At 6:52 on May 14, Beijing time, the C919 large passenger aircraft numbered B-001J took off from the 4th runway of Shanghai Pudong Airport and landed safely at 9:54. This marked that COMAC was about to deliver the first user The first flight test of the first C919 large aircraft

At 6:52 on May 14th, Beijing time, the C919 large passenger aircraft numbered B-001J took off from the 4th runway of Shanghai Pudong Airport and landed safely at 9:54. This marked that COMAC was about to deliver the first customer The first flight test of the first C919 large aircraft was successfully completed.

html On June 14, Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the C919 large passenger aircraft will soon be certified and delivered.

China’s domestic large aircraft C919 successfully made its first commercial test flight. How big a milestone is this? When will it fly to the international market?

In this issue Gree "One Tiger, One Talk"

discusses with you whether China's large aircraft can shake up the Boeing Airbus duopoly pattern?

Aviation safety expert Sun Changhua: First of all, this aircraft is a synthesis of modern technology. We know that it is very difficult for us to buy modern new technologies in the international market. It is now clear that many Western countries are sanctioning us and restricting us. In fact, they are afraid of China's economic development and the increase in national strength. They think this is a challenge to them.

Let me give you an example. Our test pilots need refresher training. Yes, they want to resume training and go abroad, but they don't give us visas. Just think about how difficult it is? We went to learn a lot of things. It turns out that when we didn’t talk about building large aircraft, they seemed to be okay, and they seemed to think that you were not a competitor. What do they think of you now? Treat them as opponents. I really don’t understand, because there are more than 400,000 airplanes in the world. How much of a proportion can your commercial airplane affect? Why does China have big planes now? This is a question that our generation of aviation people need to think about.

△ Aviation safety expert Sun Changhua

Secretary General of the Expert Committee of Henan Aviation Industry Association Qiao Shanxun: I think this day really comes a little late, but it is also a new beginning. has to go through six steps from project establishment to certification. Now the aircraft is actually just one step away from being delivered to customers, which is the final stage of endurance, airworthiness, and certification.

Theoretically speaking, C919 should be faster than ARJ21, because first, the Civil Aviation Administration has been trained during the ARJ21 certification, has accumulated experience, and has a complete test flight system. Second, our C919 has invested in more test flights and more venues. For example, we have the new Yanliang Comprehensive Climate Laboratory, which can break through objective limitations such as high temperature, high cold, and natural freezing. For example, the characteristics of natural freezing, the weather cannot be too cold, and all water freezes. You can’t get liquid water, and the weather can’t be too hot, so you won’t get the freezing point by then. For example, ARJ21 arrived in Canada and completed its natural icing test flight. But now that we have a climate laboratory, we can control many things, so theoretically speaking, the evidence collection for C919 is actually faster than that for ARJ21. However, due to uncontrollable factors such as the epidemic, the day may be a little later than we expected, but to be honest, I am still very happy to see that this aircraft is about to be delivered to the customer, that is, our ordinary customer Able to fly on the plane. I think this is the most meaningful point.

△ Qiao Shanxun, Secretary General of the Expert Committee of Henan Aviation Industry Association

Moderator Hu Yihu : We all say that this large aircraft is the crown jewel of the industry, but in there are already two pearls in the world, Boeing and Airbus. , is the 919 domestically produced large aircraft the third one? Will we definitely be able to squeeze in to keep pace with them?

Lin Zhijie, expert of new civil aviation think tank: I think I am confident. Our expectation for 919 is that it can break the duopoly of Boeing and Airbus. How to break ? I think there are two steps. The first step is to build the aircraft.Now let’s just look at the orders. There are probably more than 5,000 orders for this MAX globally. Airbus's global orders for the 320 are 8,000, while our orders for the 919 are now only 1,000. But don’t forget that the most important thing is whether the aircraft can be built. As long as it can be built, the duopoly pattern can be broken. For example, for our atomic bomb , we don’t necessarily have to throw away a few atomic bombs to be useful, as long as we can create them, they will work. This is the case for airplanes. As soon as they are launched, we will see equivalent foreign models. Their prices and services will respond quickly. Prices will also be reduced, and business conditions will also be compromised. This is the research and development of domestic models. of great significance.

△ Civil Aviation New Think Tank Expert Lin Zhijie

Host Hu Yihu: Let’s look at the reality of . The global market share of the two companies above alone exceeds 66%. How many years will it take for to break its monopoly? Where are the real difficulties and obstacles?

Liu Yadong, former editor-in-chief of Science and Technology Daily: I think the future of is definitely bright, and I am optimistic that this domestically produced large aircraft will eventually break the monopoly of Airbus and Boeing, but I think this process will be quite long.

△ Liu Yadong, former editor-in-chief of Science and Technology Daily

In the history of Chinese aircraft, the development of large aircraft is of very strategic significance. This is a major strategic decision to improve our country’s independent innovation capabilities and enhance the country’s core competitiveness. Letting large aircraft fly into the sky is People in our country share the best wishes and hope that the dream of a large aircraft can be realized.

"One Tiger, One Talk"

Can China's large aircraft shake up the Boeing-Airbus duopoly?

First broadcast time: July 2nd 20:00

Replay time: July 3rd 13:00

Editor: Mumu