Russian media analyzes the similarities and differences between the J-20, F22 and Su 57: China has done something no one has done

2020/12/1310:57:05 military 1701

Russian media analyzes the similarities and differences between the J-20, F22 and Su 57: China has done something no one has done - DayDayNews

CG map of the J-20 fighter

So far, only China, Russia and the United States have developed the fifth-generation fighter . At present, the Chinese "J-20" fighter, the US "F-22 fighter" and the Russian The "Su-57" fighters are in different stages of production and operation. Although these three fighters are all fifth-generation fighters, they also have many similarities and similarities. Recently, Russian media analyzed the similarities and differences of these three fighters.

According to Russian media reports: At present, the most important difference between the five-generation aircraft of the three countries is the number and status. The US "F-22" fighter is the world’s first fifth-generation fighter. It started in 2011. Mass production. However, at that time, the fifth-generation fighter jets of other countries were in the development and testing stage. According to public information, after the U.S. Air Force has received 186 "F-22" fighters, China has begun to produce " J-20" fighters. At present, China has built at least 50 "F-22" fighters. J-20" fighter. The Russian side is building the first batch of " Su-57" fighter jets, which will be delivered to the Russian air force soon.

Previously, when the US military was developing the "F-22" fighter, stealth performance was one of its main features. However, this feature requires that the appearance of the fighter and some features of the internal structure have to be changed. Therefore, the "F-22" fighter has to change some parameters or give up some functions. On the other hand, China's "J-20" fighter jets are different. Although China's "J-20" fighter jets also have powerful stealth functions, the development of this aircraft did not sacrifice other functions because of the need for stealth performance.

Russian media analyzes the similarities and differences between the J-20, F22 and Su 57: China has done something no one has done - DayDayNews

Su-57 fighter CG diagram

These three fighters have the same point that they all have dual engines and they can all fly at supersonic speeds. But the performance of these three engines is different. One of the main requirements of Russia’s "Su-57" fighter is super maneuverability. The key component to solve this problem is the thrust vector engine . The Russian "AL-41F1" and "Product30" engines can be used in two Deflection vector on the plane. Therefore, these two engines can meet the requirements of the Russian "Su-57" fighter. However, the United States believes that the two-plane vector control is not important, so the "Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100" engine they are equipped with only has a flat nozzle that moves vertically.

China’s "J-20" fighter jets have not been equipped with vector engines so far. However, there is news that the latest version of the "J-20" fighter jet uses the "WS-10B-3" engine, which can give the "J-20" fighter jet a very powerful controllability. However, among these three fighters, only the Chinese did something that no one had done before.

Russian media analyzes the similarities and differences between the J-20, F22 and Su 57: China has done something no one has done - DayDayNews

CG diagram of the J-20 fighter

At present, both the Russian "Su-57" fighter and the American "F-22" fighter are equipped with aircraft cannons, but only the Chinese "J-20" fighter is not equipped with aircraft cannon Therefore, it can be said that the fifth-generation aircraft is not equipped with aviation cannon is the first in my country. However, this issue will not affect the firepower of my country's "J-20" fighter, after all, it can be equipped with "Thunderbolt" series missiles. Therefore, each of these three fifth-generation fighters has its own advantages. Therefore, it is impossible to comment too much on the strengths of these three fighters. (Cookies)

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