and innocent little white rabbit actually took a video to make an unannounced visit, and finally tore off his disguised mask, and his face became extraordinarily hideous. How could he not act like a human? Huang Xi threatened. Even after calling the police, she still insisted on taking pictures of her undressing. In order to do bad things, she spared no effort and perseverance, which is simply a beast in clothing.

At the critical moment, the protagonist's halo came into play again, and the police really rushed in in the next second.

Next, our other handsome Lin Hao with his protagonist halo will appear on the stage. If someone says that he is not handsome, I will be anxious with him.

this skill,Under such dangerous circumstances, he can protect the criminal Manager Zhang without hesitation. Manager Zhang really wants to die. Finally, I didn't forget to put on another sudden brake to further highlight this exciting scene. I was wondering if it would be cooler to have a car crash in the back?

I was wondering if the police came in one second late, would the reporter really "submit", be taken humiliatingly, and be manipulated by others. Yes, these things do exist on the dark side of society in real life.

Did the police meet the criminals like this? I couldn't help but smile when I looked at this picture. In more cases, the work of the police in order to protect the safety of people’s property is very dangerous.

After a desperate fight with the gangster, Comrade Lin Hao told us with a relaxed and mischievous expression that the dish tyrant Yang Dong was not enough for him to fight.

Actually, the situation he faced before was like this.

If it is not the role of the protagonist’s halo, it would be difficult for a person to retreat alone without a gun. This is the real society. It is conceivable that the criminal police face what dangers every day .

Characters like Yang Dong are hard to find in real life. On the one hand, they are extremely filial sons and on the other hand, they are the tyrants who bully and dominate the market. In the process of his "building up power", have you ever thought that the vegetable growers you bullied also have old mothers? He bullied the working people living at the bottom, but he also lived at the bottom. If such Yang Dong appeared in our real life, would we easily forgive him?
