More than 2,000 immigrants from Maghreb countries and sub-Saharan African countries tried to climb over the nearly 8-meter-high fence and enter the Spanish enclave. In the end, 130 people successfully entered Spain.

During last Friday, a serious incident of illegal immigrants scaling the border fence occurred on a large scale in Nador, a province in the north of Morocco that borders the Spanish exclave of Merilla. More than 2,000 immigrants from Maghreb countries and sub-Saharan countries tried to climb over the nearly 8-meter-high wall and enter the Spanish enclave. In the end, 130 people successfully entered Spain.

During this time, Spanish and Moroccan police violently blocked illegal immigrants who tried to climb over the fence, but to no avail. During the large-scale movement of illegal immigrants across the border, serious stampedes, violent fights, and accidents involving deaths and injuries occurred. According to Moroccan authorities, so far, 18 illegal immigrants have died while climbing over the fence, and 63 others have been seriously injured. In terms of police interception, 140 officers of the Moroccan police were injured in the operation to block illegal immigrants from crossing the border, 5 of whom were seriously injured; 49 border National Guard police officers were injured in Merilla, Spain, 3 of which were seriously injured was taken to hospital.

However, just two days after the above tragedy occurred, the local Moroccan human rights organization NGO exposed a series of pictures, showing that in this large-scale smuggling incident over the wall, the number of illegal immigrants who died was far more than the 18 people revealed by the Moroccan authorities. Pictures taken by AMDH, a local human rights organization in Morocco, show that in the open space of a cemetery on the outskirts of the Moroccan city of Sidi Salem, many staff of the Moroccan authorities are digging pits to secretly bury corpses. According to investigations by human rights organizations, these bodies were all illegal immigrants who were killed during an interception operation by the Moroccan police last Friday. They were not included in the death list publicly reported by the Moroccan authorities and have never been investigated by the police. Autopsy. Human rights organization AMDH revealed that the total number of African refugees who died in Friday's tragedy was at least 37, almost twice the number disclosed by Moroccan authorities.

In addition, during last Sunday, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson expressed condolences specifically for the tragedy caused by the incident of African refugees climbing over the high wall of Merilla. She publicly accused Seymour and Seymour: "The Melilla border incident is a tragedy, and the massacre of unarmed refugees by force is unacceptable."

On the other hand, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez praised the Moroccan authorities and police for being "strong" While intercepting the act, he shifted the responsibility to the smuggler organizations. Sanchez said: "If there is a party that needs to be responsible for this tragedy, it should be the smuggling smuggler organizations!"