Ancient Chinese Cold Weapons Explanation: What are the 18 types of weapons?

Eighteen weapons, that is, the "eighteen martial arts" in the cold weapon era. This is a traditional term of Chinese martial arts, also known as "eighteen weapons". It is commonly used in ancient Chinese operas and novels. Kind of martial arts equipment kung fu and skills. Modern people's understanding of "eighteen martial arts" generally refers to multiple weapons or multiple skills. They have been passed down to the modern opera world, and they have basically been finalized. They include knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, yokes, hooks, forks, whips, mace, hammers, grabs, trousers, sticks, licks, sticks, abductions, and meteor hammers. Waiting for eighteen kinds of weapons, the following old Zhao introduces one by one:

The first weapon: Knife

The knife is one of the earliest weapons in our country, and primitive people use it to cut , Chop, scratch, scrape, or cut animal skins. The bronze swords of the Yin and Shang Dynasty were born out of primitive stone swords, and large war swords appeared. The initial form of the knife is very close to that of Yue. By the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the shape of the knife changed dramatically. During the Han Dynasty, the knife gradually developed into one of the main combat weapons of infantry, and many different forms of long-handled knives appeared. Now it generally refers to tools that can be used for cutting, shaving, cutting, and chopping. Together with the dagger, it is also called a meal utensil.

The second weapon: Gun

One of ancient Chinese weapons, a long weapon for martial arts. Belongs to a long-handled stabbing weapon. It evolved from the ancient weapon spear. In the late Qing Dynasty, long spears tended to be simple, focusing on flattened blades and round-bottomed barrels. This type is used in martial arts until today. In the 21st century, popular guns include big guns, flower guns, double-headed guns, short guns, double guns, hooks, and guns. The main uses of guns are: piercing, stab, tart, lash, wrap, circle, block, hold, pounce, point, dial, dance, etc.

The third paragraph: sword

Fourth paragraph: the halberd

The halberd is a combination of Ge and Spear, which is on the head of Ge Install the tip of the spear. A fighting weapon with the dual functions of hook and peck and stabbing, it is more lethal than Ge and Spear. The appearance of the halberd promoted the arrival of the Warring States period in our country. In the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, it was mostly bronze halberd, which was used extensively in car warfare and was one of the "five soldiers in car warfare". The steel halberd appeared in the Western Han Dynasty, an indispensable fighting weapon for infantry and cavalry in the Han Dynasty. During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, ethnic minorities invaded and the halberd in the army was gradually replaced by swords. Later generations are still used as ceremonial instruments.

Paragraph 5: Axe

Axe and Yue are usually called jointly, and both have similar shapes and are long weapons used for chopping. The difference is that Yue is a large axe with a broad blade and half moon shape, which is more used as a ritual weapon. Because the axe and yue are relatively cumbersome to practice, and many traditional routines have been lost and are on the verge of being lost, they are rare in martial arts. The routines circulating in Hong Kong today are the double cyclone and mountain axe of the Shandong Mantis School. Axe Yue was also used as a tool of torture.

The sixth paragraph: 銊

The 銊銊 head is one-third larger than the axe, the rod end is one more spearhead than the axe, and the length is about one foot and six inches, so the 銊 rod is longer than the axe shaft It is also six or seven inches. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, many 銊 were unearthed, but they have gradually lost the nature of war weapons and have been used for ceremonial decorations and Mingtang ceremonial music and dance. This is because swords are widely used on the battlefield, and the cumbersome Li is discharged from the army.

The seventh paragraph: hook

hook generally refers to the curved shape, used to detect and hang utensils. It is also one of Chinese martial arts equipment, evolved from Ge. There are single and double hooks used in martial arts. Techniques include hooks, threads, digs, belts, supports, presses, picks, planers, hangs, and racks. The drill was ups and downs like waves. Hooks include single hooks, double hooks, antler hooks, and scratching hooks. They are a multi-edged weapon.

The eighth paragraph: Fork

The ninth paragraph: Whip

The whip is a rod-shaped strike weapon made of metal, which resembles a sword The same grip, the striking part is knotted and the tip is pointed. It is classified as a cold weapon among the eighteen weapons in China. There are two types of "whips" in China. One is a strategy, used to drive horses and vehicles, and the other is a whip, used to execute torture, or used as a weapon. The whip used as a weapon is angular and knotty, similar to itMace has no edges and no knots.

Tenth paragraph: Mace

Mace, multiple mace, is a short weapon, good for horse warfare. The weight of the mace is heavy, and the non-powerful person can't use it freely, and the lethality is very considerable, even if it is through the armor, it can kill people alive. Technically, it is close to swordsmanship. From the Jin and Tang Dynasties, it is made of copper or iron, and looks like a hard whip, but it has no joints in its body and no pointed ends.

The eleventh paragraph: hammer

The twelfth paragraph: grasp

also known as "Pos". It is a long device composed of a grab head and a grab bar. If the grab head is connected with a rope, it is a soft device. The long weapon has a "Golden Dragon Claw", and the head is shaped like a hand. The fingers are stretched, four fingers are flexed, the wooden pole is 200cm long, and the grasping head is sleeved on the wooden pole. There are three fingers in the front of the claw head and one finger at the back. There are joints on the finger, which can be flexed and extended.

The thirteenth paragraph:

is a long heavy equipment for martial arts. It is shaped like a fork, and the middle edge is like the tip of a gun. It is called "Zhengfeng" or "Zhongchafeng". The handle is 6 to 7 feet long.

The fourteenth paragraph: stick

The stick is a long weapon. The length is about 1.3-2.6 meters (with eyebrow sticks, seven-foot sticks, and nine-foot sticks), and some are as long as 4 meters (zhang two sticks). The stick is a bladeless weapon and is known as the "head of a hundred soldiers". The stick has a long history. It is one of the main production tools of primitive society and one of the earliest weapons used in war. The stick is a melee combat weapon. Its attack range is larger than that of knives and spears. It has been said that "stick sweeps a large area" since ancient times.

Fifteenth paragraph: 槊

Sixteenth paragraph: Stick

Seventeenth paragraph: 槊

Abduction is commonly known as "abduction". Crutches are a kind of martial arts equipment evolved from the walking sticks of the old folks, made of iron or wood. According to its form, it can be divided into long crutches and short crutches. Short crutches can be used with both crutches or with weapons such as swords.

Item 18: Meteor Hammer

Meteor Hammer is a soft weapon made by attaching a metal hammer to one or both ends of a long rope. It also belongs to the category of hidden weapons. Those with only one hammer, the rope is about five feet long, are called "single meteors"; those with two hammers, the rope is four and a half feet long, called "double meteors".