Hello everyone, I am monitor Dabin. Good news, good news. Following the issuance of opinions on retired military personnel serving as teachers, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, the General Office of the State Council, and the General Office of the Central Military

Hello everyone, I am monitor Dabin. Good news, good news. Following the issuance of the opinions on retired soldiers serving as teachers, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, the General Office of the State Council , and the General Office of the Central Military Commission issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" retirement policy. The "Military Service and Support Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") makes major strategic arrangements for the work of retired military personnel during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, which reflects the great importance that the country attaches to our retired military personnel.

The introduction of this plan is of great significance. It is the first national-level special plan in the field of retired military affairs in our country. It points out the direction and looks forward to the future for the protection of our retired military personnel.

The "Plan" has deployed eight key tasks.

The first is to improve the veterans' affairs management system.

The second is to strengthen the ideological and political leadership of veterans

The third is to deepen the reform of the veteran placement system.

The fourth is to comprehensively promote veterans Employment and entrepreneurship,

fifth is to actively improve the level of military retirement service management,

sixth is to improve the pension and preferential treatment guarantee system,

seventh is to further promote the commemoration of heroes and martyrs,

eighth is to give full play to the political advantages of dual support work .

These eight important tasks are all closely related to our retired soldiers. A sound system, resettlement reform, employment and entrepreneurship, pensions and preferential treatment, and commendation and commemoration of heroes and martyrs.

Dabin believes that the introduction of the plan will be a big deal for our retired soldiers. As a reassurance, this is specially issued for our retired military personnel, and it is jointly issued by three major departments. It can be seen that we attach great importance to the service and support of our retired military personnel. From the earth-shaking changes in the retirement work in the past few years, you can It can be seen that the establishment of the Veterans Affairs Department and the establishment of various Veterans Service Centers (stations); from the promulgation and implementation of the Veterans Security Law to the implementation of Veterans Preferential Treatment Certificate and so on. The enthusiasm for joining the army is particularly high this year. I believe that the introduction of the retired military service guarantee plan will give us a reassurance for the majority of young students who want to join the army. More and more people will join the army. This is a trend. Retired soldiers are our precious wealth. As long as retired soldiers are properly resettled and ensured, I believe that more aspiring young people will join the military camps and devote themselves to national defense.

That’s it for today’s sharing. I am monitor Dabin, a retired veteran. Follow me and I will take you to learn more about the resettlement policy