First of all, the first one is the China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. This space launch site is located in Jinta County, Gansu Province, my country. The Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center has built large, medium and small as well as meteorological and sounding rocket launch site

First of all, the first one is the China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. This space launch site is located in Jinta County, in Gansu Province, my country; Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center has built large, medium and small as well as meteorological and sounding rockets launches The site is China's earliest and largest launch base for missiles and satellites. It is also China's only launch site capable of manned spaceflight. The most well-known Shenzhou series of manned spacecraft are launched from here.

China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Site

The second one is the Kennedy Space Center of the United States. It is located on Merritt Island on the east coast of Florida in the southeastern United States. was established in July 1962 to commemorate the late Named after former President Kennedy .

Kennedy Space Launch Site in the United States

The third one is Russia's Baikonur Space Launch Site. It was a space center built by the former Soviet Union in 1955 to start a space race with the United States. It successfully launched the world's first rocket. artificial earth satellite " satellite one ". It is located in the central-southwest region of today's Kazakhstan and is mainly used by Russia today.

Russia's Baikonur Space Launch Site

The fourth is the European Union European Space Center, which was built on the North Sea shore of Guyana, a French territory in South America. It is the southernmost point of the EU's nominal territory, with a suitable latitude, and the coastal area of ​​ French Guiana is flat and open, with few people living there, so it is the best location for the EU space launch site.

European Space Launch Site

The fifth is Japan's Tanegashima Space Center, which is located on Tanegashima Island in the southernmost part of Japan. It is Japan's largest aerospace research center and space launch center .

Tanegashima Space Launch Site, Japan