According to the US "Texas Tribune", another immigration tragedy occurred in Texas on June 27. The police found as many as 46 illegal immigrants in a container truck in the suburbs of San Antonio. corpse.

According to the US "Texas Tribune" report, another immigration tragedy occurred in Texas on June 27. The police found as many as 46 illegal immigrants in a container truck in the suburbs of San Antonio. Immigrant bodies. The patrol discovered the truck that broke down on a rural road at 7 a.m. local time. When they opened the truck, most of the illegal immigrants were dead. Only a dozen of them were still alive, but they were all severely dehydrated and were immediately sent to the hospital for treatment. , as of today, 4 people have recovered. It is reported that the immigrants who survived the incident will be deported or deported by the authorities in accordance with the "Title 42" immigration policy after recovering.

According to the " New York Times " report, due to the ongoing heat wave, the temperature in San Antonio was as high as 103 degrees Fahrenheit (ie 39.4 degrees Celsius). In such hot weather, these migrants abandoned in sealed truck compartments must be in despair. Severe dehydration caused by high temperatures may be the main cause of death for these illegal immigrants. The police have started an investigation, and the US Department of Homeland Security is expected to be involved; 64 people involved in the case, including the truck driver, have been detained, and the final result of the case will not be announced until a detailed police investigation.

In recent years, most of the illegal immigrants smuggled into the United States come from Ecuador, , El Salvador, Honduras, and other places. These countries are suffering from civil war and turmoil, their economic development is very backward, and their public security situation is also worrying. Therefore, every year, a large number of immigrants pass through international "smugglers" and cross Mexico to the U.S.-Mexico border, and are then used by local "smugglers" in the United States. Transport within the United States by truck and other means of transportation. The border between the United States and Mexico is 3,145 kilometers long. Since October 26, 2006, then-U.S. President George W. Bush signed the "Secure Wall Act" and decided to build a 1,126-kilometer-long separation wall on the border between the United States and Mexico. Since the bill, and then Trump asked Congress to increase the budget for the wall, the United States has not been able to fully control the US-Mexico border area for more than ten years, resulting in an increasing number of illegal immigrants in the country and causing long-lasting border tensions. crisis. Although senior U.S. leaders have repeatedly called on illegal immigrants not to approach the U.S.-Mexico border and give up the idea of ​​​​smuggling across the border, illegal immigrants continue to enter the United States.

It is said that these South American countries are too far from heaven and too close to the United States. Many of the turmoils in South American countries were caused by the interference and instigation of the United States, which resulted in so many refugees. They had no way of survival in their own countries and could only flock to the United States, which is an economically developed country that claims to be a democratic country. Perhaps this is the United States. The retribution for doing evil everywhere.