Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!" To commemorate

2024/05/2706:47:32 news 1691

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!

"The tiger head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful."

"The silk quilt that is covered when sleeping is made this way."

"This is me The cakes made are sweet and glutinous and delicious! "

presents Grand Canal to mark the 8th anniversary of the successful application for World Heritage. The second "Linping Intangible Cultural Heritage Season" and Linping District's "Intangible Cultural Heritage Aesthetic Education Project" will be held in Linping on July 4th. Ping District Sports Center kicked off.

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!

At the scene, children from a primary school in Linping, Hangzhou, happily experienced the charm of local intangible cultural heritage.

types of mulberry, silkworm rearing, silk reeling and dyeing, silk weaving, and embroidered clothing. Silk is not only soft animal protein, but can also be transformed into colorful items for my use. Exhibits such as

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!

cocoons, loom , Ruyi buckles, tiger head shoes, Song Dynasty costumes, cheongsam wedding dresses, etc. allow children to more intuitively experience the charm of traditional handicrafts.

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!

At the exhibition site, the inheritor of Qingshui silk floss production skills vividly demonstrated "tear the small bag and hold the big bag", restoring how the older generation made silk floss. The children stopped for a long time and said, "This is how the cotton pocket is held up."

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!

You can also experience the traditional tea making skills on site. The children knead the cakes by hand and use molds to press the patterns on the cakes. They knead the cherry blossom flavor, matcha flavor and mung bean flavor cakes together to create gradient colors. Pastries are beautiful and delicious.

The person in charge of the Linping District Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau, the organizer of the event, said: "Nearly one-third of the intangible cultural heritage projects in Linping District are related to sericulture and silk weaving. The exhibition was conceived on the bank of the Grand Canal and has been selected into the list of representative works of human intangible cultural heritage." silk weaving technology (clear water silk cotton production technology)' is the core, radiating the sericulture and silk weaving intangible cultural heritage projects along the Grand Canal Linping, showing the multi-dimensional intangible cultural heritage connecting contemporary life and spiraling vitality."

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!

Intangible cultural heritage. Heritage is an important part of China's excellent traditional culture. At the scene, the Linping District Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau, in conjunction with the district school office and the district education bureau, released the Linping District "Intangible Cultural Heritage Aesthetic Education Project", which includes the construction of intangible cultural heritage courses, There are seven major actions including the intangible cultural heritage off-campus practical education action, the intangible cultural heritage talent training action, the intangible cultural heritage position construction action, the intangible cultural heritage on campus action, the intangible cultural heritage mentor empowerment action, and the intangible cultural heritage popularization and promotion action.

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!

"In recent years, our cultural and tourism department and the education department have worked together to focus on aesthetic education education in primary and secondary schools. For example, the children of Linping No. 1 have one intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting class every week, and the children of Linping No. 1 Middle School have one class every week. Rolling Light performance courses, and also organized groups to participate in performances abroad," said the person in charge of Linping Cultural Tourism.

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Shi Wen Correspondent Jiang Mingjing Liang Jiajun “The tiger-head shoes embroidered by grandma are so beautiful.” “The silk quilt you sleep on is made like this.” “This is a pastry I made, sweet and glutinous. Delicious!

hour news reporter learned that the "Life of Silk" exhibition will last until July 15. During this period, the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Aesthetic Education Project Extracurricular Practice Class" will be carried out in conjunction with the exhibition, and the inheritors will hold parent-child paper-cutting classes every day. , shadow puppet , tie-dye , cake making, pottery making, plate and buckle making... There are many projects, and you can sign up for free.

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