From Taiwan Island to "World Island", how does China break the Western blockade and establish a new order (1)

Since the start of the 2020 US general election, the "storms" in the Western Pacific have never stopped. Especially with regard to our treasure island, Taiwan, the measures of this US government are more obvious than any previous ones, and they are even more bottomless. Needless to say about the issue of arms sales to Taiwan, in fact, even in 1979, when China and the United States formally established diplomatic relations, the US Congress passed the "Taiwan Relations Act" to "provide defensive weapons to Taiwan" in the form of domestic law.

Followed by the United States' instigation of separatist forces on the island. We know that one of Chiang's backers was the United States. After retreating to Taiwan, the United States was also the main supporter of the forces on the island. Before the start of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the United States moved the Seventh Fleet into the Taiwan Strait, which forced our army to stop the liberation of Taiwan.

So in this matter, the United States has already owed an unfinished debt to China. Recently, the First Wing of Taiwan’s "Air Force" tested the so-called "Ten Thousand Swords" in the southeastern waters of Taiwan. After the successful test firing, some "green media" on the island clamored that the Taiwan military had the ability to strike military targets along the mainland.

Anyone with a little military knowledge knows that "with bullets without guns" is useless at all. This time, Taiwan’s IDF fighter plane, also known as "Jingguo", was used for the test launch. Although this fighter has absorbed a certain amount of American technology, the overall performance is not outstanding even among the models of the same generation, not to mention that it has no stealth capability and it is difficult to penetrate the air defense network of our army. I really want to ask, who gave them such courage? It's definitely not Liang Jingru.

As mentioned earlier, the United States is the main driver of the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, and he least wants to see cross-strait reunification. why? Take a look at the geographical location of Taiwan. A large island in the Pacific Ocean has many natural harbors. If unified, Taiwan Island can serve as a springboard for the Chinese navy and air force to enter the Pacific Ocean. It is like an unsinkable "super aircraft carrier." At the same time, the return of Taiwan will also declare the US's island chain strategy to be completely bankrupt. By then, the US will no longer be able to suppress China, and their power may shrink to the Eastern Pacific. To put it plainly, the essence of the Taiwan issue is the Sino-US game. If the United States wants to use Pacific islands including Taiwan to lock in the pace of development of the Chinese mainland, China needs to break these blockades so that its influence can go out. It now appears that the first island chain of the United States is dead in name, and it has become normal for the Chinese navy and air force to cross the first island chain. Therefore, the United States is even more reluctant to see Taiwan, the "unsinkable aircraft carrier", return to the embrace of the motherland.

So, what should we do? Before that, let's introduce a hot word that currently exists in the Chinese Internet-entering the customs. The literal meaning of this word refers to entering the pass, and from a historical perspective, it usually refers to Jianzhou Nuzhen entering the Central Plains via Shanhaiguan, thus replacing Ming and establishing the Qing Dynasty. If

is placed in a modern context, our mainland China would be "Jurchen", while the Western world represented by the United States and the order established by it would be "Da Ming", and "Shanhaiguan" would be what the West has set for China. Obstacles, including Taiwan. The "Qing Dynasty" represents the new order that is about to be established.

Any argument that can cause great controversy has a certain personal subjective opinion. Similarly, the "entry school" derived from the term "entry" is actually not objective. Because the Jurchen and Daming at that time were not the same in terms of civilization. It can even be said that the Jurchen in Daming's eyes was no different from the barbarians. Obviously, this cannot be applied to the current relationship between China and the Western world.

Because after decades of development, we will find that the Western world is actually not what we once imagined. In terms of comprehensive strength, China has surpassed most Western countries, and the degree of modern civilization between us is Equal, but span the length of the entire civilization, which country can compare with us?

Therefore, in the current situation, it is not feasible to mechanically "enter the school", but there is one point in the "entry school" that is worth learning, that is, our values, industrial production capacity and commerce must go to the sea, otherwise it will be "internal". "Volume", is declining in the endless vicious internal competition. This may be the basic logic that the West often troubles the Taiwan issue and intends to establish a blockade around our country, so why the West is so anxious to block the divisionwe? And how should we crack and establish our own new order?