The "World Migration Report 2022" released by the United Nations in April this year shows that my country is the fourth largest immigrant outflow country in the world, with more than 10 million Chinese people living overseas, and Canada is the favorite immigration destination of

On June 21st, Canadian time, BC Province Skilled Immigration conducted targeted invitations for the Technology (Tech) category, medical care and early childhood education categories, and a total of 125 candidates were invited. Among them, the lowest invitation score for the science and technology channel was 85 points, and a total of 10 people were invited; the lowest invitation score for the medical care and early education channel was 60 points, and 10 and 14 people were invited respectively. Since the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP) was revised on March 10, it has frequently issued invitations to applicants in the technology, medical and early education categories, and the invitation score has remained at an ultra-low score of 60 points.

The "World Migration Report 2022" released by the United Nations in April this year shows that my country is the fourth largest immigrant outflow country in the world, with more than 10 million Chinese people living overseas, and Canada is the Chinese people's favorite immigration destination.

The British Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) announced the 2022 "Global Liveable Cities Index" rankings on June 23. Three Canadian cities are on the list!

The three Canadian cities that rank among the top ten most livable cities in the world are - Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto, ranking 3rd, 5th and 8th respectively.

It is worth noting that Calgary and Switzerland 's Zurich are tied for the third place in and . Calgary has entered the top ten of the rankings before, but this time it is the highest, beating Vancouver, which ranks fifth, and Toronto, which ranks eighth.

Calgary (English: Calgary), also known as Calgary, Calgary, and Cowboy City, is located in the Rocky Mountains of southern Alberta, Canada. It is the fourth largest city in Canada and the richest, safest, happy and richest city in the world. One of the cities with the highest living standards, it has been rated as "the cleanest city in the world" by the United Nations Human Settlements Agency many times.

Calgary is located in , Alberta, . It is the economic, financial, political and cultural center of the province and the largest city in the province. Calgary is also the energy center of Canada and the second largest energy center in North America.

Although Calgary is slightly less well-known among Chinese immigrants than Toronto and Vancouver, it does not affect it in the slightest as a good city for immigrants.

So how do you immigrate to Calgary? Sanxiang Immigration recommends Alberta’s employer-sponsored immigration program. Calgary is the center of the province and is suitable for the province’s immigration projects.

Alberta employer-sponsored immigration is part of the new provincial nomination policy of the province. The purpose is to help overseas employees with qualified work experience and international students in Alberta successfully integrate into life and live permanently in the province. The Alberta employer-sponsored immigration program requires the applicant's occupation to be in line with the occupation list given by the provincial government, and to obtain a permanent full-time offer from an Alberta enterprise.

Alberta employer-sponsored immigration can not only help applicants live in beautiful cities like Calgary, but also serve as a springboard for other Canadian federal immigration projects. It adds 600 points to the EE Express Entry scoring system, which greatly improves the chances of passing the Canadian federal immigration program. Success rate of skilled immigrants.

AlbertaEmployer-sponsored immigration There is not much difference from other employer-sponsored immigration projects. As long as the following requirements are met, you can easily enter Calgary to live permanently:

  1. The applicant obtains a visa provided by a company operating in the province. Permanent full-time technical employment;
  2. Applicants need to hold a valid Canadian work permit;
  3. Applicants need to have a high school degree or above;
  4. Applicants must hold a valid Canadian work permit in any twelve months or thirty months within the eighteen months of submitting the application Work in a position that is highly similar to the position you are about to enter within any 24-month period. If the applicant is a graduate of an Alberta university and the major he studied is highly similar to the position he is employed in, the applicant only needs to have work experience highly related to the major in six months out of eighteen months.
  5. Applicants’ English proficiency needs to reach IELTS Category G 4 or above;
  6. Applicants must be in good health and have no criminal record.

Canada is a country that many immigrants will consider. Its vast territory and sparse population make this country very welcoming to immigrants. If you have any questions about immigration, you can discuss it with Sanxiang Immigration.