Since the Hong Kong government announced the closure of the Hong Kong investment immigration project in 2015, the Hong Kong Talents Program has become a hot topic for Hong Kong immigration applicants.

2024/06/0818:26:33 migrant 1526

Do you need to apply again after being rejected?? Since the Hong Kong government announced the closure of the Hong Kong investment immigration project in 2015, the Hong Kong Talents Program has become a hot spot for Hong Kong immigration applicants. However, there is a large gap between the thresholds of the Hong Kong Talents Program and Hong Kong Investment Immigration. Applicants applying for the Hong Kong Talents Program for the first time are often rejected for various reasons. So, can I still apply again after my application for Hong Kong Talents has been rejected? Below, the editor will answer your questions.

Since the Hong Kong government announced the closure of the Hong Kong investment immigration project in 2015, the Hong Kong Talents Program has become a hot topic for Hong Kong immigration applicants. - DayDayNews

1. Interpretation of Hong Kong Talents Policy

The Hong Kong Talents Plan is a Hong Kong immigration bill with quotas proposed by the Hong Kong government, aiming to attract high-tech talents to settle in Hong Kong to enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness. Approved applicants do not need to obtain an OFFER from a local employer before settling in Hong Kong. The asset requirements for applicants are also relatively low. Applicants are only required to be able to support their own lives in Hong Kong.

All applicants must first meet the basic qualification requirements before they can obtain points according to one of the two points systems set up in the scheme and compete with other applicants for quotas. The two scoring systems are the comprehensive scoring system and the achievement scoring system. Among them, the comprehensive scoring system scores applicants through five dimensions: age, academic qualifications, financial requirements, good character, and basic academic qualifications, while the achievement scoring system is measured by the achievements of applicants, such as awards.

Since the Hong Kong government announced the closure of the Hong Kong investment immigration project in 2015, the Hong Kong Talents Program has become a hot topic for Hong Kong immigration applicants. - DayDayNews

2. Do you need to apply again after being rejected?

The Hong Kong Immigration Department does not allow rejected applicants to apply again for the Hong Kong Talent Scheme . If your first application is rejected, you can apply again after improving your background or packaging your application documents. However, applicants need to note that if you are rejected for the following reasons, your second application will still have a high probability of being rejected.

1. Have a criminal record

2. Have a bad Hong Kong entry and exit record

3. The materials have traces of forgery

3. Analyze several reasons for rejection

If you are unfortunately rejected by the Hong Kong Talents Program, don’t be discouraged. Check the following Here are some points to look for in your application process, improve your background, improve your materials, and strive to pass the review in your next application.

1. Incomplete materials

If you only prepare materials according to the list required on the official website to prove your achievements, then these materials will not be powerful enough to a large extent. Max Abroad recommends that applicants choose a reliable agency to collect materials for you, prove your influence in the industry, and enhance your background.

2. The logic of the materials is not rigorous

If you choose the DIY method to apply, you are often not familiar with the steps and logical order of the immigration officer's review of materials, so the order of arranging the materials will easily become confusing, making it difficult to apply during the immigration process. Stand out when the official reviews the materials.

3. The plan to go to Hong Kong is not convincing.

The core of the talent plan is to introduce high-quality talents to work in Hong Kong. The plan to go to Hong Kong needs to conduct in-depth research and segmentation of the industry based on Hong Kong's current policies, and give actual life and employment plans after landing, so that the Hong Kong government believes that you can not only support yourself after landing, but also be able to provide services for others. Contribute to the development of Hong Kong.

So is it okay to apply for Hong Kong Talents and DIY it yourself?

Personal suggestion is that it is better to find a professional agency! Most people who apply for the Hong Kong Talents Program submit their applications through an agency, and then professionals prepare the materials, write them, and contact the Hong Kong Immigration Department. As the name suggests, Youcai DIY prepares the entire process by yourself. does not require external channels to prepare materials and apply for yourself. People who don't know about it actually don't know how many materials need to be prepared and how much time and energy it takes to apply for the Hong Kong Talents Program.

Although it does save money, it is still not recommended to DIY because the approval rate is really low. Unless you already have a thorough understanding of the materials required for the Hong Kong Talents Program, and have a lot of time, energy and confidence. As far as we know, most of the friends who choose to do their own DIY have fallen into the trap. We have summarized the following points for reference.

1. Self-assessment scores are not allowed.

The Talent Plan has two scoring systems, achievement and comprehensive. The one that is suitable for most people is the comprehensive scoring system . The Immigration Department has a scoring standard that comprehensively scores the applicant's age, education, language ability, work experience, family background, talent list and other factors. The passing score is 80 points, and the maximum score is 225 points. However, in the process of self-scoring, many applicants are not clear about the specific scoring standards behind the comprehensive scoring items, and it is easy for self-scoring scores to be inflated. If the score is not objective enough and the scores are added too much, the later applicant will be unable to provide the supporting documents for this item to the Immigration Department and will most likely be rejected.

2. Missing extra points

There are many extra points in the comprehensive scoring system for talents, such as overseas work experience, graduation from the world's top 100 schools, and talent list. If you miss the opportunity for extra points, you are likely to miss the selection. Chance. Among them, the talent list lists the professional talents currently in short supply in Hong Kong. If the applicant meets the requirements of the talent list, it can be said that approval is a certainty!

Although the official website of the Hong Kong Talent List lists the job descriptions and typical qualifications of each major for applicants’ reference, the Immigration Department will also refer to the corresponding departments of each major when defining whether applicants meet the qualification requirements for the relevant majors on the Talent List/ Opinions of professional bodies . In addition, the professional requirements of the talent list will be dynamically adjusted based on the timely development needs of Hong Kong. Therefore, it is recommended that applicants find a professional and experienced organization for professional evaluation.

3. The application copy is mechanically copied.

The selection of talents is not based on "scores alone". Passing scores are the basis. The immigration department selects more based on the applicant's personal strengths, work experience, professional ability, industry, plan to go to Hong Kong, etc. Considering all aspects, therefore the application copy and plan for going to Hong Kong are very important! Many DIY applicants will obtain some template files online or through other channels, and follow these templates mechanically. Even if they are very capable but have the same application copy, they will easily fail.

If the score is not very high, then it is very important to use the strengths and avoid weaknesses in the application copy. Excellent application copywriting should be able to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, and use concise, powerful, and logical words to show the applicant's professional capabilities and own advantages to the immigration department. Coupled with a clear plan to go to Hong Kong that is formulated based on Hong Kong's current economic and social needs, it can increase the chance of success in the selection.

4Confusing information and irregular file formats

The Immigration Department has certain standard requirements for relevant documents and materials applied for by talented individuals, and sometimes requires multiple supplements of relevant materials or documents. The entire application process is time-consuming and cumbersome. For example, how to deal with certification documents that are missing and cannot be retrieved, how to issue and supplement some certification documents, and which certification documents are considered valid. All these situations require timely and careful communication with the immigration department. For people who are busy at work, it is more difficult to find time to deal with them one by one.

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