Fearing an alliance between China and Russia, Japan took the initiative to please the United States, but was pushed to the forefront of confronting China

2021/04/1821:42:05 military 1948

In order to contain China, the United States regards the "Indo-Pacific strategy" as its most important foreign strategy. It has tried to draw Indo-Pacific countries into the encirclement of China, and even wants to draw European countries into the Indo-Pacific strategy.

Among them, Japan’s performance is quite special. Compared with South Korea’s resistance and India’s bargaining, Japan is a country that actively pleases the United States and is also one of the main countries that put forward the concept of a "free and open Indian Ocean".

Japan first took the initiative to line up with the United States at the "2+2" talks between the United States and Japan and launch a full-scale attack on China. Afterwards, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga set off to visit the United States. Many people believe that the main topic of Yoshihide Suga's visit to the United States is to build an anti-China alliance and to readjust the relationship between the United States and Japan to deal with the current facts.

Fearing an alliance between China and Russia, Japan took the initiative to please the United States, but was pushed to the forefront of confronting China - DayDayNews

From Japan's perspective, the closer the U.S. and Japan are connected, the better it is for Japan, and the Indo-Pacific will therefore emerge as two major powers to contain China. It can be said that when the United States draws other countries into the Indo-Pacific, Japan is more like a country that actively drags the United States into the Indo-Pacific. Japan is so eager for three reasons:

First, it is out of fear of Sino-Russian alliance. The United States is an established strategy against China, which cannot be shaken. The United States and Russia have always been rivals, and it is difficult for the United States and Russia to make good relations. At this time, the United States simultaneously took action against China and Russia, which instead promoted the closer relations between China and Russia, especially military alliances.

Putin once said that a "military alliance" between Russia and China is theoretically possible. Regardless of whether China and Russia will form an alliance, as long as there is feasibility, Japan will be like a big enemy. Suddenly there is an alliance formed by two nuclear powers around him. For Japan, it is like two giants around him shaking hands suddenly, consciously small and "helpless", and can only seek the support of the United States.

Fearing an alliance between China and Russia, Japan took the initiative to please the United States, but was pushed to the forefront of confronting China - DayDayNews

Second,I still have illusions about recovering the four northern islands. The inclusion of the four northern islands in Russia has always been a pain in Japan's heart. During Abe , Japan seemed to have the hope of reclaiming the four northern islands. Putin also promised to "surrender" the two islands. However, as Japan and the United States are getting closer and closer, Russia's attitude has become tougher and has repeatedly conducted military exercises on the four northern islands to demonstrate deterrence.

The United States is trying to deploy medium-range missiles in Japan, and Russia may also deploy medium-range missiles on the four northern islands. This simply put Japan on fire. Therefore, Yoshihide Suga asked Russia to return the four northern islands as soon as he came to power. However, relying on Japan to fight alone to regain the four northern islands is nothing short of a dream. There is still a glimmer of hope for the United States to join.

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, the deputy dean in charge of information policy at the Russian Missile and Artillery Academy stated that the Russian Pacific Fleet cannot prevent from being occupied by the Japanese. Before a nuclear war broke out, the United States and Japan can completely resolve limited military conflicts.

Fearing an alliance between China and Russia, Japan took the initiative to please the United States, but was pushed to the forefront of confronting China - DayDayNews

Could a nuclear war break out between Russia and the United States and Japan? Comparing Putin's different attitudes towards Crimea and the four northern islands, we find that Putin is relaxed about surrendering the four northern islands, but for Crimea, he has shown a attitude of defending the bottom line. Even if Russia has the courage, it is unlikely that it will fight a nuclear war for the four northern islands. It is no wonder that Japan puts extra emphasis on military cooperation with the United States.

Third, Japan is desperate. Japan and China have an obvious competitive relationship. China is a neighbor that Japan cannot move away. Not to mention the rapid economic rise, and the industry is comprehensive, without obvious shortcomings. Japan's advantageous industries are not so advantageous in front of China. Japan cannot expect a win-win situation with China,I am very angry at the growing backlog of economic space, hoping that the United States will suppress China so that Japan will return to its unique status in Asia.

In addition, China and South Korea have been angered by Japan's blatant discharge of nuclear waste water into the ocean. Japan has not aroused public outrage for the time being. The key reason is the support of the United States. Japan does not want to encounter sanctions from various countries and can only follow the United States with all its heart.

Fearing an alliance between China and Russia, Japan took the initiative to please the United States, but was pushed to the forefront of confronting China - DayDayNews

However, the United States is not at ease with Japan, but hopes to make Japan the forefront of the fight against China. In fact, we look at Japan’s pollution discharge in reverse. From the perspective of ocean current movement and plate tectonics, the impact of Japan’s pollution discharge on China and South Korea is not so great, but China and South Korea have reacted fiercely. One of the important reasons is that Japan actively cooperated with the United States to fight against China. .

If Japan confronts China in a hostile posture, and Japan’s economy after a heavy blow, can it still withstand the second round of blows? Japan actively used the guise of "building a new Indo-Pacific order", chanted the slogan of safeguarding "free navigation", and even joined forces with the German Navy to conduct military exercises, which is obviously a provocation to China.

Japan has repeatedly tried to be on the verge of danger. Once the military breaks out, the United States can shrink beyond the second island chain , while Japan cannot escape military strikes. Strong3strong pointed out that "Japan can hardly withstand such a confrontation." Japan still needs to know that it is impossible to confront and cooperate with China.


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