Regarding this operation, some people say that Russia "occupied" Crimea, while others say that Russia "took back" Crimea. However, regarding this wording, Brother Sanbai feels that we do not need to worry too much. , because everyone will come to different conclusions from differ

We know that Russia’s actions in Ukraine can be said to have gradually slowed down. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the current war may take a long time to end.

The performance of the Russian army was not very satisfactory

At this time, we can't help but think of eight years ago. The performance of the Russian army in an operation eight years ago was quite wonderful, and it achieved great results with almost no effort. The success allowed the world to see the capabilities of the Russian army. This was the 2014 Crimea operation .

Regarding this operation, some people say that Russia " took back " Crimea , and some people say that Russia " took back " and took Crimea. However, regarding this wording, Brother Sanbai thinks that we There is no need to get too entangled, because everyone will come to different conclusions from different standpoints. Even if you discuss it for three days and three nights, you will not get the same result.


We only need to understand one fact, that is: Crimea has joined Russia.

The Russian Roots of Crimea

Historically, Crimea has always been part of Russia, but in 1954, the top Soviet officials at the time gave Crimea to Ukraine as a gift. This was the move , which laid the foundation for a series of events that followed.

According to the Soviet Union's thinking, both Ukraine and Russia are part of the Soviet Union. It is nothing more than the left hand and the right hand. Therefore, at the time, this did not have a big impact. No one would have thought that in 1991, the powerful The Soviet Union collapsed and was gone.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, although Crimea belonged to Ukraine, Russians accounted for more than half of the population here (at least 58% according to statistics). Most of the remaining Ukrainians or others can speak and read Russian, listen to Russian radio and music, and watch Russian TV programs. According to statistics, only 7% to 9% of the local people can speak and read Russian. Crimeans watch Kyiv TV programs, and there are 20 times more Russian-language newspapers and periodicals published in Crimea than Ukrainian-language newspapers.

Therefore, Crimea has been very leaning towards Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the establishment of Ukraine. According to a survey conducted more than 30 years ago, 94% of people at that time hoped to join Russia. However, Russia is unwilling to accept it. This is because Russia is unwilling to lose the entire Ukraine just because of Crimea. . Therefore, Crimea has stayed in Ukraine for nearly 23 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Long.

We know that since the establishment of Ukraine, its development has not been very satisfactory. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine’s population has been decreasing year by year. In about 1991, Ukraine’s population was more than 52 million, but in recent years it has been The statistics are only 41.58 million (2021 data, excluding the Crimea region). In other words, the total population of Ukraine has decreased by 10 million from 1990 to 2020. This is a very surprising number.

It is estimated that many of them went to Hangzhou

In 2013, the year before Crimea joined Russia, the total economic volume of Ukraine was only more than 180 billion US dollars, which was reduced compared with the 1990s of the last century. Nearly 70% of them are , which is really puzzling for a European country with a population of more than 40 million, especially since Ukraine is still a country with a very strong industrial base. Therefore, many places in Ukraine are very disappointed with Kiev , including Crimea.

Realistic reasons

Since the Soviet period, Crimea's economic development has mainly focused on three aspects: one is industrial manufacturing; one is tourism, and the other is planting industry, but these three main industries are Development has gradually slowed down since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

We know that Crimea is a peninsula in the northern part of the Black Sea. Therefore, this place is full of good ports and has been very suitable for the development of the navy and shipbuilding industry since ancient times. Therefore, the region had many important shipyards and naval yards during the Soviet period. Just to count: "Ocean" shipyard, located in Feodosia , once built the "European Bison" high-speed hovercraft; "Blon" shipyard, located in Kerch, mainly builds destroyers and frigates ; "Zaliv" shipyard can now manufacture oil tankers 300 meters long and 50 meters wide; Sevastopol Naval Shipyard is one of the largest shipyards in the Black Sea and even Europe.


It is reported that about half of the residents of Crimea are engaged in the shipbuilding industry, but nearly 70% of related parts and products come from other places in the Soviet Union. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, of course, this kind of cooperation It no longer exists, and Ukraine has no way to establish such a huge system. Therefore, the development of the shipbuilding industry in Crimea after the disintegration of the Soviet Union seemed unsustainable.

Let’s take a look at the tourism industry. Crimea is located on the coast of the Black Sea. It has beautiful scenery and was a famous tourist destination during the Soviet period. For example, Yalta in Crimea was a very famous tourist destination. It is reported that during the Soviet period, 35% of Crimea’s monthly income was provided by tourism. After years of development, Crimea’s tourism facilities are also very complete, and local hotels can receive millions of people at the same time. Sightseeing tours.


After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the grand occasion was no longer there. According to Ukrainian news, the number of people coming to Crimea for vacation in 1993 was 10 times less than two years ago. In 1994, it only received 1/4 of the tourists in previous years.

The same is true for the planting industry. During the Soviet period, Crimea provided Russia with 30% of grapes, 40% of grape products, and 37% of other fruits and canned foods every year. At present, Crimea's own food production can only provide 30-35% of its needs.

Crimea’s grapes are very famous, and there are also tourism activities dedicated to this theme.

The poor development of the entire economic situation has led to a large number of Crimeans unable to find work. It is reported that Crimea At one time, more than 100,000 people were in need of work in Asia.


This has caused many Crimeans to begin to miss the Soviet Union. This is also the practical reason why Crimeans are closer to Russia.

Local people hold up Soviet-era signs

The whole process of "entering Russia"

We know that the reason why Russia has been unwilling to support the long-cherished wish of the Crimeans to join Russia is because Russia is unwilling to accept a Crimean Mia and lost the entire Ukraine, but this situation changed later.

On February 22, 2014, Ukrainian President Yanukovych resigned . This was a president who was very close to Russia. On the same day, Tymoshenko, of Ukraine who was close to the West, spoke in Kiev Square and expressed his hope. He can become the president of Ukraine. (Of course, we all know that it was cheaper in the end Poroshenko )



On February 26, 2014, Yanukovych issued a statement stating that he still regarded himself as the president of Ukraine. However, Ukraine's surrender to the West is almost a foregone conclusion. On that day, a large number of Crimean residents came out and demanded the establishment of a "State of Crimea" or joining Russia.

In the early morning of February 27, 2014, 200 armed men captured the Crimean Building. It was reported that these people arrived in trucks. They were later called " little green men ".

Crimean locals take photos with the Russian army

On February 28, 2014, about 50 armed men captured Simferopol Airport in Crimea, but the Russian army denied that it was their people.

On February 28, 2014, US President Obama expressed concern about the Crimea incident, saying that Russia's actions would have consequences.

On February 28, 2014, Russia stated that the Russian Black Sea Fleet armored vehicles carried out operations in the Crimean Peninsula because of the station needs of the fleet. This is in line with Russia's previous agreement with Ukraine on the Black Sea Fleet . related agreements.

Russian troops and locals

On March 1, 2014, relevant personnel in Crimea publicly stated that they hoped that Russian President Putin would bring peace to Crimea.

On March 1, 2014, at the invitation of the United States, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Obama had a detailed telephone conversation on Ukraine, which lasted 90 minutes.

On March 11, 2014, Crimea passed the decision to establish the "State of Crimea", paving the way for joining Russia.

On March 16, 2014, Crimea conducted a survey on whether to join Russia, and 95.5% were in favor of joining Russia.

Locals welcome “little green men”

On March 17, 2014, Crimea made a request to Russia to join the Russian Federation.

On March 18, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed that Crimea and Sevastopol would join the Russian Federation.

The Ukrainian army stationed in Crimea at that time was reported to have about 18,000 people , and there were more than 4,000 reserve personnel. The total number of people exceeded 20,000, and the equipment was also good. Facing the Russian army's A small number of lightly armed personnel are not without the power of to fight , but the attitude of these people is worth pondering.

Berezovsky, the head of the Ukrainian Navy , announced on March 2 that he would surrender to Crimea. Under his call, 11 of the 12 local ships of the Ukrainian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet were in Crimea. On the Crimean side, almost simultaneously with the capture of the Crimean building, on March 3, the 240th Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Force stationed in Crimea also announced that it would surrender to the Crimean side. The Ukrainian military forces have turned to the other side one after another, and the few people close to Kiev have been unable to save their lives.

The Ukrainian navy evacuated from Sevastopol

It is reported that thousands of Ukrainian troops in Crimea returned to Ukraine after the incident, and the remaining nearly 20,000 people directly joined the Crimean Army and later Many of the Russian troops also appeared in what is now the Wudong area.


Crimea has a total area of ​​26,000 square kilometers and a population of nearly 2 million. It not only has pleasant scenery, fertile land and rich resources, but also the location of the region is very important. The Black Sea Fleet can also sit back and relax after this incident. , Crimea’s entry into Russia does bring many benefits to Russia.

Crimea has fertile land

Russian Black Sea Fleet

Crimea Simferopol city

Today, Russia has built a 19-kilometer-long, 7.5-kilometer cross-sea section across the Kerch Strait, connecting Russia Krasnodar on the Taman Peninsula to Kerch Bridge on the Crimean Peninsula, also known as Crimean Bridge .

On May 15, 2018 local time, Russian President Putin appeared at the opening ceremony of the Kerch Strait Bridge , which is also the longest bridge in Europe. Putin drove a truck through the bridge that day. This also means that Crimea has been firmly connected to Russia.

I have to say that Putin does have many skills.

Crimea has also ushered in a new era of its own.

Crimea’s famous historical site Swallow Castle