According to a report on the US "Military Watch" website on July 1, eight days ago a huge fleet of Chinese aircraft launched a simulated attack on a US aircraft carrier over the Taiwan Strait, demonstrating the ability of China's air power to suppress the enemy's aircraft carrier

2024/05/1723:57:33 military 1068

According to a report on the US "Military Watch" website on July 1, eight days ago a huge Chinese aircraft fleet launched a simulated attack on a US aircraft carrier over the Taiwan Strait, demonstrating the ability of China's air power to suppress the enemy's aircraft carrier fleet . According to reports, 16 Chinese H-6 bombers participated in this simulated strike. These bombers are capable of carrying hypersonic ballistic missiles and Eagle-12 anti-ship missiles, posing a fatal blow to the heavily defended enemy fleet. threaten. US media pointed out that the H-6 bomber is the most numerous bomber in active service in the world. It has repeatedly carried out simulated attacks on US aircraft carrier strike groups and land-based military facilities, making the US military quite afraid.

According to a report on the US

"Military Watch" report screenshot

According to a report on the US

H-6K bombers

In order to allow the H-6 bomber fleet to better complete the simulated strike mission, China also dispatched 17 fighter jets to escort them, including 5 J-11B and 8 There are J-16 and 4 Su-30 fighter aircraft . These escort fighters are all derivatives of Russian Sukhoi fighters and have long range, large bomb load and excellent detection capabilities. The Su-30 fighter is a fighter bomber that China purchased from Russia, while the J-11B and J-16 fighters are Chinese versions of "Flanker" fighters manufactured by China's Shenyang Aircraft Co., Ltd. Among them, the J-11B The 16 is the most advanced multi-purpose heavy fighter currently produced by China. U.S. media believe that the "Flanker" fighter has a farther range than any fighter in Western countries and is very suitable for maritime strike missions. The main purpose of China's purchase of Su-30 fighters from Russia is to deal with Taiwan Strait U.S. aircraft carrier strike group.

According to a report on the US

Chinese Su-30 fighter aircraft

US media pointed out that in addition to dispatching bombers and fighter jets, the People's Liberation Army also dispatched a Y-8 anti-submarine patrol aircraft, a Y-20 tanker for aerial refueling, and a Y-9 Electronic warfare aircraft, a Y-8 electronic warfare aircraft and two KJ-500 early warning aircraft, these aircraft constitute a very complete attack group, of which two KJ-500 early warning aircraft provide air early warning services for the entire flight fleet and control the surrounding air. Love dynamics.

According to a report on the US

According to the timeline released by the US media, July 1 is pushed back eight days to June 23. According to information released by Taiwan, in the three days from June 21 to 23, the People’s Liberation Army dispatched a total of 59 fighter jets entered Taiwan's southwest airspace, including 29 on the 21st, 6 on the 22nd, and 22 on the 23rd. It is very rare for the People's Liberation Army to dispatch 59 fighter sorties in three days. Many experts pointed out that judging from the scale, aircraft type and flight route, the main target of these fighters is by no means the military forces on the island, but the United States cruising east of Taiwan. Aircraft carrier strike group.

According to a report on the US

Effect picture of H-6N launching YJ-12 anti-ship missiles

According to the ship tracking dynamics released by the official website of the U.S. Naval Association on June 23, the U.S. Navy deployed "Lincoln" and " in the Western Pacific on that day. Two aircraft carrier strike groups, the USS Ronald Reagan, and the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli are also sailing in the waters south of Tokyo, Japan. Judging from the specific location, the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group is located in the waters east of Taiwan, my country, only about 800 kilometers away from Taiwan. Considering the objective facts, my country has dispatched a huge fleet of bombers, fighter jets and auxiliary fighter aircraft into Taiwan's southwest airspace. , is most likely related to the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group.

According to a report on the US

The U.S. Navy’s deployment dynamics on June 23 announced by the official website of the U.S. Naval Association, in which the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier is located in the waters east of Taiwan

From the perspective of fleet configuration, the "Lincoln" aircraft carrier strike group at that time belonged to a very complete combat formation, except In addition to the aircraft carrier, it also has a "Ticonderoga" class cruiser and 4 "Arleigh Burke" destroyers. The carrier-based aircraft unit is the 9th Carrier Air Wing, which has 3 F/A-18Es. /F "Super Hornet" squadron and 1 F-35C stealth carrier-based aircraft squadron total 46 carrier-based fighter aircraft .The U.S. aircraft carrier has adopted a tactic of staying as far away from the Chinese coastline as possible while allowing the carrier-based aircraft to effectively cover Taiwan at the maximum attack distance to avoid attacks from most of the PLA's anti-ship missiles . At this distance, only Dongfeng-21D, Dongfeng-26 missile and H-6 bombers carrying anti-ship missiles can pose a threat to US aircraft carriers.

According to a report on the US

USS Lincoln aircraft carrier

If the news from the US media is true, 16 H-6 bombers can carry at least 64 YJ-12 supersonic anti-ship missiles to carry out a saturation attack of sufficient scale against the US aircraft carrier strike group. The maximum range of the YJ-12 anti-ship missile in high-altitude missiles exceeds 400 kilometers, and the maximum flight speed can reach Mach 4. It can perform large overload maneuvers at the end of flight, and can effectively break through the interception of existing shipborne air defense systems. One missile can It can severely damage 10,000-ton battleships. In addition to the YJ-12 missile , the H-6 bomber can also carry hypersonic ballistic missiles. This missile has a range of more than 2,000 kilometers, and its anti-aircraft carrier capability far exceeds that of the YJ-12 anti-ship missile.

The J-16, J-11B and Su-30 fighters participating in the escort are all heavy-duty fighters with a combat radius of about 1,500 kilometers. They all have excellent beyond-visual-range air combat capabilities, especially the J-16 fighters equipped with advanced The active phased array radar and the PL-15 air-to-air missile are enough to deal with the US F/A-18E/F "Super Hornet" fighter. In addition, the People's Liberation Army also dispatched Yunyou-20 tanker aircraft to provide refueling services for escort fighters, which can significantly extend the escort fighter's stay time and combat radius.

According to a report on the US

Oil Transport-20 Tanker

As for the F-35C stealth fighter on the US aircraft carrier, it is invisible to my country's Air Police-500 early warning aircraft, not to mention that the People's Liberation Army has the more advanced J-20 stealth fighter . After the attack radius of U.S. aircraft carrier-based aircraft covered Taiwan, the People's Liberation Army dispatched a large fleet of aircraft. This was obviously a warning to the U.S. Navy not to stir up trouble in the Taiwan Strait. The People's Liberation Army has sufficient capabilities to deal with the U.S. aircraft carrier strike group. In addition to the air fleet that the US military can see, the People's Liberation Army also has land-based anti-ship ballistic missiles that the US cannot see, as well as nuclear submarines / conventional submarines . These two weapons have a greater deterrent capability against US aircraft carriers. The H-6 Bombers are only one part of my country's anti-aircraft carrier combat system.

According to a report on the US

F-35C stealth fighter

At present, our country has established a trinity anti-aircraft carrier combat system of land, sea and air, which can keep US aircraft carriers thousands of miles away. Gone are the days when US aircraft carriers showed off their power in my country's offshore waters.

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