On June 30, the Qingshuihe County Veterans Affairs Bureau visited some retired military members in need and sent condolences to the party and government’s warm care and "July 1" blessings.

On June 30, the Qingshuihe County Veterans Affairs Bureau visited some retired military members in need and sent condolences to the party and government’s warm care and "July 1" blessings.

During the visit, the condolence team visited the homes of veterans Wang Heping, Jia Tangxiao, Luo Shuanqi, Jin Guilin, and Ye Wangxiang who were in need, and learned more about their health, family conditions and difficulties in life, and expressed the party and government’s sincere wishes. Care and listen carefully to their advanced deeds during their service, thank them for their contributions to defending the motherland and the people, and hope that while taking care of their health, the veteran party members will continue to use their spare time and care for and support veterans' affairs as always.

Retired soldiers are the heroes of the country and the wealth of society. The Qingshuihe County Veterans Affairs Bureau will continue to do a good job in caring for veterans and implement assistance measures, further provide services to retired military members in need, understand their needs in a timely manner, help solve practical difficulties, and serve veteran party members as Model, inherit the glorious tradition, carry forward the fine style, create a good atmosphere in the whole society that respects, cares for and cares for the retired service members and difficult party members, and welcomes the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

Statement: Original manuscript by Qingshuihe County Media Center

Reporter: Su Lin Li Jingbo

Editor: Wang Ziye

Reviewer: Chen Lei