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Since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict entered its fourth month, the situation in Europe has become increasingly out of control. On the one hand, the scale of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is gradually expanding. At present, the Russian army has abandoned its previous "tolerant" policy towards Ukraine and has begun to carry out systematic attacks on its rear. Most cities in Ukraine have been attacked by the Russian army this month. missile strikes. On the other hand, Western countries are also stepping up their aid and support to Ukraine, which has also led to the outbreak of a new conflict recently.

The United States and Russia are launching a missile contest in Eastern Europe. Is a nuclear war imminent?

Russian President Putin said in a meeting with Belarusian President Lukashenko that in order to deal with NATO threats and the security of the Russia-Belarus Alliance , Russia will provide Belarus Iskan Del-M missile, this missile is often considered by the West to be a medium-range ballistic missile, capable of carrying conventional warheads and nuclear warheads. During the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Iskander missile was used The attack on the Ukrainian military command has achieved remarkable results. The entry of such missiles into Belarus will pose a huge deterrent effect to NATO's "eastern flank defense line."

In response to the entry of Iskander missiles into Belarus, the United States also took action. According to CNN, a source said that White House is currently providing Ukraine with the most advanced medium- and long-range surface-to-air missile defense systems. It is understood that due to the increasing number of Russian military strikes on Ukraine's rear, Ukrainian President Zelensky has continuously requested assistance from the outside world for the anti-missile system . Now the United States is providing him with advanced anti-missile systems, which not only complies with Zelensky's request It also allowed the United States to finally implement the idea of ​​​​deploying medium-range missiles in Ukraine. At the same time, the United States has also prepared its B-61 nuclear bombs deployed in NATO countries such as Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Poland, and a nuclear war between the United States and Russia seems imminent.

The missile contest is more about deterrence

Although the United States and Russia have deployed medium-range missiles and nuclear weapons respectively, which seems to be in danger of detonating a nuclear war, in fact, this just proves that neither country wants to provoke a real nuclear war. . Russia provides Iskander missiles to Belarus mainly in response to NATO's recent frequent military exercises and the threat of Lithuania cutting off Kaliningrad land access, and these Iskander missiles are not equipped with nuclear warheads. , deployed in Belarus only as a conventional weapon. In a practical sense, this weapon only has a deterrent effect and will not actually provoke a war with NATO.

The actions of the United States are just repeating the routine of assisting Ukraine before. The NASMAS medium-range missile defense system provided by the United States to Ukraine has a maximum strike range of more than 160 kilometers and can only be used to protect Kiev and surrounding cities from Russia. This weapon can only be used for air defense operations. Its significance is more to respond to the entry of Iskander missiles into Belarus, because if the anti-missile system is deployed around Kiev, its range can just cover Belarus. , this is also used to deter Russia, rather than provoking conflict with Russia. Generally speaking, there is no danger of a nuclear war breaking out in the short term.