Hot searches for “How to move to Canada” increased by 850%! Americans are going crazy again. After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade ruling, Google searches for "how to move from the United States to Canada" exploded by 850% in one hour, and "how to become a Canad

"How to move to Canada" hot searches increased by 850%! Americans are making trouble again

After the US Supreme Court overturned the decision of " Roe v. Wade", Google search volume for "how to move from the United States to Canada" exploded by 850 in one hour. %, and “How to become a Canadian citizen” also soared 550%. In the chaos across the United States, the keyword "Move To Canada" has been stirred up by American netizens again.

Source: beebom / axios

Related surveys have also shown that Canada is the country with the highest favorability among Americans!

Related links:

Countless netizens tweeted @Canada, asking for help.

"Dear Canada, can you share with me some information on how to immigrate and become a Canadian citizen?

Coming from an American who wants to live in a place of true freedom."

"My daughter is getting her passport ready to move to Canada. . When you don't have autonomy over your own body, you have no freedom."

"Does anyone else want to move to Canada?" Leave a comment below"Yep"

Some people also directly criticized: "You Didn’t you say you were leaving in 2016? Why are you still here today! ”

Or sarcastically: “You want to move to Canada? Give half of the money you earn to the government without a receipt!”

In this regard, Canada Netizens started talking, stirring up the topic of "As a Canadian", with deep disgust -

"Sorry, as a Canadian, I will never step in again On the land of the United States...

In fact, in a few years, “How to move to Canada” will be a hot search among American netizens.

The last time was on voting day in the 2020 US presidential election.

The last time was in 2016, when Trump was elected as the President of the United States. At that time, the official website of the Canadian Immigration Service was crowded and collapsed...

Compared with the United States, Canada’s attraction is obvious: natural environment, A livable city , free medical care, multiple benefits, gun control, low crime rate, and the tolerant and friendly character of Canadians...

I estimate that most of the Americans who are clamoring to come to Canada this time will still make more noise than rain. , just to express your dissatisfaction.

But if you also want to come to Canada, you can contact us~

Work permit first and then immigrate