In order to facilitate employers to handle the application procedures and reduce the risk of virus transmission, the Labor Affairs Bureau will launch an online application service tomorrow for the "Temporary Subsidy Program to Encourage Employers to Hire Local Unemployed Resident

In order to facilitate the application procedures for employers and reduce the risk of virus transmission, the Labor Affairs Bureau will launch the "Temporary Subsidy Program to Encourage Employers to Hire Local Unemployed Residents During the Epidemic" (hereinafter referred to as the "Subsidy Program") online from tomorrow (1st) Apply for services.

subsidy program

will accept applications from July 1 to September 30. As the epidemic situation in Macao is still changing, the Labor Bureau calls on employers who intend to apply for the subsidy program to complete relevant procedures through the online system. When external services are resumed, employers can also submit applications in person at the Advanced Plaza Office of the Labor Bureau.

Employers must log in to the Labor Bureau’s program application system https:// / Fill in the application information and upload the electronic file of the application documents to complete the application procedure. If you have any enquiries, you can call the consultation hotline +853 28231234 during office hours.

If you want to learn about the application for the subsidy program, you can visit the relevant thematic webpage of the Labor Bureau:

or scan the QR code to obtain the online application procedures. illustrate.

Source of news information and pictures: Labor Affairs Bureau of Macau SAR Government