Not only are we paying attention to the relevant situation, but also foreign media are paying attention. Among them, the Indian media "European Times" stated in the article "America's Nemesis! China's "Most Deadly" Warship Shows Muscles Near Japan and the U.S. Okinawa Military Ba

2024/05/1908:15:33 military 1408

In the face of Japan's constant provocations, we no longer remain silent. Not only can we not be silent, we must also take the initiative and never be rude in return! In June, our army organized a free navigation activity against Japan. A 055 cruiser led a formation and circled around the Japanese archipelago , which lasted nearly three weeks. If we talk about this operation, what people pay attention to is the scale of this operation. Our warships are not operating in one formation, but in multiple formations operating in different directions, carrying out massive activities under the eyes of the United States and Japan. The tactical significance is not small, this is a beginning.

Not only are we paying attention to the relevant situation, but also foreign media are paying attention. Among them, the Indian media

The title of Indians is very big.

Not only are we paying attention to the situation, but also foreign media are paying attention. Among them, the Indian media "Eurasia Times" is in "The Nemesis of the United States!" China's "most deadly" warship shows off its muscles near Japan and the U.S. military base in Okinawa" said in the article: China's most advanced large-scale cruiser 055 is approaching the U.S. base. This is true. In order to build its island chain blockade, the United States plans to build a blockade in Japan The archipelago occupies most military bases, and the route of the 055 cruiser happens to pass near these bases. It can indeed be called approaching. This can be called: using the other person's way to return the other person's body. If others dare to use free navigation as an excuse to cause trouble for us, we will use free navigation to embarrass them.

Not only are we paying attention to the relevant situation, but also foreign media are paying attention. Among them, the Indian media

055 There are multiple US military bases in Japan near the track.

The Indian media paid considerable attention to the significance of this voyage. They sorted out the entire market situation in detail and drew a map of the entire free navigation process. They believed that this was a sign that China dared to show off its muscles. Performance. Under the current world situation, China can no longer keep a low profile and must express itself in the face of pressure. Sending warships for free navigation can only be regarded as a basic act.

Not only are we paying attention to the relevant situation, but also foreign media are paying attention. Among them, the Indian media

055 Large Drive Formation

This time the Indian media also focused on the 055 large battleship, considering it to be the world's "most deadly" large warship, emphasizing that "it is big enough" according to NATO standards, and a 13,000-ton warship can be classified for: cruiser . It is already a stealth destroyer. It mainly has 112 vertical launch tubes and can launch various missiles , such as anti-ship missiles, long-range ground attack missiles, etc. It will become the nemesis of the US military, claiming to be the greatest threat to the United States in the Asia-Pacific region and its allies, including Japan.

The Indian media has previously reported that the retired Indian Navy Vice Admiral called the 055: large and fully armed, playing a vital role in defending the aircraft carrier. In the end, the Indian media believed that the 055 destroyer will become the nemesis of the US military and a ship with great combat effectiveness. Don't take this as an Indian boast. Even Western experts admit it. For example, Timothy Heath, a senior analyst at the Rand Corporation, said: The 055 large-scale drive has "sophisticated design, stealth capabilities, radar, and a large number of missiles." Inventory. Larger and more powerful than most American, Japanese and Korean destroyers

Not only are we paying attention to the relevant situation, but also foreign media are paying attention. Among them, the Indian media

055 does represent a peak, but not the pinnacle.

Sending such a powerful warship out to the Japanese archipelago to engage in free navigation is interpreted as : Showing muscles is not excessive at all. China’s most powerful destroyer is approaching the Japanese island. It is essentially a demonstration. The warning signal is clear. If Japan dares to serve as a pawn for the United States, it must pay a price for it. Don’t think that provocation will not be retaliated. , our military has enough capabilities to take action.

Not only are we paying attention to the relevant situation, but also foreign media are paying attention. Among them, the Indian media

055 has become a pioneer in breaking the island chain.

During this period, the more important significance of the activities of our military ships is to break the US island chain blockade. This blockade is not taken seriously at all. . Now our warships can come in when they want and leave when they want. This time the 055 cruiser approached the US military base in Japan and passed directly without any hesitation. Here is the response from the United States and Japan. There is a big difference. The United States does not dare to make irresponsible remarks and has not expressed its position so far. It is as if it does not know. Japan only sends ships and planes for reconnaissance and does not dare to intercept at all, nor does it dare to make any irresponsible remarks.

Not only are we paying attention to the relevant situation, but also foreign media are paying attention. Among them, the Indian media

055Free navigation will require more

in the future. It can be seen that the United States and Japan still cannot come up with effective policies for our military's free navigation operations and do not know what to do. The United States is trying to avoid the problem, while Japan is downplaying the problem. Perhaps the reality in the future is that it is Americans’ turn to be on guard. The activities of our military ships entering and leaving the first island chain will become more and more frequent and become a normal occurrence. The so-called "blockade line" is simply not allowed to exist. Our military now has enough capabilities to break through it, so the United States can only be a little wary if it wants to continue to maintain it.

The current situation can be said to be: 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi . The international situation has undergone tremendous changes, and it is no longer an era when the United States can do whatever it wants.

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