Tens of thousands of people roared on the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil decided to build nuclear warheads against the United States, Russia: Biden wreaks havoc

2020/12/0723:30:14 military 1363

According to a report by Nanfang Daily on December 4, the Brazilian Senate discussed the issue of nuclear weapons. The main discussion was whether Brazil would need to build nuclear weapons in the future. And in order to prevent interference from outside forces, the Brazilian people, after learning the news, petitioned to support the country in developing nuclear bombs. It is understood that in order to get relevant departments to agree to the development of the nuclear bomb, the people spontaneously gathered to sign a petition, and there were as many as 20,000 people present. This matter attracted the attention of the Brazilian Senate.

Tens of thousands of people roared on the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil decided to build nuclear warheads against the United States, Russia: Biden wreaks havoc - DayDayNews

Of course, Brazilians are so desperate for their country to have nuclear weapons because they are threatened by the United States. Tens of thousands of people roared on the streets of Sao Paulo, which led Brazil to consider building nuclear bombs to fight the United States. The fire broke out in the Amazon in Brazil, which attracted the attention of many countries, including the United States. Biden publicly criticized Brazil's environmental protection strategy. Moreover, Biden also warned the Brazilian government that if the forest fires cannot be extinguished in time, after Biden takes office, he will consider setting up economic sanctions against Brazil in response to environmental losses.

Tens of thousands of people roared on the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil decided to build nuclear warheads against the United States, Russia: Biden wreaks havoc - DayDayNews

This made the Brazilian President Bolsonaro, who originally supported Trump, froze. He immediately stated that Brazil will never allow any foreign forces to interfere in the Amazon, including fire fighting. After Bolsonaro spoke, the people immediately worshipped the spiritual leader. At the same time, they are also aware of Brazil’s shortcomings in terms of military strength. For the sake of national security, everyone believes that only by possessing nuclear weapons can they be able to fight against a hegemon like the United States at a critical time.

Tens of thousands of people roared on the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil decided to build nuclear warheads against the United States, Russia: Biden wreaks havoc - DayDayNews

Of course, many outsiders have also made comments on this. Many people support Brazil's considerations and practices, because the sovereignty of the country is only protected by its own country, and the United States has a long tradition of interfering in the problems of neighboring countries, which is also a major hidden danger for American countries. This time it was able to arouse the anger of the Brazilian people, and Russia also believes that Biden caused the disaster.

Tens of thousands of people roared on the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil decided to build nuclear warheads against the United States, Russia: Biden wreaks havoc - DayDayNews

However, some people think that Brazil’s idea of ​​building a nuclear bomb is too impulsive. After all, many countries want to prevent the birth of nuclear weapons. At present, with the exception of countries that already possess nuclear weapons, many people, including the United States, do not want to create new nuclear powers. If Brazil wants to develop nuclear weapons, I am afraid the United States will be the first to stand up against it, just like Iran at the time. If Iran does not insist on building nuclear weapons, the United States will not impose such severe sanctions on it. Although Biden has already warned about Brazil's environmental protection issues, there is no exact statement about whether sanctions will be imposed. If you blindly possess nuclear weapons, then sanctions are a high probability event.

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