Recently, the US military has violated my country's airspace and territorial waters from time to time and carried out various intelligence and reconnaissance operations against China. In response to this series of provocative behaviors, our military will launch major military ope

2024/06/1912:24:33 military 1453

Recently, the US military has violated our country’s airspace and territorial waters from time to time and carried out various intelligence and reconnaissance operations against China. In response to this series of provocative behaviors, our military will launch major military operations in the Yellow Sea to attack them. We severely condemn this kind of ignorant and shameless behavior and hope that the US military will not exceed the rules.

Recently, the US military has violated my country's airspace and territorial waters from time to time and carried out various intelligence and reconnaissance operations against China. In response to this series of provocative behaviors, our military will launch major military ope - DayDayNews

(China Maritime Safety Administration demarcates the scope of major military operations)

China Maritime Safety Administration issued a notice

On July 13, the China Maritime Safety Administration announced that our army will conduct military operations at 8:00 a.m. on July 14 to 16:00 p.m. on July 16. Major military activities are conducted within the designated areas of the Yellow Sea, and unrelated ships and aircraft are prohibited from entering.

In recent times, the US military reconnaissance aircraft have been approaching for reconnaissance, repeatedly testing our country's bottom line. China's military activities in the Yellow Sea can be understood to a large extent as a blow to foreign forces that violate my country's territorial waters and airspace.

On July 13, a U.S. Air Force RC-135S missile reconnaissance aircraft numbered 61-2662 took off from Kadena Base in Okinawa, Japan, and flew all the way to the South China Sea and approached my country's territorial sea baseline in an attempt to conduct reconnaissance on China. As early as July 6, the RC-135S missile reconnaissance aircraft was operating near the baseline of the territorial waters of Shandong Province and conducted high-intensity turnaround movements in this airspace. It did not return to its air base until 5 p.m. This situation has been discovered many times by China. The US military built its air force base in Japan to take advantage of its proximity to China. This geographical location provides great convenience for US missile reconnaissance aircraft to detect China at any time, which is a shame.

Recently, the US military has violated my country's airspace and territorial waters from time to time and carried out various intelligence and reconnaissance operations against China. In response to this series of provocative behaviors, our military will launch major military ope - DayDayNews

(U.S. RC-135S missile reconnaissance aircraft)

What is the RC-135S missile reconnaissance aircraft

The US Air Force missile observation and reconnaissance aircraft has an optical/infrared detection system that can observe flying missiles and other aircraft at long distances, and conduct information analysis Collection and analysis. The electronic antennas in the nose of the aircraft and the fairing of the fuselage, combined with numerous detection equipment, can monitor radio signals in a wide range of frequency bands.

It is precisely because of these characteristics that the US military often sends RC-135S missile reconnaissance aircraft close to China. They do not completely violate our country's airspace, but they can complete the task of capturing various electromagnetic signals from our country.

According to public information, in early July, the US military RC-135S missile reconnaissance aircraft frequently entered the airspace surrounding China for a total of 4 days. Under the current international situation, the US military has dispatched missile reconnaissance aircraft stationed at Japanese air force bases to detect China, and has developed this into a normal situation. It is obviously a provocation, and our country will never tolerate it!

Recently, the US military has violated my country's airspace and territorial waters from time to time and carried out various intelligence and reconnaissance operations against China. In response to this series of provocative behaviors, our military will launch major military ope - DayDayNews

(U.S. "Benford" guided missile destroyer )

The US military has been too aggressive in recent days when it came to the airspace and also went to the territorial waters.

In addition to sending missile reconnaissance aircraft to detect our country, the United States also sent guided missile destroyer to illegally trespass into our territorial waters.

htmlOn July 13, the U.S. guided-missile destroyer USS Benford illegally trespassed into my country's Xisha territorial waters. It was warned by the naval and air forces organized by the Southern China Theater Command and expelled. The guided missile destroyer was also clearly photographed and used as evidence of the United States' violation of my country's territorial waters.

Under the banner of "freedom of navigation," the US military frequently sails into the South China Sea area of ​​our country. In response, our country has also taken targeted measures to normalize combat patrols. At least two 12 fighter planes will be dispatched for each patrol, accompanied by anti-submarine patrol aircraft and long-range jammers for simultaneous patrols.

Theater troops are on high alert and are fully committed to defending national security

Multiple incidents have directly demonstrated that the United States is a provocateur with ulterior motives and deliberately undermining the security of the Yellow Sea and South China Sea. China has a clear attitude. It will neither tolerate nor be afraid. It will vigorously oppose the series of actions by the United States to put pressure on China. The United States is doing its best to undermine relations between China and the United States and attempting to violate my country's territorial waters and airspace. All these unjust actions are unpopular.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army will always be on high alert to resolutely defend national sovereignty, security and development interests, and maintain the security and stability of our country's Yellow Sea and South China Sea.China's naval power continues to grow, and the strength of its aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines is also at a very high level in the world. The Chinese military will do their best to protect every inch of China's territorial integrity, there is no doubt about it!

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