Release the latest emergency military information and broadcast global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to "Military Intelligence Emergency Report"! What use do smoothbore cannons from 70 years ago still have on the battlefield? Are the tactics of the Eighth Route Army outdated

releases the latest emergency military information and broadcasts global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to "Military Emergency Report"!

htmlWhat use is the smoothbore cannon from 170 years ago on the battlefield? Are the tactics of the Eighth Route Army outdated during the Anti-Japanese War? The Russian army gave us the answer with their record.

On June 30, local time, the Russian army was about to complete the siege of Lisichansk. They used the period before the arrival of a large number of advanced equipment from NATO to expand their results as much as possible and win as many strategies as possible. Important land.

Looking at this Russia-Ukraine conflict objectively, not only is Ukraine consuming a large amount of weapons and equipment, Russia's consumption of weapons and equipment is also an astronomical figure. Due to the long front line and the need to fully defend the areas that have been captured, the Russian army will actually encounter situations where weapons and equipment are not so abundant on the front line.

But I have to say that the weapons inventory left to Russia during the Soviet period was quite abundant. The old equipment that I thought would never be used again found a use on the battlefield in Donbass. As for the effect of using it? With the cooperation of the Russian army's corresponding tactics, although the equipment is a bit older, looking at the Ukrainian army's retreat, we can also see that these old Soviet equipment have still found their own use.

What we want to talk about today is the MT-12 100mm anti-tank gun that entered service in 1973. This gun adopts a smoothbore design, and its prototype is the T-12 that has been in service since the 1950s. When attacking tanks, direct fire is used. The maximum range of armor-piercing projectiles is only 1 kilometer, and the range of artillery-launched missiles can only be 5 kilometers. Moreover, it is a towed gun with extremely poor maneuverability. Generally speaking, this kind of gun is like scrap metal in the warehouse and has no use.

However, the special form of the battlefield in Donbas gave this old gun room to play. Whether it was Lisichansk or Izyum , the Russian army adopted the geotechnical excavation tactics of Li Yunlong . In addition, the Ukrainian army responsible for defense lacked long-range artillery, making it difficult to organize an effective counterattack. Therefore, before the Russian army officially attacked, they dug a large number of fortifications in the surrounding areas and placed MT-12 in the fortifications as firepower points for fixed fortifications.

It is this kind of almost bullying tactic that makes the Ukrainian army have no temper at all. Not to mention the long-range firepower of the Russian army, if you want to destroy this fixed firepower point, you have to be very precise. If you want to go out and fight, it will be right at the mouth of this 50-year-old veteran.

Now it seems that the gap between the Russian and Ukrainian armies is not only in weapons and equipment, but also in terms of tactical literacy. Weapons are important, but they can be most effective if they can be used effectively according to the situation on the battlefield. NATO's idea of ​​​​wanting to influence the situation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict by relying solely on weapons assistance is a bit too good.