It has only been a few days since the U.S.’s vicious Xinjiang-related laws came into effect, and the negative impact has already spread widely. China will certainly take necessary countermeasures against the U.S.’s groundless smearing of human rights in China’s Xinjiang and suppr

In just a few days, the negative impact of the U.S.'s Xinjiang-related laws has been widely spread. China will certainly take necessary countermeasures against the U.S.'s groundless smearing of human rights in Xinjiang and suppression of Chinese companies. On June 24, local time, the 50th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council held the Special Rapporteur’s Dialogue on Migrant Rights and the Independent Expert Dialogue on Human Rights and International Solidarity. The Chinese representative targeted Western countries led by the United States and violated other countries’ People's human rights and the human rights of immigrants themselves made a speech.

The Chinese representative listed typical cases in which the United States and other Western countries have grossly violated the human rights of immigrants. For example, after the global outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the United States deported more than 1.6 million immigrants on the grounds of a health emergency. A large number of immigrants who were not deported were also treated inhumanely and were forced into immigration centers, where immigrants lived in poor living conditions and were often subjected to abuse and violence. The U.S. immigration management department even enforced the " flesh and blood separation" policy to separate immigrants. The separation of parents and children has led to many tragedies. In addition, in European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and , violent incidents against immigrants have emerged one after another. The British government has even proposed the absurd policy of deporting its immigrants to a third country.

When participating in the Independent Expert Dialogue on Human Rights and International Solidarity, the Chinese representative pointed out that we should be wary of Western countries led by the United States using extraterritorial legal rights to "pursue a neo-colonial agenda" and pay attention to Western multinational companies' violations of human rights and environmental damage in developing countries. the behavior of. Special attention should be paid to the issue of unilateral sanctions imposed by Western countries on developing countries. Such coercive measures by Western countries not only seriously violate the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and the norms governing relations between countries, but also seriously hinder the development of developed countries. The economic recovery and anti-epidemic efforts of the sanctioned countries have caused serious damage to the basic human rights such as survival, development, and health rights of the people of the affected countries.

China calls on the United Nations Human Rights Council and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to pay great attention to the violations of human rights of immigrants and people from other countries by the United States and other Western countries, and urges relevant countries to immediately stop violations of the human rights of immigrants and immediately cancel the sanctions against other countries. unilateral sanctions and immediately stop violating the human rights of people in other countries.

The Chinese representative called on the United Nations to pay attention to the human rights problems caused by the United States and other Western countries. Part of the reason is that China is a victim of human rights problems created by the West. Previously, the U.S. concocted the "Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act" on the grounds of the so-called "forced labor" and "genocide" and other human rights problems in Xinjiang, which officially came into effect on June 21. The law prohibits U.S. companies from importing Xinjiang products unless Obtain "no forced labor certification" from the U.S. government, otherwise the goods arriving at U.S. Customs will also be confiscated.

The purpose of the United States in enacting this bill is to crack down on Xinjiang's advantageous industries, force people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to lose their jobs, undermine Xinjiang's economic development, trigger social unrest, create trouble for the Chinese government, and also serve as a preview for excluding China from the global industrial chain in the future. This bill In the short term, it will have an impact on Xinjiang's economic and social development, and it will also hit companies in Western countries. According to estimates by a U.S. supply chain artificial intelligence company, if the U.S. government strictly enforces Xinjiang-related laws, as many as 1 million companies around the world may be affected, and the economic losses may be billions of dollars.

Obviously, the United States and other Western countries take human rights issues and impose economic sanctions on other countries, which will not bring benefits to themselves. After the Xinjiang-related laws came into effect, China warned and warned the United States about the behavior at different levels. Counter. Xu Guixiang, spokesperson of the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, denounced the U.S.'s evil Xinjiang-related laws, which have no legal basis, are inconsistent with the facts, are unreasonable, harm others and do not benefit oneself, and are blatant acts of robbery.

China’s Ministry of Commerce urges the United States to immediately withdraw all Xinjiang-related sanctions and suppression measures, otherwise China will take necessary actions.When responding to the issue of the entry into force of the Xinjiang-related evil laws, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin emphasized that this is an escalation of the US's suppression of China under the guise of human rights. This kind of perverse behavior is doomed to fail. We advise the United States to first make up for its own shortcomings in human rights when using human rights issues to suppress other countries. If it continues to turn a blind eye, it will be hit back by human rights issues in the future.