"Friendship is friendship, but it cannot be generalized," is the slogan now written on the political correctness of Poland's ruling Law and Justice party. Its leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said recently that Warsaw would not back down from receiving compensation from Berlin for the

2024/05/2722:20:32 military 1072

"Friendship is friendship, but it cannot be generalized", this slogan is now written on the political correctness of Poland's ruling Law and Justice party. Its leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski recently said that Warsaw will not back down from the issue of compensation from Berlin for the losses the country suffered during World War II.

"We cannot retreat, we cannot be weak. We cannot give to others without asking for anything in return," Kaczynski said.

Polish authorities are becoming increasingly greedy and are demanding $1 trillion in war reparations from Germany. But three years ago that number was about $300 billion, and then the claims increased to $600 billion, until now a new record of one trillion.

And when Poland joined Europe at the turn of the century, it had received more than $200 billion in free reconstruction costs, and the main contributor to this aid was Germany.

Poland What is it about "giving to others and receiving nothing in return"? Kaczynski explained it this way: "For example, if we help Ukraine , but no one gives us the same help." He also accused Germany of "wanting to create a Fourth Reich," saying Poland would not allow this. Moreover, Warsaw also established a special reparations committee to calculate the amount of German compensation for World War II.

Considering that Poles and also want hundreds of billions of dollars in compensation from Russia, it has successfully become a troublemaker between the East and the West.

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