Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis

2024/05/2618:51:32 news 1613

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won 19 Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical music constitute the three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art.

This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianist Aix, who has won several Grammy Awards, and Kavakos, one of the most popular violinists in the world, to collaborate in a dream collaboration to present the "Brahms Piano Trio Collection" for the first time!

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews1

Yo-Yo Ma

Yo-Yo Ma was born in Paris, France in 1955. He learned violin, viola, cello, piano and other musical instruments in his childhood. He began performing in front of the audience at the age of 5. At the age of 7, he and his sister played in front of the President of the United States Kennedy Performed in front of .

After graduating from Harvard University , Yo-Yo Ma devoted himself wholeheartedly to his music career. He spent many years completing an innovative interpretation of Bach's unaccompanied cello suites combined with a variety of performing arts. He became popular for his new interpretation of Bach's works and was hailed as a great revolution in the classical music world of the 20th century.

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

After frequently winning Grammy Awards for his works, he began to get involved in the field of film scores. He collaborated with Tan Dun to participate in the soundtrack of Ang Lee's movie " Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and won the Oscar for Best Original Score that year. prize.

Yo-Yo Ma's playing pursues delicate expression and lyricism, and pursues beautiful sound quality, naturalness and clarity. His piano sound is often a kind of emotional outpouring. The Dvořák concerto he played was particularly touching because it was soaked in romantic sadness. When he dealt with Schumann's "Folk Style Ditty", "Adagio and Allegro" and " Fantasia ", he fully It embodies tenderness and lyricism, and his six unaccompanied suites by Bach are also detailed and emotional in his own way.

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

In 2021, after receiving the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a community college in the United States, Yo-Yo Ma played the cello impromptu and received warm applause from those present. As a generational classical master, Yo-Yo Ma comforts the healing world through music.

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews2

Emmanuel Aix

Aix was born in Lviv, Poland, and moved to Winnipeg, Canada with his family when he was a child. Later, with the support of the Epstein Scholarship Program of the Boys Club of America, he entered the Juilliard School of Music and won the "Young Concert Artist Award". In addition, he studied French at Columbia University.

Ax became famous internationally after winning the first Rubinstein International Piano Competition in 1974, and won the Avery Fisher Award only four years later.

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

He has won multiple Grammy Awards, including the complete Haydn Piano Sonatas II and III, as well as the Beethoven and Brahms cello and piano sonatas recorded with cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Other albums include concertos by Liszt and Schonberg, three solo albums by Brahms, a tango by Astor Piazzolla, and John Adams with the Cleveland Orchestra The first recording of "Century Rolls".

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews3

Leonidas Kavakos

Kavakos was born in a musical family in the capital of Athens, Greece. He began to study violin at the age of five, and then entered the Greek Conservatory of Music to study with Stelios Kafantaris. He received a scholarship from the Onassis Foundation to attend a master class at Indiana University given by Joseph Gingol.

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

Before he was twenty-one years old, Kavakos had already won the first prize in three international violin competitions: Sibelius (1985), Paganini (1988), and Nomburg (1988). After the release of his first recording "Sibelius Violin Concerto", he won the Gramophone Magazine Annual Concerto Recording Award. Kavakos' high-quality performance has won unanimous praise from music fans around the world.

In addition, he also invested in the inheritance of music knowledge in his hometown of Athens, hosting the annual Athens Violin and Chamber Music Master Class, attracting violinists and chamber bands from all over the world.

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews4

"Brahms Piano Trio Collection"

Pianist Aix and Yo-Yo Ma collaborated on Brahms' chamber music recordings, among which the Brahms Cello Sonata won the Grammy Award that year. This is the first time Yo-Yo Ma, Ickes and Kavakos have recorded Brahms' piano trio , which can be called the golden combination of today's piano trios.

Brahms's Piano Trios No. 2 and No. 3 were completed after the landmark Symphony No. 1 was released. At this time, Brahms was extremely confident in his creations, but he was not so satisfied with the Piano Trio No. 1 he completed when he was twenty years old (1854). This thought lingered in his mind for many years. In 1889, more than thirty years later, in a letter he wrote to a friend, he revealed that he had begun rewriting the song.

The new version of Piano Trio No. 1, premiered in 1890, is more elegant and refined, and has now become the standard version of this piece. In this recording, Yo-Yo Ma, Aix and Kavakos performed This is the standard version.

Listen to the world's golden piano trio, presenting Brahms' classic for the first time, and feel the beauty of classical music !

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who has won nineteen Grammy Awards in his career, is still active today after becoming deaf. The Silk Road Project, cross-border pop, and pure classical constitute three important aspects of Yo-Yo Ma’s cello art. This time, Yo-Yo Ma has invited the famous pianis - DayDayNews

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