First of all, there is no difference between Hong Kong's top talents and professionals. After being successfully approved, applicants will enjoy the same benefits, and they can apply at the same time. There is no conflict between the two!

Hong Kong Talent Scheme and Talent Scheme are both channels for immigrating to Hong Kong. What's the difference between the two?
First of all, there is no difference between Hong Kong's talents and professionals. After being successfully approved, applicants will enjoy the same benefits, and they can apply at the same time. There is no conflict between the two! If the applicant is hired by the company while waiting for the talent selection and meets the qualifications for talent, he or she can also apply for a talent! If the excellent talent fails, it is also common for the transfer to a specialist to be approved! The difference between the two is: the Talented Talent Program is an immigration program in which applicants directly obtain Hong Kong temporary resident status after approval, while the Talent Program is actually a work visa that is attached to an employment contract after the applicant is approved.

Applicant requirements

Hong Kong professionals: The requirements for applicants are relatively low. Applicants must have a bachelor's degree or above and have management or business experience.
Hong Kong Talent: The requirements for applicants are relatively high. Hong Kong Talent is reviewed through a comprehensive scoring system or an achievement scoring system. The comprehensive scoring system will be based on the applicant's age, academic qualifications, work experience, language ability, etc.

Input costs

Hong Kong professionals: No investment is required, but because they need to be hired by a Hong Kong company, it involves the operation of the employer's company and needs to prove the company's strength.
Hong Kong talents: No investment is required. After the applicant is approved, he can work in Hong Kong or continue to develop in the mainland. However, the applicant is required to provide asset certificate .

Freedom to switch jobs

Hong Kong professionals: If you change jobs, you need to submit a new application to the Immigration Department. The new employer can only renew your visa after it has been reviewed by the Immigration Department.

Hong Kong talents: You can change jobs freely at any time without applying to the immigration department. You can also be temporarily unemployed during the period, which gives you a higher degree of freedom.


Hong Kong professionals: no quota limit, no competition.

Hong Kong talents: It is a comprehensive comparison in many aspects. From the background of the applicant, highlight the highlights and advantages, and you will have a chance to apply successfully. Hong Kong is currently trying to attract talents to Hong Kong. Especially this year, the application restrictions for the " Talent Entry Scheme " have been relaxed. The number of applicants has increased to 4,000 every year, and they need to compete with the same batch of applicants for places.

Review standards

Excellent talents: There are two review standards, namely the achievement scoring system and the comprehensive scoring system. Applicants need to choose the scoring system according to their own circumstances. The main assessment is the applicant's academic qualifications, professional qualifications, and work experience. and language ability, etc.

Professional: The main review is the industry background of the hiring company, the company's development plan, policy support and other standards, guaranteed by the employer.

Success rate

Hong Kong professionals: There is no quota limit for Hong Kong professionals, the requirements for applicants are relatively loose, and the success rate is high.

Hong Kong talents: need to compete with other people in the same industry, the annual quota is small, and the success rate needs to be evaluated based on the applicant's comprehensive conditions.

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