On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the "God of the People's Liberation Army", officially entered the countdown. Lying on the bed in Beijing Hospital, Marshal Liu Bocheng's eyes were closed tightly and he was dying. He did not even have the

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On October 7, 1986, the life of founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the "God of the People's Liberation Army", officially entered the countdown. Lying on the bed of Beijing Hospital, Marshal Liu Bocheng's eyes were closed tightly and he was dying. He couldn't even raise his hand. No strength at all.

could only see his lips moving, but could not hear clearly what he was saying. His family members leaned close to him, trying to hear clearly what Liu Bocheng was saying.

Liu Bocheng was heard muttering a name intermittently in a very weak tone: "Huabei, my little Huabei, her case has not been solved, I will never rest in peace, I am sorry for Xiaohuabei, I will never rest in peace..."

Little Huabei who is it? Why did Marshal Liu Bocheng keep repeating this name before he died? Why would Liu Bocheng say that he was sorry for Xiao Huabei and would not rest in peace?

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Pictures | Old photos of Marshal Liu Bocheng

Liu Bocheng's ancestral home is Kaixian County, Sichuan. html He went to a private school at the age of 15, and formally began to receive a new school education at the age of 12. When he was 15 years old, Liu Bocheng's father died of illness, and his family's financial situation plummeted. Liu Bocheng was also forced to drop out of school and return home to farm. Make a living.

But Liu Bocheng, who has been studying for several years, has already deeply engraved the idea of ​​ "Save the country and save the people, take the world as his own responsibility" into his mind. The world is difficult, and someone must stand up and dare to help the world. First.

The Revolution of 1911 broke out in 1911. Liu Bocheng saw the hope of saving the country and the people in the revolutionary pioneer Mr. Sun Yat-sen.

Therefore, Liu Bocheng decided to cut off his braids, packed his bags and went south to join the revolutionary ranks. He regarded death as home and kept saying one sentence: "How can a man save the people from fire and water with a sword?" Take care of your own wealth."

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng's young photos

In 1912, Liu Bocheng was admitted to the General School with excellent results, and systematically studied modern military theory courses. During his time in school, Liu Bocheng was familiar with military books and was well versed in the art of war and strategy.

Liu Bocheng memorized well-known ancient military books such as "Wu Zi" and " Sun Tzu's Art of War ", and made detailed annotations and analyzes word for word, laying a solid foundation for his glorious military career in the future.

participated in the battle against Yuan Shikai, the battle to protect the country and the law, the battle against Beiyang warlordWu Peifu, and the Northern Expedition. He made great achievements and became the prestigious "Famous General in Central Sichuan" in the army.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng's young photos

In 1926, Liu Bocheng had in-depth contact with communist ideas for the first time, and successively inspected the public sentiment and national conditions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places.

We are deeply aware that the Kuomintang's Three People's Principles cannot save China, nor can we save China by fighting alone. Only Marxist communism can truly save the people from the fire and save the building from collapse.

So in this year, Liu Bocheng officially swore to join the Communist Party of China, and began his glorious military revolutionary years.

After joining the Communist Party, Liu Bocheng successively led and participated in the August 1 Army Nanchang Uprising, the Red Army's Agrarian Revolutionary Struggle, and the Red Army's 425,000-mile Long March transfer.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Pictures | Liu Bocheng's young photos

By 1937, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Liu Bocheng had already become the commander of the 129th Division of the Chinese Communist Party's Eighth Route Army. , made great contributions and made great military exploits.

has made extremely outstanding and significant contributions to the great cause of my country's independence.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Marshal Liu Bocheng

Liu Bocheng was not only a heroic anti-Japanese hero, but also a kind elder in daily life. He loved children, especially the descendants of revolutionary heroes, and was always full of love.

When the anti-Japanese revolutionary base was established in the Taihang Mountains, was jointly blockaded by the Japanese army and the reactionary stubborn troops. Therefore, due to the shortage of medicines, most of the medicines used to treat the sick and wounded were salt water.

However, under such difficult conditions, Liu Bocheng always thought about the lives and health of the children in the base area. specifically asked underground party members operating in enemy-occupied areas to do everything possible to buy cowpox vaccine at a high price to vaccinate the children.

Every spring, Liu Bocheng would specially select a few warm and sunny days to take the children of the troops and residents in the village to the 129th Division Headquarters to receive the cowpox vaccine.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng

Once, Liu Bocheng had nothing to do and personally supervised the doctors and hygienists in sterilizing needles. He said humorously: "You must pay attention to me. Children are our future tomorrow. We must not let them go out." Error, if I find out that you are treating mutes with deafness, you will have a hard time."

Then, under the leadership of their parents, the children lined up to roll up their sleeves and prepare for vaccination. Looking at the children's thin little arms, Liu Bocheng was very distressed and couldn't help but murmur:

"The children are in urgent need of eating better. How thin are they? So we must defeat Japanese imperialism as soon as possible and drive the Japanese invaders out of the country."

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng

Liu Bocheng loves his children very much, but he is busy with military affairs all year round and rarely goes home, so naturally he cannot spend time taking care of his children.

Liu Bocheng and his third wife Wang Ronghua gave birth to a total of 7 children. Among them, Liu Bocheng's second daughter Liu Huabei was the most beloved.

Because he had no time to take care of her, Liu Bocheng could only temporarily send his daughter to the Yan'an Central Nursery School. Living conditions here were difficult and most of the children living there were descendants of revolutionaries.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng and his wife Wang Ronghua took a group photo

Liu Huabei looked dark, thin, and frail due to long-term malnutrition, and he had a lot of scabies.

When he first entered the nursery, nursery comrade Qianping took the initiative to take on the important tasks of bathing, applying medicine and feeding Liu Huabei. She spent a lot of thought and made Liu Huabei's health condition significantly improve.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Yan'an Nursery

Liu Huabei was very young at the time and thought that the nursery nurse Qian Ping was his mother, so he always called her "Mom".

Qianping couldn't laugh or cry, and corrected her several times: "Xiao Huabei, I am not your mother. Your father is Liu Bocheng, and he is a great hero. Your mother's name is Wang Ronghua, and she is also a great female Red Army soldier."

But every time At this time, Liu Huabei would wrinkle his little face and ask in confusion: "Then why don't mom and dad come to see me? Do they think North China is too ugly and don't like North China?"

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng and his wife Wang Ronghua With the children

Nursery nurse Comrade Qianping didn't know how to answer Liu Huabei's question, so he could only calm her patiently: "Mom and dad like Xiao Huabei, but Mr. Liu Bocheng is currently fighting the Japanese on the front line. Protect the people of the whole country.

When the war ends, mom and dad will come back to see little Huabei. Then, you can stay with mom and dad every day."

Liu Huabei was very happy after hearing this. She didn't know what to do. She is Japanese and does not understand what war is. As long as she hears that her parents will come back to accompany her, she feels very satisfied.

Due to job transfer, childcare worker Comrade Qianping stayed with Liu Huabei for a period of time and then was transferred to work elsewhere.

Before leaving, Comrade Qianping specially gave Liu Huabei a bath, and while combing her hair, he said: "Little Huabei, please be good. Aunt Qianping will come back to see you after a while."

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Yan'an Children in the nursery

In 1945, Liu Huabei had just turned 6 years old.This year, a major event occurred in the revolutionary holy land of Yan'an in northern Shaanxi. Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and other central leaders personally took a plane to Chongqing to conduct peace negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek the Kuomintang.

Chiang Kai-shek has always regarded the Communist Party as a serious threat in his heart, and he will never die in his desire to destroy himself. Therefore, everyone knows that this time the Chongqing peace talks may bring disasters alone, and it will be difficult to do good.

But Liu Bocheng would never have imagined that the enemy agents of the Kuomintang would frantically extend their claws to his 6-year-old daughter.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Chairman Mao went south to Chongqing for peace talks with Chiang Kai-shek

html In August, on a midsummer day, Liu Bocheng specially asked the barber to trim his hair and shave his beard, but Liu Bocheng still felt that the heat was unbearable, so he went to Yanhe to swim. Took a cold shower.

Then he and his wife, Comrade Wang Ronghua, walked along the bank of the Yanhe River. While walking, they discussed: "Tomorrow I plan to visit our daughter Huabei. I even shaved specially. Now little Huabei will not Are you saying my beard is piercing my face? "

"Then, can we take the children back and stay for two days?" Wang Ronghua said cautiously while her husband was in a mood.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng and Wang Ronghua took a photo

"Of course." Liu Bocheng nodded and agreed without thinking: "I just have 3 days of vacation, so I might as well spend 2 days to spend time with the children. What do you think?

We agreed in advance that we only have 2 days at most, so we can't push ourselves too far, because Chiang Kai-shek has already ordered Yan Laoxi to come to us. The military situation in Taihang Mountain is urgent, and we can't wait too long." After saying this, Liu Bocheng turned to look at those following him. The guard: "Have you prepared the gifts for the children?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, they have been prepared for a long time." The guard said with a chuckle: "One for each person A pencil. ”

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng and his wife Wang Ronghua

Soon, night fell. Liu Bocheng recalled the cute appearance of his daughter Liu Huabei, and fell asleep with a loving heart. At dawn the next day, Liu Bocheng was awakened by a harsh phone ring.

He got up in a hurry, got dressed and went to the ground, thinking that there was some important notice from the central government, but before he answered the phone, the guard suddenly ran in out of breath:

"Division, division commander, no, It's not good. The nursery school of Yan'an Central Nursery School just called and asked you and Comrade Wang Ronghua to go there quickly. They said it was Xiao Huabei..." The guard wiped away his tears and choked up and couldn't continue. .

"What's going on?" Wang Ronghua also woke up at this time, wiped his face with a towel and asked anxiously: "Is North China suffering from another sudden illness?"

The guard opened his mouth, and wanted to speak again He stopped, and in the end he just said one sentence and hurried out the door: "Mr. Liu, I will ask the breeder to prepare the horses first."

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng

Liu Bocheng glanced at the sky and subconsciously shouted: " Don't worry, why don't you wait until dawn? Everyone has been tired for a long day, so don't wake them up." As soon as Liu Bocheng finished speaking, the phone rang again.

Wang Ronghua's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition: "Old Liu, Huabei may be suffering from a sudden illness, otherwise he wouldn't have called and urged us. Let's go now. Ten million Don't keep the teachers waiting."

Liu Bocheng was also worried about his daughter's safety, so he pulled his wife out of the door: "There's no need to ride a horse, let's run forward."

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng

When Liu Bocheng and his wife Wang Ronghua left. When we entered Yan'an Nursery School , the children were still asleep, and an oil lamp was still burning in the dean's office.

Upon seeing the anxious-looking couple Liu Bocheng and Wang Ronghua, everyone in the office stood up in panic, and then lowered their heads in shame. The director of the nursery said with trembling lips:

"Chief, we are guilty, if it weren't for us Numb and careless, if we have not lost our class vigilance... Mr. Liu, Xiao Huabei, Xiao Huabei was killed, murdered by the Kuomintang enemy agents."

Due to excessive fear, the dean staggered before he could finish speaking. Fainted and fell to the ground.

After Wang Ronghua finished listening, his vision went dark and he fainted directly into the arms of a comrade beside him.

Liu Bocheng also felt like his heart was twisting in a knife. He didn't know what happened for a while, and his mind went blank.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng

But after all, he was a general who had experienced hundreds of battles and crawled out of the dead. He was already used to seeing life and death, so he quickly calmed down and asked the director of the nursery: "Where is North China? The child?" Where are you now?"

Liu Bocheng and Wang Ronghua were led by the teachers into a small cave dwelling next to the office. There was a small bed near the door, covered with a white sheet, and a small bed was vaguely visible. The body lay there quietly, as if asleep.

Liu Bocheng tiptoed to the bedside, not daring to express his anger. He just stared at the small bed quietly, as if he was afraid of waking his sleeping daughter.

Wang Ronghua, whose heart was broken, threw himself on the child and burst into tears. He opened the white sheet and saw that Xiao Huabei's eyes were tightly closed, his face was pale, and a piece of meat had been dug out of his belly with a knife. , there is still a faint look of fear and pain on the young face.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng with his child

Liu Bocheng carefully touched his daughter's face with trembling hands. Liu Bocheng, who had never shed tears on the battlefield, was actually crying now, with big tears sliding down his cheeks. Wetting the white sheets:

"What the hell is going on?" Liu Bocheng asked through gritted teeth.

The director of the nursery school, who had recovered from his illness, recalled with great sadness: According to the children in the dormitory of Xiao Huabei: On the night of August 18, a strange man wearing a headscarf suddenly entered the dormitory.

I just heard the man say to Xiao Huabei: Do you still know me? Liu Huabei.

Xiao Huabei nodded: Uncle, I know you.

Then the man said: Xiao Huabei, please don’t talk quietly now. As a reward, I will give you cookies.

Then Xiao Huabei was carried out of the dormitory by a strange man. The children in the same dormitory were young and had no sense of crisis. They felt that since Xiao Huabei knew the man and had a good relationship, he did not run out to report the situation to the nursery.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Children in Yan'an Nursery

The next morning, the children got up and washed up, but little Huabei was nowhere to be seen, so the nursery hurried to the dormitory to check the situation, only to see little Huabei lying motionless on the bed. , the quilt covered his face, and his head was not exposed.

The nursery nurse thought that Little Huabei was sick, so she called out a few times, but received no response. The nursery nurse had a premonition that something was wrong, and suddenly pulled back the quilt, but was shocked by the scene in front of her.

Little Huabei, who was still alive and kicking the day before, was now lying on the bed covered in blood. There were marks on his stomach that he had been cut with a knife, and a piece of meat had been taken away.

The childcare worker stood there for a long time before she came to her senses and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Dean, the dean is not good, Xiao Huabei was killed..."

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Yan'an childcare worker with children Together

the dean and teachers of the Yan'an Central Nursery School heard the news and rushed over. Seeing Liu Huabei's miserable appearance, they did not dare to neglect anything and hurriedly called and reported to Liu Bocheng.

Comrades from the Security Section of the Yan'an Base Area in northern Shaanxi also felt extremely sad after hearing the sad news of Liu Huabei's murder. The assassination of Communist Party members by Kuomintang enemy agents happened from time to time and was very common, but why should they target someone who knew nothing? Children start?

Xiao Huabei is only 6 years old this year. She is innocent. Why should we impose the grudges of the adult world on the child? He also frantically dug away a piece of meat from Xiao Huabei's body. This shows that the murderer who committed this case has absolutely no humanity.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Children in Yan'an Nursery are playing

Children in the same dormitory with Xiao Huabei recalled that Xiao Huabei was very familiar with the strange man and even called him uncle, which showed that the man was already lurking in Yan'an For a long time, the goal has been to kill with one strike, which is very consistent with the basic characteristics of the Kuomintang agents.

In addition, the time when Xiao Huabei was killed was very sensitive. It was during the peace talks between Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou in Chongqing. In order to force the Communist Party to agree to his unreasonable conditions, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Yan Xishan to attack the garrison in Liu and Deng's army went to the party.

So combined with this, comrades from the Security Section have absolutely reason to believe that the real culprits who killed Xiao Huabei were the spies sent by the Kuomintang, and only they would unjustly attack an innocent child.

In order to find out the truth of the case, the comrades of the Yan'an Security Department investigated all the teachers in the nursery of Yan'an Nursery and the people living nearby. However, the clues they found were always difficult to connect together and there was no clue.

Therefore, this case has become a high-hanging, unresolved mystery that has not yet been solved.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng commanded the battle

It is speculated: The murderer should have escaped from Yan'an overnight as soon as he succeeded in the mission, and the meat dug out of Xiao Huabei's body could not be found. It was probably brought back and treated as " Evidence of "rewards based on merit".

But Liu Bocheng endured his grief and said to everyone: "Comrades, don't be sad. The Kuomintang thinks that if they assassinate my daughter, I will panic and not take action against them. This is wishful thinking.

They will not Understand that North China is not only the daughter of me, Liu Bocheng, but also the daughter of the Communist Party and the people of the whole country.

The bloody lessons of the children tell us that we can never be careless and forget the class struggle. From now on, everyone must be more vigilant, like North China. Such a tragedy must never happen again.

Revolution has to pay a price. As long as we strictly enforce the work system and provide responsibility in the future, the enemy will not be able to escape."

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Liu Bocheng gave a speech

Liu Bocheng said. After that, he suppressed his inner sadness, buried his daughter Liu Huabei on the bank of Yanhe River, and then returned to the Taihang front line to continue fighting.

But there is no doubt that Liu Huabei's death has become a knot in Liu Bocheng's heart that he can never let go of.

In his later years, Liu Bocheng became seriously ill. He once lost his memory and couldn't recognize people, but he always remembered his precious daughter, Xiao Huabei.

On October 7, 1986, the life of the founding Marshal Liu Bocheng, known as the

Picture | Marshal Liu Bocheng

In 1986, when Liu Bocheng was seriously ill and dying at the age of 94, his last words were: "I'm sorry for Xiao Huabei. Her case was not solved and the murderer was not caught. I will never die in peace."

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