F35 was shot down by Syria and captured the pilot? Israel responded and issued a warning threat

2020/08/0314:00:20 military 345

Recently, foreign media reported that an Israeli F35 was "shot down" in Syria, and the Syrian side used Russian air defense weapons to lock the aircraft. After the F35 was destroyed, Syrian ground forces also arrested the escaping pilot. Can Syria's military strength shoot down Israel's fifth-generation stealth fighter? This news has aroused widespread concern in the international media.

F35 was shot down by Syria and captured the pilot? Israel responded and issued a warning threat - DayDayNews

Israel’s air strikes against Syria occur once every three days, and the reason for the air strikes is that Iran has built a stronghold in Syria. According to relevant statistics, the Israeli air strikes confirmed in Syria are conducted every two weeks, which is quite terrifying. In addition to bombing with stealth fighters that cannot sometimes be confirmed, Israel will also dispatch F-15 and F-16 fighters to launch air strikes. From January to May this year, there were ten air strikes, much higher than the number of air strikes in previous years! In order to counter Israel, Iran has also assisted missiles specifically aimed at F-15 and F-16.

F35 was shot down by Syria and captured the pilot? Israel responded and issued a warning threat - DayDayNews

Israeli Air Force has very rich combat experience. In the previous air combat with Syria, he also created a record of shooting down 82 enemy aircraft without damage. . In air strikes against Syria, it is always easy to escape tracking. The last time a fighter plane was shot down by Syria happened in 2018. At that time, an F-16I was locked by Syrian ground missiles on its way back to Israel after completing an air strike. Israeli officials confirmed that the aircraft was shot down by Syria. Since then, Israel has upgraded its air strike plan, increasing the use of the stealth fighter F35 to launch air strikes, but Syria has also received help from Russia and Iran to upgrade its air defense.

F35 was shot down by Syria and captured the pilot? Israel responded and issued a warning threat - DayDayNews

Many people believe that Syria has no way to deal with the previous air strikes using F-15 and F-16. In the face of the most advanced stealth fighter in the world, Syria has Way? The Israeli Air Force has advanced early warning aircraft, and the weapons used by the F35 can launch attacks outside Syria and can avoid Syria's air defense system. Even if it is to conduct precision air strikes, the stealth performance of the F35 is far above Syria's current air defense system. In the past confrontation with Israel, there has been no voice.

F35 was shot down by Syria and captured the pilot? Israel responded and issued a warning threat - DayDayNews

Regarding the spread of rumors that the Israeli F35 fighter was shot down internationally, Israeli officials also responded, saying that their F35 was not shot down and that the news announced by Syria was false. At the same time, Israel issued a warning to Syria, threatening Syria not to act rashly, or it would retaliate.

F35 was shot down by Syria and captured the pilot? Israel responded and issued a warning threat - DayDayNews

In addition, the Israeli side said that the news that the F35 was shot down this time may be the result of a joint exercise between Russia and Syria against the Israeli F35 stealth fighter. The Russian side dispatched Su-57 as an imaginary enemy, and finally shot down the "F35" during their exercise and captured the pilot. For such exercises, the Israeli side considers this to be a very dangerous move, indicating that Syria and Russia are planning to retaliate against Israel.

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