During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader

2024/05/1721:34:35 military 1206

Military Camp Anecdotes Series of Short Essays


"Embarrassing Moments"

Author Shao Xiaobing

Years is a poem, a poem containing rich philosophy. Time is another heavy history book, recording the growth and progress, glory and dreams, ups and downs and setbacks of countless people.

One weekend two years ago, several comrades got together to drink and talk. During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader kicked me several times, and for a while I couldn't even raise my head to see anyone. Another comrade-in-arms patted his chest and said proudly: I have been a soldier for more than ten years, and I have never been criticized by the leader once. All I heard was praise. Other comrades also joined in the discussion on this topic, and there were a lot of scoldings, punishments, and embarrassments in their conversations.

During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader  - DayDayNews

Listening to their uninhibited conversations, I also began to recall whether I was criticized by leaders or embarrassed by anything that happened during my time in the army. After thinking about it, I have never had the experience of being criticized and reprimanded by a leader in front of everyone. However, anyone who is self-aware knows: Who dares to say that he has no faults and shortcomings? I am sure that someone behind my back must have vented their dissatisfaction to me or commented on my shortcomings. Of course, I can understand both good words and bad words. I have been criticized by the head of government for being insinuating and criticizing. I have also encountered very embarrassing and embarrassing things. yes! Some past events are bitter and embarrassing to recall. Today I will tell you a story that is still fresh in my memory.

At the end of 1982, our barracks were used for other purposes. The entire teaching team moved to the old unit where I joined the army and lived in the barracks of the first battalion where the regiment was performing tasks. I did not expect that this stay would last for nearly three years.

During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader  - DayDayNews

Every year from mid-October to early March of the following year, the teaching team has a relatively free time because there is no training for students. Apart from running some short-term training classes, there is almost nothing to do most of the time. Those who are close to home and those with families can go home to reunite and take a long vacation, while we bachelors can only go to the relevant departments in the teacher to help with odd jobs, or go out to study and do some temporary teaching work, but overall To me, it's relaxing and boring.

During this period, the most troublesome thing was the problem of eating. As the saying goes: It’s easier to work when there are more people, but it’s easier to eat when there are fewer people. But I don’t think that’s the case. It’s a problem in the army that people don’t have enough food to eat. It’s often easy to deal with, and it’s not on time. There are only a few people in our brigade headquarters, and most of them are cadres, so the food has always been poor. The "hibernation period" is because without students, there will be fewer people. Fortunately, the biggest advantage of returning to the old army is that I know a lot of people and have many friends, so I often go to the regiment dormitory to have a toothpaste with friends or go to the family home to eat and drink with familiar people.

During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader  - DayDayNews

During the New Year's Day holiday in 1983, all the companies were celebrating the holiday happily, and the camp began to be filled with the smell of meat and wine. But at this time, the teaching team seemed very deserted, without any festive atmosphere. The team manager distributed some meat and noodles and asked a few of us to make dumplings for the festival.

is really hard to find, and it takes no effort to get it. When I was worrying and wondering where to find food for the festival, Secret Officer Zhu from the regiment's Military Affairs Section called me and invited me to have dinner in the security room. At the same time, he also called Staff Officer Sui from the Training Section to attend. . Because the last two characters of our names have the same pronunciation, and we are good friends, and we usually stay very close. So I was so happy that I ran over happily.

During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader  - DayDayNews

A group photo of three soldiers

The regiment’s secret room is at the western end of the second floor of the government office building. Because it is an important place for confidentiality, iron doors are installed and iron railings are installed on the windows. Usually few people visit it; it is a suite, and there are several There is a safe for personal files and documents. The outer room is a workroom dedicated to reading important documents that cannot be taken away and sending and receiving documents. People who come here usually move around here.Because it was a holiday, the entire office building seemed empty and deserted. Except for the people in the duty room, all the rooms had their doors and windows closed and there was no one there.

At this time, the workshop of the confidentiality room has turned into a small restaurant. There are wine and cans on the table, as well as some vegetables and fruits, and the fragrant pork and potatoes are stewed on the electric stove on the floor; what is more emotional is , a two-channel cassette recorder , which was relatively rare at the time, was placed on the windowsill, playing sweet and romantic songs by Hong Kong and Taiwan stars.

This situation made me feel happy, my appetite was whetted, my tongue was itchy, and I wanted to quickly shake off my cheeks and eat a hearty meal. Some of us opened cans of red wine and others accompanied us with cold dishes. We all talked, laughed, and hummed little songs, completely intoxicated by the rare joy. However, no one expected that the "disaster" was about to come.

Soon, the dishes and chopsticks were set, the red wine was poured, the fragrant potato stew was cooked, and a table full of canned food and cold dishes was placed. Looking at the delicious food in front of them, everyone's face is filled with an irrepressible smile, their eyes are full of the desire to understand greed, and they are ready to get drunk and celebrate the New Year happily.

During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader  - DayDayNews

was preparing to start the banquet, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Who else are you looking for?" I asked Secret Keeper Zhu. "I'm not looking for anyone else. Maybe I heard the noise and came here to join in the fun. Don't pay attention to him." Zhu replied nonchalantly, picking up the wine glass and getting ready to drink. After a while, the knocking on the door gradually increased, and eventually it was no longer knocking but smashing and kicking. The iron door made a deafening sound under the heavy blows.

"Open the door quickly, there is probably something urgent." Staff Sui said eagerly. "What a disappointment!" Zhu reluctantly got up and opened the door. Before opening the door, he shouted outside: "Who is it?"

The moment the door opened, everyone in the room was stunned. Everyone seemed to be suddenly shocked. It was like an electric shock. I stood motionless. My meat-eating mouth also stopped moving. My cheeks bulged. From the corner of my eye, I noticed that Staff Sui quietly placed the wine glass on the table.

I will never forget the scene at that time. I saw the regiment leader standing in front of the door like an iron tower. His ferocious look made people shudder. His usually friendly expression when he saw us was gone. His face was ashen, his eyes were like a torch, and he had his hands on his hips, as if he was launching an army to punish us. Security guard Zhu was dumbfounded. He was very embarrassed and whispered carefully: "No. 1, you, you didn't go home?"

The head of the group did not answer, and strode into the room with a dark face. When he saw the table When the food and wine were served, the tape recorder on the window sill was playing songs and the electric stove on the floor was emitting residual heat, his lips trembled with anger and his eyes were on fire. He pointed at the things on the table and hesitated to speak, which showed that he was holding back. The anger in my heart. After pausing for a moment, he turned around, glanced at each of us fiercely, and shouted angrily:

" "Nonsense! It's outrageous! The secret room is simply a bar room, a bar room."

group The reprimand with a Sichuan accent was like a whip hitting us. We were so frightened that we did not dare to say anything and lowered our heads deeply.

After saying that, the group leader turned around angrily and slammed the door with a loud bang. It’s so joyful that I pour ice water on my head! The previous joyful mood was gone. I asked inexplicably: "Is the leader on duty today the head of the regiment?" "No, the leader on duty is the chief of staff." Zhu replied with a confused look on his face. "That's strange. Why didn't the regimental commander return home to the division headquarters?" Staff Sui was also confused, looking out the window and talking to himself.

Being criticized angrily by Chief No. 1 is no small matter. In the past, I would not be able to sleep for several days if I was criticized by the squad leader without naming him. At this time, everyone was like a deflated rubber ball, sitting on their chairs and sighing. I had no choice but to find my way down the steps and said, "I am a member of the division's teaching team, and the team leader will not do anything to me." Staff Sui also steeled himself and said half-heartedly: "Ahem! Anyway, my transfer order is coming soon and I'm leaving soon. The leader won't make things difficult for me."The saddest and most worried person was Security Guard Zhu. He was crying, scratching his head and ears, and said angrily: "You are all fine, but I am going to be in bad luck! "

I couldn't eat any more rice. Staff Sui and I comforted Zhu a few words, greased the soles of his feet, and ran away in despair. Before I left, I looked back at the table of delicious dishes that I had not yet touched my chopsticks. It was really difficult. It was hard to leave, and I felt very distressed.

Soon the news came that the regiment leader had mercilessly approved the chief of staff, and the chief of staff called secret officer Zhu to the office and gave him a severe beating...

During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader  - DayDayNews

That night, I I was tossing and turning, staring at the dark ceiling, worried and unable to calm down. Thinking back to what happened this afternoon, I feel frustrated and useless, and I always feel like there is a fire in my chest.

I have known the group leader for more than ten years. We were familiar with each other when he was a staff officer in the Military Training Department (my father was the director), and I moved around more frequently after joining the army. I remember that in April 1979, he proposed to send me to the 9th Chemical Defense Regiment of the Military Region to participate. He studied in the "Three Defenses" training team organized by the military region, and became the only soldier trainee at that time (the military region required each regiment to have a chemical defense staff officer); he had a closer relationship with the family of secret officer Zhu, whose father was his old chief , focusing on training the regiment leader, almost watching his growth and progress. Similarly, the regiment leader appreciates Staff Sui's excellent military capabilities and staff work. Sui is also one of the most talented staff officers in the headquarters. If he is not transferred. , there must be reuse.

Then why is the leader so angry with us? I am really puzzled.

During the dinner, a comrade said sadly: During a shooting practice at night, my gun misfired because I did not check the gun properly. Although I was lucky enough not to hit anyone, I was scolded by the company commander at the company-wide meeting. Afterwards, the squad leader  - DayDayNews

Gradually, I have the answer. Ah! As the main leader of a unit, when you find that your subordinates have touched the bottom line or crossed the red line, you cannot remain indifferent and ignore it, otherwise you will be derelict in your duty, even if you know it. No matter how long we have been together, no matter how close the relationship is, no matter how deep the background is, we are eating and drinking in the office area of ​​the agency, which is already in violation of the regulations. Besides, we are committing crimes in a confidential place, which is adding insult to injury. So he would never tolerate us, he must severely criticize us and teach us a profound lesson. Thinking of this, I felt relieved and understood the leader's good intentions.

Later, I met the group leader often, and he seemed to be like this. It was as if nothing had happened, and I was still talking, laughing, and asking questions. But there were shadows and obstacles in my heart, and I was cautious about speaking, for fear of causing problems again.

This lesson taught me a lot, and I also learned that I need to talk more and do things more. Use your brain and think about the consequences. Yes, if someone makes a mistake on a matter of principle, you will be criticized and punished, no matter who you are, really!


Next article: "Beautiful Apricot Blossom"

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