Add a description of the image, no more than 140 words. The essential difference between a green card and a passport is that both the green card and the passport are identities obtained through immigration, and they are two different identity certificates.

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1. Green card and passport, the essential difference Green card was originally used to refer to the document issued by the United States to permanent residents, because this document is It is green, so the Chinese are accustomed to calling the U.S. residence card "green card" and gradually use it to refer to the permanent residence cards of all countries. In fact, the color of the residence card is different in each country. For example, Malaysia gives a red card, while most European countries give a pink card. But when Chinese people are used to using American cards, they call them green cards.

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The essential difference between green card and passport is that both green card and passport are identities obtained through immigration, and they are two different identity certificates. Holding a green card from a country means that the cardholder can freely enter and leave the issuing country without a visa, has the right to permanently reside, work and study in the issuing country, and can enjoy public medical care, education and other social benefits.

Those who hold a country's "passport" are citizens of that country. It is a legal document issued by the country to its citizens to prove their nationality and identity. They enjoy completely equal welfare and political rights, and of course, taxes, military service, etc. Obligations also need to be fulfilled accordingly.

2. Green card and passport, different forms of immigration If you apply for a green card after meeting the conditions for holding a green card, you will get a green card. In this way, you will be a permanent "resident" of the country of immigration, and you can freely enter and leave the country of immigration within a certain period of time. If you meet the conditions for naturalization of the country of immigration, you can apply to become a citizen of the country of immigration. After being successfully approved, you can obtain the passport of the country of immigration and become a citizen of the country of immigration. Of course, if you do not want to naturalize and just want to retain your permanent resident status, you do not need to apply for naturalization.

3. Green card and passport, different rights and interests

The biggest difference between green card and passport lies in political rights and obligations. Citizens often enjoy more political rights (such as the right to vote, the right to be elected, the right to vote, etc.) and welfare (housing, education, medical care, etc.) than permanent residents, and therefore have to bear more obligations (such as military service).

green card and passport, how should I choose? Both green cards and passports have their own pros and cons, which need to be weighed! Before choosing, you should understand its advantages and disadvantages in advance.

1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Card Advantages:

1. You can live, study, and work in the country that issued the green card for a long time. It is worth noting that some green cards cannot work locally but can operate businesses, so you must understand clearly before applying;

2, apply for international schools: For domestic international schools, you generally need a foreign green card or nationality to apply (mostly nationalities);

3, Have the same benefits as locals, except for political rights;

4, the green card of the European Schengen countries also has a benefit, that is, it can enter other Schengen countries (Schengen countries only) without a visa;

5, children can enjoy local High-quality educational resources, tuition fees are relatively cheaper than international students (depending on the school). Disadvantages: Some countries require long-term " immigration prison " to maintain permanent residence status.(Not suitable for clients who cannot do immigration supervision in other countries)

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2. Advantages and disadvantages of passports:

1. Unrestricted third-party passports Work, study, and live freely in the country; have the same welfare benefits as locals;

2. If you have a passport, you can enjoy the visa-free treatment. You can travel around the world without a visa. You can enter and exit the United Kingdom, the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore, and many more at will. countries and regions;

3, it is also a "stepping stone" for studying in international schools; the benefits of having foreign status for the company: tax benefits for foreigners, exhibition qualifications, etc.; and it is more conducive to global asset allocation.

Disadvantages: It is absolutely fine to return to China for two weeks, but if you need to stay in China permanently for work or other reasons, you need to apply for a visa; to join a foreign nationality, you must give up your Chinese nationality and cancel your household registration in China. , ID card and cannot be used, so it is very inconvenient to handle business related to the use of ID cards in China.

In short, both passport and green card have their own advantages. How to choose depends on personal needs. It is best to choose the one that suits you best. When choosing between naturalization and getting a green card, you must think carefully about your needs and future plans. The comprehensive choice will be the most suitable for you.

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Professional. Provide immigration, global access, children's education, risk avoidance, asset allocation, etc. One more identity, one more choice, more A guarantee. EU national passport, one step.

If you have any immigration-related questions, please feel free to communicate, comment, or send private messages. As a member of the European Union, you can apply for a visa in more than 180 countries and regions after obtaining its passport. You can also live, work, live and study freely in the European Union!

If it is the European Union, Schengen area dual-material country, you can travel and live in the single Schengen countries Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland (not more than 90 days), and the passport of an EU member state can also enjoy the rights of EU citizens. Generous benefits and benefits. At the same time, if you hold an EU passport and meet certain conditions, you can also move to the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, etc.

EU passport click here

Czech passport click here