Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was: "My legs an

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In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he got was:

"My legs and feet are not good, and it is difficult to move."

Ye Jianying also came to Nanjing not long after. This time Xu Shiyou did not say that his legs and feet were not good, but I went to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum No. 5 in person to wait for Ye Jianying's arrival.

also visited Nanjing. Why did Xu Shiyou have such a negative attitude towards Hua Guofeng and Ye Jianying? Do the three of them have an unknown complicated relationship?

He has bad legs and feet and it is inconvenient to move.

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

In 1980, Xu Shiyou was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission, but since then Xu Shiyou has not paid much attention to military affairs, because he is already 74 years old, and his early life in the military has had a negative impact on him. The physical damage is great, so it is difficult to work as hard as before.

For this reason, Xu Shiyou handed over the military work to his successor. As for himself, he always lives at No. 8 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing. Xu Shiyou spent a period of near seclusion, but this peaceful life did not last long, because in June of the same year, Xu Shiyou learned the news: President Hua Guofeng was about to inspect Nanjing.

Xu Shiyou frowned a little after hearing this. It wasn't that he didn't welcome the President's inspection, but when the President came to inspect, the whole of Nanjing would be stirred up. He had just lived a peaceful life, but it was suddenly disrupted. It's really a bit uncomfortable.

Hua Guofeng had a reason to choose Nanjing. He had just finished his visit to Japan, so he planned to start his inspection in Shanghai after returning to China and stop by Nanjing to see General Xu Shiyou.

The President's inspection of Nanjing was a national event. Although Xu Shiyou felt a little unhappy, he was still able to deal with such matters clearly. After all, he was also an old party member, and there was no problem in distinguishing public and private matters.

Soon after, Hua Guofeng arrived as scheduled. The leaders of Jiangsu Province attached great importance to this inspection work, so they made a lot of preparations in advance to ensure that President Hua Guofeng's inspection work could go smoothly.

They also knew that Hua Guofeng came to Nanjing not only for inspection, but also for visiting General Xu Shiyou, so the leaders of Jiangsu Province arranged Hua Guofeng's residence at No. 5 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, and the residence of General Xu Shiyou. Almost only a wall separates them.

Before Hua Guofeng arrived in Nanjing, Xu Shiyou's secretary had a discussion with Xu Shiyou on whether Xu Shiyou should visit Hua Guofeng, because according to the level at that time, Hua Guofeng, who was the president of the country, had a discussion. But it's higher than Xu Shiyou.

After all, Hua Guofeng is the leader of the country. From this point of view, Xu Shiyou should indeed visit Hua Guofeng, or should greet the president of the country, and it is normal for his subordinates to greet or visit the leader. Something happened.

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

But Xu Shiyou didn't think so. In Xu Shiyou's mind, Hua Guofeng was a junior who had just held an important position. He still had a lot to learn, and he was still far behind in terms of qualifications. In fact, this is also true. Xu Shiyou is fifteen years older than Hua Guofeng, which means that when Xu Shiyou was fighting the Japanese army on the battlefield, Hua Guofeng was still a minor.

In Xu Shiyou's eyes, position is not that important. Xu Shiyou is a pragmatic person. He values ​​a person's qualifications and abilities more, so he asked him to visit Hua Guofeng, who is younger and less qualified than him. He is a player. Unhappy, in his opinion, Hua Guofeng should be the one to visit him.

After Hua Guofeng arrived in Nanjing, the news quickly reached Xu Shiyou's ears. The secretary asked Xu Shiyou if he wanted to greet Hua Guofeng, but Xu Shiyou just replied lightly:

"I am 74 years old and my legs and feet are not good." Well, it’s not easy to move around."

After hearing this answer, the secretary understood it and said nothing more. Although Xu Shiyou was unhappy, this reason was irrefutable. How could an old man in his seventies visit a man in his fifties? Where are the younger generations?

After Hua Guofeng moved into No. 5 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, the first thing Hua Guofeng did was to visit General Xu Shiyou, who lived not far away. Xu Shiyou was heartbroken when he saw Hua Guofeng coming to visit him. He was still very happy. After all, he was the nominal leader and it was not easy to come to visit him, so he received him warmly.

The two had a great conversation. Xu Shiyou also told Hua Guofeng that he was organizing people to write his memoirs. , I hope that Hua Guofeng can also contribute some opinions. After the visit, Xu Shiyou and Hua Guofeng took a group photo, and then Hua Guofeng left Nanjing for the next inspection. " Different treatment"

After Hua Guofeng left, Xu Shiyou's life as a hermit began again. Unexpectedly, just half a month later, another national leader came: Ye Jianying. At this time, Ye Jianying was the Vice Chairman of the Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the Military Commission, he is the national leader second only to President Hua Guofeng.

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

The news soon spread throughout the streets of Nanjing, and also reached Xu Shiyou's ears. Instead of being a little moody like before, he became very happy and even a little cautious.

The secretary saw General Xu Shiyou's behavior and asked curiously why.

Xu Shiyou also happily explained the reason to the secretary. For Xu Shiyou, Marshal Ye Jianying is Xu Shiyou's predecessor, and can be said to be Xu Shiyou's idol.

Marshal Ye Jianying is one of the top ten marshals in the founding of the People's Republic of China. This is a coveted honor for any general in New China. Although General Xu Shiyou fought, He is very powerful, but he has no chance to receive this honor, so he has always admired Marshal Ye Jianying.

Of course, Marshal Ye Jianying is not only successful in the military, but also has brilliant achievements in politics. Otherwise, how could he serve as Vice Chairman of the Central Committee. position, so the news of Marshal Ye Jianying's visit to Nanjing was very important to Xu Shiyou.

During the time when Ye Jianying was about to arrive in Nanjing, Xu Shiyou seemed a little embarrassed. He asked his secretary to call Marshal Ye Jianying again and again. The specific time of arrival in Nanjing.

It was half an hour before Marshal Ye Jianying arrived at Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum No. 5 in Nanjing. Xu Shiyou began to change his clothes and tidy up his appearance. After everything was ready, Xu Shiyou behaved like a soldier. He arrived at No. 5 Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum in Nanjing in advance to wait for the arrival of Marshal Ye Jianying.

Not long after, Xu Shiyou finally waited for Marshal Ye Jianying, whom he had longed for. Although Xu Shiyou did have some problems with his legs and feet at this time, he still stepped forward to greet the man who was coming. Ye Jianying.

The two have been old friends for many years. They were very happy to meet this time. After entering the house, they chatted for a long time. It was not until night fell that Xu Shiyou said goodbye with some reluctance. Early the next morning, Marshal Ye Jianying also visited Xu Shiyou at No. 8 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing. They continued the topic they talked about yesterday and began chatting as if no one else was around.

Although Xu Shiyou really hoped that Ye Jianying could stay for a while, he also knew that Marshal Ye Jianying held an important position at this time and his time was precious, so he did not persuade him to stay. He just sent Marshal Ye Jianying away in person and then left alone. He returned to his residence and continued to live like a hermit.

Secretary saw General Xu Shiyou's different attitudes towards Hua Guofeng and Ye Jianying during this incident. Although he knew some of the reasons, he was also curious about how General Xu Shiyou's mentality was formed, and what experiences made him Would he value qualifications so much?

Only the Chinese Communist Party can save China

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

The answer to this question is not unique. The most obvious reason is that Xu Shiyou is a soldier.Xu Shiyou was born as a farmer. When he was a child, he worked as a handyman for a martial arts master. Later, he also learned kung fu in the Shaolin Temple. At the age of 22, he was already serving as a squad leader in the 11th Army of the Red Army.

Before that, Xu Shiyou lived a life of near escape. It can be said that Xu Shiyou's experience in his youth was legendary and difficult at the same time.

Because he was born in poverty, he experienced firsthand how painful the life of the lower class people was, and also knew how the hierarchical feudal society before the founding of New China squeezed the working people at the bottom.

After becoming a soldier of the Red Army , Xu Shiyou began to understand the Red Army and what kind of organization the Chinese Communist Party was. Gradually, he understood that only the Chinese Communist Party can save China, and only by fighting the Kuomintang reactionaries and Japanese invaders to the end can he A right path.

Therefore, in his later career, Xu Shiyou always regarded the ultimate victory as his life creed, and took the lead in battle after battle. He even participated in the death squads seven times, four of which were seriously injured.

In such a difficult battle, Xu Shiyou knew very well what the situation of the Red Army was like, and he also knew that it was not easy for every Red Army soldier. They did not have good weapons and equipment, and did not have good logistics supplies. Sometimes they even had to endure Hungry and cold, you have to fight under such conditions against enemies with advanced weapons and equipment and well-trained military training.

He admired everyone in the Red Army, especially the generals who commanded them. Xu Shiyou understood that their difficulties were more severe than those of the soldiers.

The great contribution made by the country to the revolution

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

Picture | Statue of Sun Yat-sen

Marshal Ye Jianying is undoubtedly the best among the many Red Army generals. Ye Jianying is ten years older than Xu Shiyou, and his family conditions are much better. Ye Jianying was born in Mei County, Guangdong Province. The Revolution of 1911 swept across the country at that time. Under the influence of revolutionary ideas, Ye Jianying determined to become a person who would serve the country in the future.

Later, Ye Jianying went to study abroad. After completing her studies, she studied at Yunnan Lecture Hall . After graduation, she joined the revolution and followed Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the Revolution of 1911. She participated in many revolutionary wars and made many meritorious deeds.

In 1926, Ye Jianying participated in the Northern Expedition. At this time, he was already the chief of staff of the General Reserve Command of the First Army of the National Revolutionary Army. After conquering Nanchang, he was promoted to the commander of the new Second Division of the National Revolutionary Army.

However, during the period when Ye Jianying followed Sun Yat-sen and joined the revolution, he discovered that the Three People's Principles could not completely save China, so he began to look for other methods. Soon after, Ye Jianying came into contact with the Communist Party of China, and he was immediately attracted by the Communist Party's advanced Thoughts attract and intoxicate.

He found that the Communist Party of China was the only political party that could save China, so Ye Jianying chose to join the Communist Party without hesitation. After that, Ye Jianying helped Ye Ting and He Long to protect them from the poison of Wang Jingwei , which made the Nanchang Uprising come true.

In December of the same year, Ye Jianying, Ye Ting and others led the Guangzhou Uprising and saved tens of millions of oppressed Guangdong people. Since then, Ye Jianying began to hold important positions in the Red Army, leading the Red Army to fight against the Japanese army and the Kuomintang reactionaries.

In October 1934, the Red Army was forced to the Long March . Ye Jianying was the commander of the first column of the Red Army. In a battle, Ye Jianying was unfortunately injured, but he did not choose to recuperate, but insisted on marching with the injury and commanding the battle.

Later, Ye Jianying made a great achievement that even Chairman Mao praised.

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

At that time, the Red Army was preparing to cross the grassland and march north to Gannan. The troops were divided into left and right armies. The commander of the left army was Zhang Guotao. Although this man was the leader of the Red Army, his thinking was very unstable.

During the Long March, he even had the idea of ​​defecting, so after assuming the command of the Left Army, he conspired to lead the Left Army to defect in an attempt to split the activities of the Party and the Red Army, and prepare to attack the Party Central Committee.

Ye Jianying noticed Zhang Guotao's rebellious intentions in time and immediately reported the situation to Chairman Mao. After studying at an emergency meeting, it was decided to let the main force of the Red Army go north, which allowed the strength of the Red Army to be preserved.

Later, Chairman Mao repeatedly praised Ye Jianying's action, saying that it was a great contribution Ye Jianying made for the party and the revolution at a critical moment.

Soon after, Ye Jianying promoted the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, The Anti-Japanese National United Front was established. During the Anti-Japanese War, Ye Jianying made numerous meritorious service, and also made an indelible contribution in the battle during the War of Liberation. .

After the founding of New China, although there was no more war, Ye Jianying did not take time off. Instead, she continued to contribute to the country by relying on her many years of experience and knowledge. Ye Jianying is such a legendary figure. Who can not admire such a person?

Xu Shiyou has been in the army all year round. As a soldier, he knows how to treat his superiors. He also knows how rare a commander like Ye Jianying is. Therefore, Xu Shiyou not only admires Ye Jianying, but also admires Ye Jianying. The height that Ye Jianying has reached is also Xu Shiyou's ideal. height, so he regarded Ye Jianying as his target.

In fact, Ye Jianying is just a representative figure. The reason why Xu Shiyou treats Ye Jianying very enthusiastically is because Ye Jianying is the representative of the pinnacle of military achievements. Each of the ten marshals is the pinnacle. If anyone comes to Nanjing, Xu Shiyou has the same respect.

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

Picture | Xu Shiyou

Because for Xu Shiyou, they are all his superiors and people worthy of his respect.

Compared with Ye Jianying, Hua Guofeng did not have such a resume, and he looked a little dim in front of Marshal Ye Jianying. However, this cannot be blamed on Hua Guofeng. His main mission and goal were not in the military, but in military matters. lies in the future development of the country.

Therefore, it is understandable that Hua Guofeng did not receive a warm reception from Xu Shiyou. Later, they also had a good conversation. It can be seen that Xu Shiyou just thought that Hua Guofeng had no military qualifications and was a junior, so he said that "his legs and feet are not good and inconvenient." Words of action.

Flowers and Grasses That Are Not Useful

The above qualities of General Xu Shiyou are also displayed in other aspects of life, even in exaggerated ways. Once Xu Shiyou commanded the army to fight and conquered the enemy's position in one fell swoop. He originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to launch a large-scale attack to achieve greater results.

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

Picture | Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing

However, when he was about to order the army to attack, he received an order from the central government to stop the attack and asked Xu Shiyou to return to the central government to stand by.

Xu Shiyou was very puzzled after receiving this order, but he was already very angry. He wanted to see who gave the order. The leaders of the central government also knew General Xu Shiyou's temper, so they all knew that he was furious now, so Not wanting to greet Xu Shiyou, he finally assigned a lower-level leader to pick him up.

Xu Shiyou just got off the plane and saw that the person who came to pick him up was a young man. He suddenly became more angry. He walked over and knocked the young man down on all fours. It can be seen that General Xu Shiyou is a person who attaches great importance to military qualifications. If there is no one with more seniority and military merit than him to show prestige in front of Xu Shiyou, the consequences will be obvious.

General Xu Shiyou's pragmatic and nostalgic ideas are also reflected in his daily life. He has never been idle since he lived at No. 8 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing.

In order to provide leaders with a pleasing environment, the designers of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing designed many lawns and planted flowers and plants in them.

After General Xu Shiyou came, he felt that these flowers and plants were very annoying and were of no use, so Xu Shiyou dug out all the flowers, flowers and plants, and then planted fruits, melons and vegetables, covering all the usable places. They all developed their own vegetable plots.

This pragmatic approach has a lot to do with the experience of General Xu Shiyou. This is one of the reasons why Xu Shiyou had a different attitude when receiving President Hua Guofeng and Vice Chairman of the Central Committee Ye Jianying.

Foreword: In June 1980, Hua Guofeng returned to China after visiting Japan. He started his inspection in Shanghai and planned to stay in Nanjing for a while. After Xu Shiyou learned the news, his secretary proposed to visit Hua Guofeng, but the answer he received was:

Picture | Xu Shiyou


Napoleon once said that a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier.

Although General Xu Shiyou is already a general, his life goals will not stop there. There are higher marshals above this, and his life goals should be endless.

To paraphrase Napoleon: A general who does not want to be a marshal is not a good general.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone should be a general or marshal. The purpose is to tell us that we must have a lofty ideal in life. Only in this way can we move forward without fear of difficulties in life and realize our own life like Marshal Ye Jianying. Ideal and gain respect from others.

Reference materials:

Xu Shiyou

Hua Guofeng

Ye Jianying

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