After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other "outstanding" provinces, naming it after Fujian is a bit unexpected.

2024/05/1913:36:34 military 1534

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

On June 17, my country’s third aircraft carrier was launched and officially named “Fujian Ship”. As soon as the news about

came out, all those who had previously "betted" on the name of the "third child" in the coastal provinces were in an uproar. After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other "outstanding" provinces, naming it after Fujian is a bit unexpected.

But in fact, it is reasonable to name it this way. As the cradle of the modern navy, Fujian has always been a part of the history of the navy, even dating back to the "Fuchuan" that made waves on the sea hundreds of years ago.

Looking back on that year, the Sino-Japanese naval battle of Sino-Japanese War defeated the "Asia's First Fleet" that the Qing government spent huge sums of money to build, and the term Fujian Mawei, after a period of prosperity, also became an eternal pain for the navy. Where we fell, we got up. This is our determination.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

Let’s take a look at the configuration of the third aircraft carrier "Fujian Ship". This aircraft carrier is the first catapult-type aircraft carrier designed and built completely independently by my country. It adopts a straight and straight flight deck, is equipped with electromagnetic ejection and arresting devices, and has a full load displacement of more than 80,000 tons.

Among them, it is completely domestically produced, which means that the only countries in the world that can independently build large aircraft carriers are my country and the United States.

Even the British Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carrier with a displacement of 6.5 tons, the gantry crane used to build the aircraft carrier was also built in my country. From an international perspective, this gantry crane technology is monopolized by our country.

Secondly, the Fujian ship is also equipped with the catapult . Unlike the previous steam catapults, which were large and heavy and had a limited number of catapults, this Chinese aircraft carrier is equipped with electromagnetic catapults and will be the second ship in the world equipped with this Three catapult aircraft carriers.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

In addition, this aircraft carrier will also be equipped with the latest developed stealth carrier-based fighter jets, fixed-wing carrier-based early warning aircraft, multi-purpose carrier-based helicopters and other new military weapons.

Since the highlights of "The Third Birth" have been summed up in one sentence, let's not mention some of the most sensitive separatists in this naming today. Let’s talk about the emotions of many people. Various screenshots have been circulating on the Internet. The posters of some of the above posts dreamed that in the future our country would have aircraft carriers and such advanced technologies.

was still twenty years ago, and the future at that time was now and later. Today, the tears of military fans are completely different from the ridicule in the past.

In the past, it was understandable for us to be cautious in our dreams, but today some people are ignorant of worldly affairs and are still immersed in the impact of the 1980s and 1990s, and underestimate our achievements. Then we must talk about military strength!

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

Ai Yuejin : The foundation of a strong country

Here, we do not directly use the foundation of a strong country, but use a sentence from teacher Ai Yuejin as an annotation. Just because every time I talk about this, I think of what Teacher Ai Yuejin said: The foundation of a strong country is its vast land area!

Singapore ? Even beating him to death won't make him stronger. The capital is the country, and the country is the capital! As a military thinker and a strong advocate of instructors, he saw it so clearly. is just because military strength has never been just about weapons and technology.

also has a necessary foundation, which is hinterland buffering. The hinterland buffer determines the ability to resist strikes, and the land area is also closely related to the population. The population represents tax revenue, and the economy behind the tax revenue feeds back to military strength.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

In turn, let’s look at the methods used by the West against our country in modern times. It promotes the "China Threat Theory" externally and rarely mentions the "Yellow Peril Theory". represents the instigator of public opinion, subdividing the target to our country, rather than targeting the entire Asia or the core of Asian civilization and the East Asian cultural circle as the enemy.

However, our country has a large land area and many neighboring countries. Isolating our country from the outside has made our country exhausted. This strategy is also chosen because of its strong hinterland area.Secondly, there are internal attempts to disintegrate our country, in Tibet, Xinjiang, in the east, in the south, there are many separatist forces making trouble, and there is no shortage of Western countries.

And on the Internet, some people are even promoting the "Eighteen Han Provinces" based on such operations. They are really as short-sighted as someone who proposed the territorial hypothesis a hundred years ago. Western forces are pervasive on the Internet, and inciting some people to call themselves "Han men" is also an attempt to divide the country's territory.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

As mentioned above, the foundation of a country's strength lies in its land area. So, compared with the United States, will our country's hinterland buffer be inferior? According to the latest data, the United States has a land area of ​​9.8266 million square kilometers.

Many people will have questions. Isn’t our country the third largest country in the world? Why does it have an area of ​​​​200,000 more than our country’s 9.6 million people? In just a few years of data, our country has dropped from third to fourth.

In fact, the US data of 9.8266 million is calculated based on the latest territorial sea baseline of the United States, plus the revised internal water area. According to previous data, the area without internal water is 9.5297 million square kilometers. If the area of ​​the Great Lakes is not included, it is even 9.3726 million square kilometers.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

my country’s land area, calculated based on data from the 2017 administrative division statistics table of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, is 9,638,473 square kilometers. This does not include Taiwan, which is led by certain separatists. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the area of ​​our country is 9.5729 million square kilometers.

According to the data in CIA " World Overview ", my country's area is 9,596,960 square kilometers, including 9,326,410 square kilometers of land area and 270,550 square kilometers of water area.

The Encyclopedia Britannica here lists my country as the third largest territorial country, while the CIA's "World Factbook" lists my country as the fourth largest territorial country, after the United States. Although there is much controversy, the calculations made by the United States are far from the data officially announced by our country, and they are also ambitious.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

Because Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are not included in these area calculations, nor are the Karakoram Corridor (5,800 square kilometers), Aksai Chin (37,244 square kilometers) and other areas related to India. disputed territory.

, the American United Nations , also put this set of data into the United Nations Statistical Commission "United Nations Yearbook". But our country’s 9.6 million, according to the 2015 Statistical Yearbook of the National Bureau of Statistics, is based on this data, even if it is not included in the three regions of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Therefore, based on the data from the 2017 administrative division statistics table of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of our country, it is obviously more appropriate.

Let’s go back and look at the hinterland buffer. Although there are different opinions, it is obvious that without officially announcing the figures for coastal and territorial waters in our country, compared with the United States, which has continuously revised its territorial water area in the past two decades, it is not the same. Rankings may be calculated in two ways. There is not much controversy about the United States ranking fourth.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

As the basis of strong military strength, it is better to defend the enemy outside the door, but in modern warfare, the influence of a strong hinterland will become increasingly large.

Therefore, compared with the United States, our country is obviously not inferior to the United States in this level of military strength. Otherwise, the devils who shouted "Destroy China in three months" would not be sitting on the island as a dog leg now. Mustache, who has been victorious all the way, will not be dragged down in the Soviet Union.

In the final analysis, if the land area is regarded as the way of heaven. In one sentence, the way of heaven makes up for the deficiency with excess, and the way of humanity makes up for the deficiency with excess. This humanity is the second comparison of military strength, which is military expenditure.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

Military Strength and Military Expenditures

In fact, this section is not so much a comparison of military strength as it is the rate of progress in the transformation of expected results under changes in military expenditures.

This is actually traceable. For example, a strong country needs more budget to maintain existing equipment and troops.Countries in the process of rising also need more budgets to equip and update existing weapons and troops.

Therefore, military expenditure is one of the most direct indicators to measure a country's military capabilities. There have been a few news items that can directly reflect our country's military spending almost every year in the past ten years.

For example, in early 2021, the Secretary-General of NATO even publicly stated to the outside world: China and Russia may bring risks to NATO countries; among them, China's military expenditure is growing too fast, and China is required to reduce its military expenditure.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

The statement that only state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps will probably cause laughter in the audience. What's more, is China "ruling the common people" under NATO? Since Spain, a member of NATO, has been restrained from reducing its military expenditure, can it still reach across the entire continent and come to the east to command our country?

Besides, if you do this, does the United States’ military expenditure, which accounts for 62% of its GDP and more than 40% of the world’s military expenditure, simply not exist? This is obviously another American trick.

Due to the rapid growth of military spending, especially China, the emerging permanent members of the Security Council, it is easy to touch the nerves of some "challengers". If "rogue gangs" like NATO cannot control it, then it will be even more difficult. Sensitive.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

In mid-2021, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley also declared: China is increasing its military capabilities at a very fast and sustained rate.

He said that after adjusting for procurement power evaluation, the total defense budgets of China and Russia exceed those of the United States, which will narrow the gap in military capabilities between China and the United States. You know, the U.S. military expenditure in 2021 is the sum of the other top ten countries.

However, Westerners’ estimates of my country’s military expenditures over the years are far from the actual data disclosed by our country. At that time, another senator, Yin Hoff, also proposed that China's defense budget reached 604 billion U.S. dollars, which was only 100 billion U.S. dollars less than that of the United States.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

You must know that our country’s military expenditure in 2021 is US$252 billion, which is just over US$200 billion and is still the highest point in history. The United States’ military expenditure in 2021 is US$778 billion, which has already reached this peak many times.

This data comes from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates of the top ten countries in military spending in 2021. Our country ranks second, and Russia ranks fourth after India with 61.7 billion. If we take a "shattered" Russia and another "frugal" developing country, the actual military expenditure can exceed that of the United States.

Looking at the above set of data, the total adds up to just over 300 billion, which is not as exaggerated as the Americans say that China alone has 600 billion. Even if the top ten countries including China and Russia are included, there is no way to surpass the United States.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

makes such remarks, but I don’t know if the Americans are too broad-minded, or have their own set of algorithms, or is it another routine of the China threat theory?

You must know that before 1988, our country's military expenditure was not even among the top 15 in the world. In the years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, military spending dropped significantly from US$133 billion in 1985 to US$65 billion in 1987, until it completely disappeared after the collapse.

my country only entered the top ten in the world with US$12 billion in 1992. At that time, the US military expenditure was already US$298.2 billion.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

However, our country still started in 2006 and ranked second in the world in military expenditure with 63.7 billion, which is not far behind the United Kingdom after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

US military spending reached 700 billion in 2011. In the following years, it reduced military spending to less than 6,000, until it rose rapidly in 2016.

In 2021, my country’s military expenditure is US$252 billion, while the United States’ military expenditure is US$7,780. If we only look at the US$12 billion when it entered the top ten, it took our country 30 years to reach this amount.

Military deterrence can also be felt intuitively with the rise of our country, but the impact of rapid growth has also touched the nerves of the West and even further increased our country's military spending.Whether

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

is too high or not, I won’t go into details here. But even with such a rapid rise, we should not jump to conclusions. The United States is indeed still the world's number one hegemon, and our country is still catching up, but this gap is already the shortest in history.

In the past, our armaments only consisted of a few warships. Now that we have several aircraft carriers, what else can we not have confidence in? In the first comparison of military strength mentioned above, to be honest, I selfishly think that the hinterland buffer matches the political advantage, and it should be slightly better than the United States.

So this one is actually just a few grades behind. After all, when an emerging power encounters a power that has been fighting for decades, although its growth advantage is obvious, it certainly cannot be overconfident based on its existing strength and high military expenditures. But there is still another comparison, that is, logistics support and arms mass production.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

Military Strength Logistics Support and Arms Mass Production

The United States has the strongest logistics support system in the world. Does anyone doubt this? If anyone doubts it, they are denying the role of the United States in World War II . But if there is no doubt, why after World War II, more than a dozen coalition forces fought against us on the Korean Peninsula, but they could not get any favors?

You must know that at that time, our country's great cause was in its infancy, and everything was waiting to be done. The soldiers were thirsty for blood and snow. With the advantage of the air force, our country's cold-proof clothing cannot reach the front line, and even the food we eat is "fried flour" that is unpalatable. Xiaomi and rifles have driven people to the , 38, and lines. Isn’t it because logistics support is not important? Neither is

. In the war at that time, soldiers' bravery and fearlessness played a key role. But the more modern the war, the more attention must be paid to the logistics support system. This is the truth nowadays. No matter how close your sea, land and air strength are to the ceiling, once there is a problem with logistics support, it will be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

During World War II, the United States relied on its strong logistical support system. But is this true? If the fight against the epidemic is also a war, then the United States’ performance in this war will undoubtedly be 0 points.

There are no beds for terminally ill people. This is something the author’s relatives have experienced personally. The only “achievements” of

’s exports mentioned by the outside world are that the epidemic has not collapsed yet. Even during the epidemic, New York Governor Cuomo, holding an N95 mask produced in China, said helplessly: What I find unbelievable is that in New York State.

In the United States of America , we can’t even make the materials for masks. We have to purchase them from China through bidding. We also compete with each other for Chinese materials. This is not a complicated thing!

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

It is indeed not a complicated thing, but it is such a simple thing. In a set of pictures in 2020, the US military in Guam can only make masks from T-shirts, or use scarves to cover their faces to prevent infection. With a large number of confirmed cases, Americans have no choice but to cut off the supply of masks.

Businessmen competed for profits, but this did not include masks at that time. However, my country's BYD and Wuling have all gone to make masks. Even after the epidemic is over, almost every county will have tens of thousands of inventories. Just imagine, if such logistical support were to be replaced by the situation in World War II, what would the Americans have done?

Before the soldiers and horses are moved, food and grass go first. This has been the case since ancient times. Only when the tide goes out do you know who is not wearing pants. If you don’t take it out for a walk in 2020, you won’t know what kind of donkey the United States is.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

But if you think about it carefully, it is actually normal. It has been 200 years since the founding of the country, and the foundation is still shallow. Money always comes first. Even if it is as powerful as the United States, it will inevitably be hijacked by capital.

The Americans who are now proposing a return to "Made in the United States" have obviously seen that their enemy is China. China itself has 41 major industrial categories, 207 medium categories and 666 small categories. It is the only country in the world that has United Nations industrial categories. Countries for all industrial sectors in the classification.

From domestic use to military use, small things lead to big things. Dumplings under aircraft carriers are commonplace, and the United States is still thinking about saving money by "sealing aircraft carriers." This way you can clearly see the problem.Warships also have a lifespan. The main ships are no longer young. How many new ships will be added once their lifespan is up?

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

In the final analysis, the problem is that shipbuilding is too slow, and the maintenance cost that hinders the speed is also a problem. It is even more in contrast to the dumplings of Chinese aircraft carrier . When a rising country encounters an established military power, the nerve line is touched here.

An industry with full scale and energy production, also known as "China Speed"; a perfect answer to the epidemic; a mask and vaccine that not only supplies the country during the epidemic, but can also "help the whole world". If it is said that the masters come first, then we can obviously be called the masters in terms of logistics. The battle between

has always been about logistics supply. During World War II, the Americans who gathered all their strength to pick peaches had a smooth path. But times are changing, and whether it is a paper tiger needs to be verified. When we belittle ourselves, we might as well think about it.

After all, few people get to see this place. Although the geographical location itself was considered in the naming, compared with other

If our country’s chance of winning is 0, will the West advocate isolating us as aggressively as it is now? Many people may think that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West still needs imaginary enemies.

Indeed, but if it were you, would you lead the dog at the east end of the village to bite unrelated people? Unless you are no longer a human being, you will only be a person with interests!

But in the final analysis, the author does not make a direct comparison of the actual strength of the navy, land and air force. In addition to the above-mentioned influence on the actual strength of the navy, land and air force, it is also because the latecomers have not yet caught up, so it is better to make a more in-depth comparison. We are neither arrogant nor belittle ourselves.

After all, there is still a long way to go, and wherever we go, we cannot be dismantled from within by the enemy just because we belittle ourselves.

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