1. The United States (United States) has a population of 326.7 million and a per capita disposable income of US$53,122.1. In 2018, the U.S. GDP was $20.58 trillion, making it the largest GDP on this list and the largest economy in the world. Major industries in the United States

1, United States

The United States (United States) has a population of 326.7 million, and the per capita disposable income is 53,122.1 US dollars. In 2018, the U.S. GDP2 was $20.58 trillion, making it the largest GDP2 on this list and the largest economy in the world. Major industries in the United States include financial services, professional and business services, manufacturing, and healthcare.

2, Luxembourg

Luxembourg (Luxembourg) is a small country with a population of approximately 608,000 in 2018 and a per capita disposable income of US$47,138, ranking second in the world. Luxembourg is located between Germany, France and Belgium and has a GDP of $71 billion. Much of Luxembourg's economy stems from the banking industry and has developed into a global financial center.

3, Switzerland

Switzerland (Switzerland) had a per capita disposable income of US$41,561 in 2018, a GDP of US$590.5 billion, and a population of 8.5 million. Switzerland has a stable market economy , favorable tax laws, strong financial and tourism industries, and a skilled workforce. Switzerland's main exports are pharmaceuticals, gold, watches and jewelry.

4, Germany

Germany (Germany) has a population of 82.9 million and is a major exporter, especially of automobiles, with a per capita disposable income of US$40,699. Germany is home to major car brands such as Volkswagen , Daimler and BMW . Germany is also a major exporter of chemicals, with a GDP of $4.5 trillion.

5, Australia

Australia (Australia) had a GDP of AU$1.34 trillion in 2018, a population of nearly 25 million, and a per capita disposable income of US$40,237. Australia is rich in natural resources and a major pillar of its economy includes the mining industry.

6, Norway

Norway (Norway) has a population of 5.3 million, a GDP of US$359 billion, and a per capita disposable income of US$39,570 in 2018. Norway's natural resource-led economy has made great strides with its focus on oil, fishing and metals. Norway's sovereign wealth fund has a market value of more than $1.15 trillion and is largely funded by the oil industry.

7, Austria

Austria (Austria) has a population of 8.8 million, a GDP of US$503 billion, and a per capita disposable income of US$38,333 in 2018. Much of Austria's economic growth is driven by the energy industry, with renewable energy accounting for approximately 30% of total domestic consumption.

8, Belgium

Belgium had a population of 11.4 million in 2018, a GDP of US$597 billion, and a per capita disposable income of US$36,044. Belgium's chocolate shops and factories are world-renowned. Given its geographical location, Belgium's economic strength is exports, especially cars and pharmaceuticals.

9, Netherlands

The Netherlands (Netherlands) has a population of 17.2 million, a per capita disposable income of US$35,914, and a GDP of US$991 billion in 2018. Refined petroleum is its largest export category.

10, Canada

Canada (Canada) has a population of 37 million, a GDP of US$1.86 trillion, and a per capita disposable income of US$35,772 in 2018. The discovery of oil sands in Alberta has boosted its economy, and Canada is one of the world's largest oil producers. Other major exports include cars, gold and auto parts. How does

obtain its own EU overseas status?

Naturalization, formal act, quota is scarce. Can be converted into multiple EU country identities and global asset allocation.

For consultation on applying for the immigration project, please see the author’s profile and contact me, or the author’s public account [Bo Minghan talks about overseas].

1. Travel convenience: the passport can be used visa-free in the United States, Canada, Singapore, , Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, all EU and Schengen countries and more than 160-180 countries and regions;

2. Application conditions Simple: no academic qualifications, no language, no bank deposit requirements, no immigration supervision;

3. Short cycle: 8-10 months;

4. EU citizens: In addition to enjoying various benefits of their own country, they can also move freely to other EU countries. Country settlement, life, work, study, etc.

5. Education system: Compulsory education for ages 6-16. Public primary schools and middle schools are free of tuition, primary and junior high school textbooks are provided free of charge, and everything in public universities is also free. Studying abroad at universities in other EU countries will be subject to EU tuition fees (1/3 of those for ordinary international students).

6. During the epidemic, fingerprints can be collected in China without logging in to avoid risks;

7. Risk-free: there is no government-imposed investment amount requirement.

As a member of the European Union, after obtaining its passport, you can get visa-free access to more than 180 countries and regions, and you can also live, work, live and study freely in the European Union!

If you are in the European Union , Schengen area dual-material country, you can pass and live in the single Schengen country Norway, Iceland , Liechtenstein , and Switzerland (not more than 90 days)

EU member state passport. You can also enjoy the generous benefits of EU citizens. Benefits and treatment. At the same time, if you hold an EU passport and meet certain conditions, you can also move to the United Kingdom, Ireland , Switzerland, etc.

Now you can apply for a passport in one step: France, Czech , Latvia , Lithuania , Netherlands, Hungary

Now you can get a permanent residence in one step: Portugal, Poland , Austria, Malta , greece