Luxembourg is the world's second largest investment fund center and the most important private banking center in the Eurozone. Luxembourg is home to a variety of industries including chemicals, rubber and other products.

1, Luxembourg

Luxembourg (Luxembourg) is the world's second largest investment fund center and the most important private banking center in the Eurozone. Luxembourg is home to a variety of industries including chemicals, rubber and other products. Banks and other financial services are a major part of the economy. Luxembourg has a high quality of life index , has a very low unemployment rate, and has a stable high-income market economy characterized by stable growth, low inflation and a high degree of novelty. Luxembourg City is one of the three "capitals" of the EU and is the seat of various EU agencies and institutions, including the European Court of Justice. The culture is highly influenced by neighboring countries, making it a combination of French and Germanic cultures.

2, Monaco

Monaco (Monaco) is a small and densely populated country with the highest human development index in the world. Monaco has the highest GDP per capita in the world and the lowest poverty rate. It is said to have the highest number of millionaires and billionaires per capita in the world. Monaco's economy mainly relies on various fields such as tobacco and postal services. It is also a major European banking center.

3, Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is located in Central Europe . It is one of the countries with the lowest unemployment rate in the world. After adjusting for PPP, it has the third highest GDP per capita in the world. Although the country is small in size, has limited resources, and has limited manpower, it has a highly industrialized free enterprise economy, so the country is very prosperous. Liechtenstein has a high standard of living and has more registered companies than citizens. The reason for this is business taxes, corporate taxes are very low so it is a tax haven for rich people and corporations. It is the world's largest producer of ceramics and dentures, and its other major industries are electronics, textiles, power tools, precision instruments, and pharmaceuticals.

4, Norway

Norway (Norway) is the country with the second most valuable currency in the world and has the largest per capita capital reserves in the world. Norway is the country with the sixth highest GDP in the world. Its main industries include oil, natural gas, minerals, timber, hydropower, and seafood. It has a mixed economy that combines free market activities with large state-owned enterprises in various sectors.

5, Switzerland

Switzerland (Switzerland) is one of the most powerful economies in the world. It is a small country that relies mainly on manufacturing. It is the world's 20th largest exporter of products including chemicals, watches, health and pharmaceutical products, musical instruments, etc. Switzerland is one of the most developed countries in the world and leads several country performance indicators, with a GDP of $59,150. It is considered a stable, high-tech economy, with world-renowned Swiss companies including Novartis , Nestlé , ABB, UBS , Tetra Pak , Swatch, etc.

6, Denmark

Denmark (Denmark) is a Scandinavian country consisting of the peninsula, Jutland and 443 islands. Denmark offers a high standard of living and leads the world in social mobility. Denmark has high levels of income equality, has the highest personal income tax rate in the world, and is the least corrupt country in the world. It has a developed mixed economy and is considered one of the freest economies in the world. Denmark has a large population and high production value per hour worked. It is also considered the eighth most competitive economy in the world.

7, Ireland

Ireland (Ireland) is an island in Western Europe and is the second most populous island in Europe. It has lush vegetation and a very mild climate. Ireland has a unique Irish music,Irish languageand Gaelic games that are part of both indigenous and western cultures.Rural areas in Ireland use peat for energy, and turf is used in urban areas.

8, Sweden

Sweden (Sweden) is a Nordic Scandinavian country divided into 21 counties and 290 cities. Sweden ranks highly in several indicators of national performance, including education, conservation, economic competitiveness, equality, human development, and more. It has the eighth highest per capita income in the world, a high standard of living, and a mixed economy that is export-oriented. Sweden is the world's ninth-largest arms exporter, with sectors such as telecommunications, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and engineering crucial to the country's output and exports. Sweden is known for having the highest penetration of and for telephone and internet access. Some of the world-renowned Swedish companies include Volvo, Ericsson, Sandvik, Scania, IKEA, Nordea, SKF, Atlas Copco, Electrolux wait.

9, San Marino

San Marino (San Marino) is a small country located on the Italian Peninsula. It is not a member of the European Union and has a highly stable economy. San Marino has a budget surplus, no national debt and one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe. The economy mainly relies on industry, finance, services and tourism. Major industries include banking, ceramics and electronics. San Marino imports its main commodities from Italy, and its main agricultural products are wine and cheese. It is said to be the only country where there are more vehicles than people.

10, Netherlands

The Netherlands (Netherlands) is located in Western Europe and is a small and densely populated country. Thanks to its fertile soil and mild climate, it is the world's second-largest exporter of food and agricultural products. The Netherlands is the 17th largest economy in the world and ranks 10th in world GDP per capita. It has a market-based economy with food as its main industrial sector. Other industries are chemicals, metallurgy, machinery, tourism and electronics. Some of the well-known international companies operating in the Netherlands include Randstad, Unilever, DSM, Shell, Philips, and TomTom. The Port of Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe and the main access to the British and German markets. How does

obtain its own EU overseas status?

Naturalization, formal act, quota is scarce. Can be converted into multiple EU country identities and global asset allocation.

For consultation on applying for EU status, look at the author's profile and add V, or the author's public account [Bo Minghan talks about overseas].

1. Travel convenience: the passport can be used visa-free in the United States, Canada, Singapore, , Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, all EU and Schengen countries and more than 160-180 countries and regions;

2. Application conditions Simple: no academic qualifications, no language, no bank deposit and other requirements, no immigration supervision;

3. Short cycle: 8-10 months;

4. EU citizens: In addition to enjoying various benefits of their own country, they can also move freely to other EU countries. Country settlement, life, work, study, etc.

5. Education system: Compulsory education for ages 6-16. Public elementary and middle schools are free of tuition, primary and junior high school textbooks are provided free of charge, and everything in public universities is also free. Studying abroad at universities in other EU countries will be subject to EU tuition fees (1/3 of those for ordinary international students).

6. Fingerprints can be collected in China during the epidemic without logging in to avoid risks;

7. Risk-free: There is no government-imposed investment amount requirement.

As a member of the European Union, after obtaining its passport, you can get visa-free access to more than 180 countries and regions, and you can also live, work, live and study freely in the European Union!

If you are in the European Union , Schengen area dual-material country, you can live in the single Schengen country Norway, Iceland , Liechtenstein, and Switzerland (not more than 90 days)

EU member state passport. You can also enjoy the generous benefits and treatment of EU citizens. . At the same time, if you hold an EU passport and meet certain conditions, you can also move to the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, etc.

Now you can apply for a passport in one step: France, Czech , Latvia , Lithuania , Netherlands, Hungary

Now you can get permanent residence in one step: Portugal, Poland , Austria , Malta , Greek