At that time, Peng Dehuai became the commander of the Hunan Army at a young age. He enjoyed wealth and power, but he only received a task of going into the mountains to suppress bandits. Why did he make up his mind to launch the Pingjiang Uprising?

June 1928, midsummer. Peng Dehuai, then commander of the Hunan Army of the Kuomintang, was ordered to garrison in Pingjiang County, Hunan, and was ordered to go into the mountains to participate in the suppression of bandits. But a month later, Peng Dehuai made up his mind: he personally led a regiment of troops to counterattack Pingjiang County , and swore to launch the Pingjiang Uprising.

What is the reason for this? At that time, Peng Dehuai became the commander of the Hunan Army at a young age, enjoying wealth and glory, and wielding great power. He only received a task of going into the mountains to suppress bandits. Why did he make up his mind to launch the Pingjiang Uprising?

What happened at that time? What happened to Peng Dehuai when he was suppressing bandits?

Picture | President Peng Dehuai

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei suddenly launched a coup, declaring the failure of the first domestic revolutionary war, and our party's revolutionary forces suffered serious losses.

The Kuomintang reactionaries began to kill and suppress Communists and patriotic revolutionary masses everywhere, and a miserable white terror swept across.

This year is Peng Dehuai's 12th year in the army. Because he is brave and good at fighting and has made countless achievements, he has been promoted to the commander of the first regiment of the independent fifth division of Hunan Hunan Army, a high position. Weights.

Picture | Peng Dehuai

In the old warlord army, the head of the regiment was already a very prestigious position. It was very easy to make a fortune, but Peng Dehuai always stayed true to his original intention and stayed true to his true nature as a working people.

Ever since he came into contact with the advanced patriotic revolutionary concepts of the Communist Party, he felt that he had finally found his lifelong pursuit and became an active member of the party .

Since Peng Dehuai witnessed the tragic massacre of thousands of Communists by the Kuomintang reactionaries, he developed a sense of disgust towards the massacre policy and crazy bandit suppression operations deployed by Chiang Kai-shek.

Picture | Photos of Peng Dehuai as a young man

In June 1928, The Fifth Division of the Hunan Army was ordered to garrison in Pingjiang. Pingjiang County is a county directly under the jurisdiction of Hunan Province. It is backed by mountains on one side and surrounded by water on three sides. It is an ancient small town with a long history.

But here the local tyrants and evil gentry are running rampant, exploiting the people wantonly, plundering the people's wealth and wealth, making the market deserted and the people living in dire straits.

After Peng Dehuai led his first regiment to Pingjiang in advance, he could see this small town. It had been burned, killed and looted by the original garrison. Ten rooms were empty, and it was completely destroyed.

Many farmers had their property looted and had to leave their homes in tears, taking their children with them to beg on the streets, or even selling their children and daughters. Tragedies such as exchanging children for cannibalism also occurred from time to time. Peng Dehuai was very indignant about this and also expressed his hatred for the Kuomintang reactionaries. I feel disgusted and filled with hatred from the bottom of my heart.

Picture | Peng Dehuai

As soon as Peng Dehuai arrived in Pingjiang County, the county magistrate, with his own security team and a group of local tyrants, evil gentry and landlords under his rule, came forward with a flattering face.

nodded and bowed to Peng Dehuai and said: "Captain Peng leads the troops well. He has been a famous name for a long time. He has come from afar. I give you a warm welcome."

"It is Pingjiang's good fortune that your department is here. I hope that Commander Peng will lead your army to suppress the enemy." Bandit, let Pingjiang settle down as soon as possible."

Peng Dehuai listened expressionlessly, but anger was already burning in his heart.

Picture | Peng Dehuai

Because at this time, Peng Dehuai, had already secretly joined the Communist Party of China. Under the leadership of the party, he had made up his mind to swear an uprising.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the uprising, Peng Dehuai also established the "Soldier Committee", a peripheral organization of the Communist Party within the first regiment.

unremittingly carried out a lot of propaganda and agitation work for regiment cadres and soldiers every day. Not only did he lead them to read newspapers and periodicals with advanced ideas, but he also led everyone to shout slogans before every meal:

"Brothers, you said, let's eat Whose food is it? Whose clothes are we wearing? "

" Wear workers' clothes and eat farmers' food. What we eat and wear is the blood and sweat of workers and peasants. Therefore, we as soldiers must seek welfare for the workers and peasants. People make a living."

Picture | Peng Dehuai

These slogans continue to inspire the class consciousness of the soldiers and lay a solid foundation for Peng Dehuai's ready uprising.

However, in order not to expose his true identity and the news of the uprising, Peng Dehuai would often take orders to go into the mountains to suppress bandits in order to deal with his superiors and confuse the local feudal landlord reactionaries.

and repeatedly sent telegrams to the Hunan Provincial Government, falsely claimed that significant results had been achieved in the suppression of bandits and that many officers and soldiers had been lost in the battle, and requested for additional firearms and ammunition.

Picture | Peng Dehuai

However, every time he went into the mountains to suppress bandits, Peng Dehuai would warn his soldiers: "The bandits we were ordered to suppress were not actually bandits. They were also the poorest workers and peasants, because they were squeezed out by the reactionaries. They were forced to rebel.

We are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor, so we must not harm the people, nor point our guns at them, nor arrest people at will."

Only then did the soldiers finally understand. : The Kuomintang Qingxiang team killed many captured bandits, but it seems they can’t finish them all? Why are there so many bandits? It turns out that they are all ordinary people living at the bottom.

Picture | Boss Peng Dehuai

With Peng Dehuai’s guidance, Therefore, every time the soldiers of the first regiment went into the mountains to suppress bandits, they usually fired their guns deliberately into the air. When encountering the guerrillas, Peng Dehuai also Will specifically instruct his men to throw some guns and ammunition on the ground.

In this way, instead of being eliminated, the "bandits" in the mountains of Pingyang County were getting stronger day by day with the help of Peng Dehuai. In response to this, the soldiers under Peng Dehuai's command also composed a limerick:

" The Red Army Don't panic, fire volleys into the sky, the officers will not release their pay, we will join the Communist Party."

In order to further mobilize the soldiers' thoughts Peng Dehuai also seized on the soldiers' dissatisfaction with the Hunan Army's long-term non-payment of military pay and supported them in raising military pay. In this way, he united most of the soldiers.

Taking this opportunity, Peng Dehuai also secretly seconded all Communist Party members from other regiments in the division to Pingjiang County. He went to each company to talk to the person in charge one by one, unified his thinking, and intensively arranged various preparations before the uprising.

Picture | Peng Dehuai's lecture

Late at night on July 18, 1928, Peng Dehuai and Comrade Teng Daiyuan, a representative sent by the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, held an emergency uprising meeting in the hospital on the pretext of visiting the life warriors in the hospital.

It was finally decided that July 22 would be the official swearing-in uprising in Pingjiang. At that time, each soldier would have a red tie hanging around his neck as an instrument mark, and the public fight for military pay would be used as an agitating slogan to win as many soldiers as possible to join the uprising. Pingjiang Uprising came.

One of the most influential uprising plans in the history of China's democratic revolution was quickly and carefully formulated in a small and crude hospital ward in Pingxiang County, serving as a plan for the ancient people in darkness. China has lit another dazzling torch.

Picture | Pingjiang Uprising Memorial Sculpture

html On the night of 021, Peng Dehuai convened a meeting of officers and cadres above the first regiment and company. At the meeting, Peng Dehuai announced the decision of the Pingjiang Uprising for the first time and elaborated on the specific significance of the uprising.

announced the tasks that each company needs to perform during the uprising, and the officers with feudal and reactionary ideas in the regiment were all put under house arrest and their personal freedom was strictly restricted.

Picture | Peng Dehuai

At 11 noon on July 22, 1928, the wind was sunny and cloudless. Under the scorching sun of midsummer, Peng Dehuai gathered a group of more than 800 warriors who were willing to participate in the Pingjiang Uprising. Emergency gathering at Yueshuyuan Square.

Peng Dehuai, wearing a coarse military uniform, strode to the front of the team and shouted loudly: "Brothers and comrades, today, I summoned everyone to gather here. What exactly are we going to do? Do you know?"

There was silence below, but you could clearly hear the soldiers' breathing becoming heavier. Each of them was filled with excitement and excitement, listening to Commander Peng Dehuai's mobilization call.

Picture | Marshal Peng Dehuai

"Brothers, why do you tuck your heads into your trousers and become soldiers? It's not just to fill your stomach with the military pay, but now, you haven't received military pay for several months, and you can't even afford to smoke. No.

Everyone often talks about overthrowing the warlords and the local tyrants and evil gentry... Today, we are going to carry out this glorious task.

Pingjiang County is right in front of us. We go to the city to arrest the reactionary warlords who deduct our military pay. elements, to overthrow the local tyrants and evil gentry who are bringing trouble to the countryside, and to save the poor farmers who have been bullied by them. "

Picture | Peng Dehuai

As soon as Peng Dehuai finished his words, the entire regiment of soldiers waved their guns and shouted in unison: "Resolute. Follow Captain Peng, invade Pingjiang City, overthrow the warlords, and overthrow the local tyrants and evil gentry. We want military pay, we want to eat well, and save the working people."

Peng Dehuai saw that the military was ready, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and continued to shout: "Let's go in." After the city, we must not only defeat them, but also capture them alive, let them take out all the gold bars and ocean , and give them to us as military pay.

Let them return the looted people's wealth and money to the people, and let them lock up the prison cells. Release all the remaining patriotic people, and we will fight to the death to liberate Pingjiang City. "

"Follow Commander Peng in the uprising and swear not to be the lackeys of the warlord reactionaries...invading Pingjiang City and liberating the people."Some Communist Party members and party activists. Taking the lead in shouting, in response to Peng Dehuai's words, more than 800 soldiers stood up and shouted, which made the ground shake and the mountains shake.

Picture | CEO Peng Dehuai

At this time, Peng Dehuai suddenly glanced at the time on his watch, raised his arms and shouted: "The time has come. All troops have loaded their bullets and brought their equipment. We are ready to go."

Following Peng Dehuai's order , a regiment of more than 800 soldiers geared up, cheered up, divided their troops into multiple routes, and quickly marched towards Pingjiang County, Hunan.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Pingjiang County looked lifeless under the scorching summer sun. The Kuomintang's reactionary warlord troops and the local tyrants and evil gentry in the city were taking a nap. Some of them were hugging their beautiful wives and dreaming of promotions and fortunes, so There was no defense at all.

Picture | Marshal Peng Dehuai

Therefore, When Peng Dehuai led more than 800 soldiers and rushed into the city with lightning speed, the reactionary military and police responsible for defending the city did not react at all, and were frightened into abandoning their armor. , fled away.

According to Peng Dehuai's predetermined combat plan, the uprising troops took their positions and began to fight. Under the intensive and continuous fire attack, the sound of gunfire was endless, making people's hearts tremble.

And the final result was also gratifying: less than 2 hours after the gunshots of the uprising were fired, Pingjiang City changed its tune in an instant. All the enemies in the city surrendered, and the Pingjiang Uprising was declared a complete victory.

After the victory of the Pingjiang Uprising, Peng Dehuai's troops seized more than 1,000 guns and more than 1 million rounds of bullets, arrested the KMT's pseudo-county magistrate, and forced him to release nearly 600 Communist Party members and workers' and peasants' revolutionary mass leaders in their cells. Let these patriotic members regain their freedom.

Picture | Pingjiang Uprising Memorial Hall

The Pingjiang Uprising was victorious. The big red flag printed with a sickle and an ax replaced the blue sky and white sun flag of the Kuomintang reactionaries. It was flying high in the sky over Pingjiang County. Pingjiang City was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and there was laughter and laughter everywhere:

"Long live democracy and freedom, long live the Communist Party, long live the Red Army, long live Commander Peng..." The people spontaneously took to the streets, organized large-scale parades, and warmly celebrated the liberation of Pingjiang County. The cheers of joy resounded through the sky and spread in all directions.

At around 3 pm that day, Peng Dehuai, accompanied by Comrade Teng Daiyuan, rode a tall horse and drove slowly into Pingjiang County. Crowds holding red flags and beating gongs and drums quickly rushed to the city gate to welcome the insurrectionary troops into the city.

People rushed to see the legendary Peng Dehuai, gave him warm applause, and thanked him for defeating the reactionary warlords, liberating Pingjiang County, and saving the suffering working people. Peng Dehuai was filled with excitement and waved to the enthusiastic people.

Picture | Peng Dehuai

Two days after the victory of the Pingjiang Uprising, on the morning of July 24, Peng Dehuai presided over an economic expansion meeting at the Pingjiang County Government Building.

At the meeting, Peng Dehuai took the lead in agreeing on the reorganization and reorganization of the Pingjiang Uprising troops into the 5th Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Peng Dehuai personally served as the commander of the 5th Army, and Comrade Teng Daiyuan served as the party representative of the 5th Army.

htmlOn the afternoon of the 124th, Peng Dehuai hosted a celebration meeting to celebrate the victory of the Pingjiang Uprising at Yuechi Pond in Pingjiang. At the meeting, Peng Dehuai announced in a high profile in front of the people of the county:

"From now on, Pingjiang County will Establish a county Soviet government of workers, peasants and soldiers." Immediately afterwards, Peng Dehuai, on behalf of all the insurrectionary soldiers, paid collective tribute to the Pingjiang folks who attended the meeting.

Peng Dehuai said: "The reason why our uprising in Pingjiang achieved final victory is first of all thanks to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the unanimous support of all officers and soldiers, and secondly to the strong support of the revolutionary people of Pingjiang..."

Picture | Peng Dehuai is with the people

The Pingjiang Uprising that Peng Dehuai participated in, led and presided over was a very important and glorious page in the history of China's new democratic revolution.

This uprising, is the result of the armed forces led by the Chinese Communists following the August 1st Nanchang Uprising, Autumn Harvest Uprising, and the three major uprisings in Guangzhou, against the reactionary warlord government of the Kuomintang and its bloody suppression of patriotic groups. Another desperate counterattack.

Picture | Peng Dehuai with the masses

In mid-December 1928, Peng Dehuai led the 5th Red Army of the Pingjiang Uprising. Under the siege and interception of the Kuomintang, it lasted 5 months of hard work and finally reached the jinggangshan revolutionary base.

successfully joined forces with the Fourth Army of the Red Army led by Chairman Mao and Mr. Zhu, further strengthening the revolutionary armed forces of our party in Jinggangshan .

Picture | Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai took a photo

html Thirty-two years later, the 5th Army of the Red Army under the command of Peng Dehuai was expanded and reorganized into the Third Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army at the instruction of Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai personally served as the commander-in-chief.