Although Australia's Global Outstanding Talent GTI program requires applicants to make outstanding contributions in ten designated fields, it does not have a clear occupation list in each field like the skilled immigration category. Many friends often ask whether their background

Although Australia’s Global Outstanding Talent GTI program requires applicants to make outstanding contributions in ten designated fields, it does not have a clear occupation list in each field like the skilled immigration category.

Many friends often ask whether their background meets the requirements? What kind of talents is the GTI project looking for? Today, an Australian immigration lawyer will share with you two successful cases. They are applicants in the advanced manufacturing field who obtained Australian permanent residence status through the GTI project for your reference.

CASE 1: Mr A from Sudan

Mr A recently completed his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Monash University in Australia. Mr. A has the skills of mechatronics , mechanical and aerospace engineer. He uses this to design, build and manufacture 3D construction printers.

In addition, he is the CEO and co-founder of an Australian company that designs and manufactures large-scale 3D concrete printers for the construction industry and sells them globally. And the company successfully 3D printed the first code-compliant house in the southern hemisphere in Australia.

A is committed to introducing advanced robotics and automation technology into building construction as a solution to the global housing crisis. And it can produce energy-efficient homes in just one-tenth of the time of conventional construction. Mr.

A’s company not only manufactures 3D printing works that can be used on the earth, but also cooperates with Australian universities for research and development. Committed to designing a 3D printer that can be transported to the moon to build buildings on the moon to help advance space exploration missions.

CASE 2: Mr. B from Iran

Mr. B is a PhD expert in the field of MEMS and the platforms he developed during his PhD and postdoctoral studies have been adopted by researchers around the world.

Among other things, his innovations solved manufacturing problems in the semiconductor industry. By introducing novel microfabrication techniques, he directly avoided the loss of tens of millions of silicon chips that would otherwise have been destroyed due to manufacturing issues. thrown away. Mr.

B brings expertise in developing and manufacturing advanced micro-devices to Australia. These technologies can be used in aerospace, defense, biomedical , industry and telecommunications fields. His expertise and R&D efforts will bring novel and advanced manufacturing processes to the development of cutting-edge sensing products and other disruptive technologies.

Although the field of advanced manufacturing covers a wide range, not all practitioners in the industry can try to apply for GTI, such as engineering technicians, machine operators, draftsmen, sales and administrative managers, etc.

As a traditional immigrant country, Australia has long encouraged skilled immigrants to settle in Australia and develop its economy. For some overseas industry elites and PhDs, there is a fast way to immigrate to Australia and obtain permanent residence, which is the Australian GTI Global Talent Independent Program.

The Australian GTI project is a fast track established by the Australian Immigration Bureau for elite talents in special fields. The corresponding visa code is the Australian 858 visa. This project does not require EOI scoring, and there are no hard requirements for the applicant's age or English test scores.

Currently, Australian GTI projects are prioritized in ten major fields (Target Sectors). It should be noted that each major field contains many subdivisions. If you want to know whether your research field is consistent, you can find an Australian immigration lawyer for a comprehensive evaluation.