In the joint statement issued after the summit, the heads of the Group of Seven countries once again made wrong remarks on the Taiwan issue and demanded that mainland China not unilaterally change the status quo.

At the just-concluded Group of Seven summit, although the Russia-Ukraine conflict was a key topic discussed by various countries, changes in the situation in the Taiwan Strait were also brought to the table. In the joint statement issued after the summit, the heads of the Group of Seven countries once again made wrong remarks on the Taiwan issue and demanded that mainland China not unilaterally change the status quo. The Democratic Progressive Party authorities on the other side of the ocean understood this and falsely claimed that "they will seek cooperation with the G7 in the future." However, in sharp contrast to the over-the-air overtures between the DPP and the G7, is the pessimistic view of the people on the island about the future of both sides of the Taiwan Strait, as well as their pessimism about the United States' so-called "co-defense commitment."

According to a report released by China Taiwan website on June 29, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Ma Xiaoguang hosted a regular press conference that day. A reporter asked Ma Xiaoguang what he thought of the latest poll from the "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation". More than half of the people in Taiwan believe that if the mainland attacks Taiwan with force, the Taiwan military will not be able to survive for 100 days. At the same time, more than half of the people do not believe in the United States' "commitment to assist in defense."

Faced with reporters’ questions about “mainland military reunification”, the spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council made a clear response. Ma Xiaoguang said that Taiwan is part of China, and the Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affairs. This is beyond doubt. However, the United States and the West are gathering allies everywhere to play the "Taiwan card". This move is very dangerous and all parties concerned should stop immediately. Interfere in China's internal affairs, otherwise those who play with fire will burn themselves.

Ma Xiaoguang pointed out that there are many types of polls on the island with different standards, so he will not make specific comments. However, in recent years, the discussion on the island’s tense cross-strait relations has increased in both atmosphere and popularity, and now it has even begun to discuss The issue of military reunification fully illustrates the danger and urgency of the DPP authorities seeking independence by force and using foreign countries to seek independence, which has caused concern among the Taiwanese people.

Ma Xiaoguang emphasized that the mainland's policy of peaceful reunification and one country, two systems has never changed, because compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese, but the mainland will never let go of any attempt to split China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is worth mentioning that the person in charge of the so-called "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation" is You Yinglong, who ran for the chairmanship of the Democratic Progressive Party in 2019. As a senior member of the Democratic Progressive Party, although You Yinglong has had conflicts with Tsai Ing-wen , but there is no doubt that they are the dark green group.

Therefore, even the "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation", which has a strong green camp color, can conclude that the Taiwan military and the US military are generally looked down upon by the Taiwanese people. It can be seen that even the iron ticket warehouses that have long supported the Democratic Progressive Party have no confidence in Taiwan's future. Anxiety arose about the future. In fact, although today's Taiwanese society is still shrouded in the shadow of "anti-China", the impact of the game between China and the United States has completely penetrated the iron curtain set by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities, making the Taiwanese people realize that today's The cross-strait situation is already very serious.

But for the mainland, being able to peacefully resolve the Taiwan issue is ultimately the option that is most beneficial to the Chinese people on both sides of the strait. Therefore, the mainland has repeatedly emphasized that force is never aimed at the 23 million Taiwan compatriots, but at those who intend to split. China's Taiwan independence forces, as well as Western countries that are always trying to interfere in China's internal affairs.

The Democratic Progressive Party and others need to recognize the reality early. Although the civil war on both sides of the Taiwan Strait has existed for a long time, it cannot be the basis for splitting Taiwan from China, nor can it be the basis for Taiwan independence forces to collude with Western countries to implement "Taiwan system" Hua" reason. Facts have proved that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation cannot be achieved without the participation of the Taiwanese people. As long as the Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait follow the path of peaceful development and integrated development, they will surely create a favorable situation for peaceful reunification.