From a global perspective, my country has the largest number of immigrants. According to public data in 2019, nearly 110,000 wealthy people around the world chose to immigrate to other countries this year, of which 15,000 were wealthy people from mainland China. , this data incre

The word immigration may be familiar to people in their daily lives. For ordinary people, it is very difficult to complete immigration, but for my country's wealthy groups, immigration is very common and easy. thing.

From a global perspective, my country has the largest number of immigrants. According to public data in 2019, nearly 110,000 wealthy people around the world chose to immigrate to other countries this year, of which 15,000 were from mainland China. of rich people, this data has increased by 50% compared with 2017. Moreover, the gap between the number of immigrants in our country and other countries is also very large. Although Russia is the country with the second largest number of immigrants, the number of immigrants in our country is double that of Russia.

Immigration is a free choice for Chinese rich people, and others cannot interfere. However, the behavior of some rich people is very annoying. That is, when they immigrate, moves all the money earned from China overseas, even if China remains Nationality, but the money in my hand was also secretly transferred to . It is undeniable that the assistance provided by the wealthy group to economic development cannot be ignored. It is precisely because the wealthy group drives economic growth that other countries have very simple immigration procedures in order to attract the wealthy.

Making money from Chinese people while enjoying foreign policy benefits is common. Li Xiaoming, for example, is an obvious example. Five of the six members of Li Xiaoming’s family have become American citizens, and only one family member has retained Chinese nationality . Such behavior has caused many people to speculate, is it possible that the Li Xiaoming family keeps someone in China just to make money easily?

Li Xiaoming’s hometown is in Yunnan, China, and his development path is also very inspiring for . Just like most children from poor families, if they want to change their current situation, they can only rely on reading. Li Xiaoming has known this truth since he was a child, so his academic performance has been very excellent since he was a child. After graduating from graduate school, also returned to work at the Plastics Research Institute in his hometown. Due to his leadership skills and rich reserve of professional knowledge, he became the director within less than two years of entering the research institute.

It is very common for researchers to go to other places and countries for further study. This is also true for Li Xiaoming. Not long after he became the director, he got an opportunity to go to the United States for further study. This training is of great significance to Li Xiaoming, because it laid the foundation for his business.

After completing his further studies, Li Xiaoming compared throat plastic films at home and abroad and found that the Chinese market was lacking in this sector. . So in 1996, Li Xiaoming and his friends founded a company called Yunnan Hongta Plastic Co., Ltd. , and Li Xiaoming served as the chairman of the company.

Although cigarette case plastic film seems to be ordinary now, and there is no profit at all, but at the time when Li Xiaoming started his business, there were no domestic companies that produced and developed cigarette case plastic film, so Li Xiaoming's appearance made up for this. A shortcoming of . Against this background, the development of Hongta Plastic Co., Ltd. led by Li Xiaoming has been smooth sailing.

By 2006, Li Xiaoming, who had acquired two companies, was expanding his business territory. In 2010, Li Xiaoming also founded Shanghai Enjie , which was successfully listed in 2016. Li Xiaoming's net worth has also risen again and again.

By 2019, Li Xiaoming became the richest man in Yunnan Province with a net worth of 13 billion. Li Xiaoming also occupied a place among the top 50 richest people in mainland China in 2021, and his family's wealth reached 67 billion . Compared with other rich people, Li Xiaoming is very low-key, and many people have never even heard of him. If there had been no immigration incident involving Li Xiaoming's family, then Li Xiaoming might not have received much attention from the public.

In fact, in the domestic secondary market, Enjie Shares , founded by Li Xiaoming, has a very dazzling position in the market. During the period from March 2020 to September 2020, Enjie Shares The stock price soared from 40 yuan per share to 319 yuan per share. Although Enjie's stock price has fluctuated since then, compared with other similar companies, Enjie is also a very outstanding existence.

However, in the face of the continuous soaring stock price, the shares held by Li Xiaoming's family are constantly reducing . For example, between February and August 2020, the Li Xiaoming family reduced its holdings by a total of 14.21 million shares. Between December 2020 and January 2021, the Li Xiaoming family also reduced its holdings by 3.0277 million shares. If calculated at market price, these two cash outs of can bring 1.58 billion in cash to the Li Xiaoming family.

Li Xiaoming and his family continue to reduce their shares, which indeed makes people have doubts. And from the perspective of the entire family, five of the six members of the family are already American citizens, and although Li Xiaoming's younger brother does not yet have American citizenship, he also enjoys a US green card and can freely travel back and forth between China and the United States.

In fact, behaviors similar to those of the Li Xiaoming family are very common among wealthy people. For example, the former real estate tycoon Pan Shiyi of SOHO China also had a history of constantly cashing out the funds in his hands, and his family also immigrated to the United States.


Generally speaking, everyone has corresponding responsibilities to bear. Since the wealthy Chinese immigrants have earned the wealth of ordinary people on Chinese land, they naturally have to bear certain social responsibilities. If, like the Li Xiaoming family and Pan Shiyi, they choose to evade their responsibilities and immigrate abroad after making hard-earned money from the Chinese people, such behavior is very shameful. When the public knows about it, their image will also deteriorate. A sudden fall.

Today’s topic: A family of 6 and 5 people have become American citizens and frequently cash out. Is it convenient for one person to continue to make money in China?