On February 14, 2022, the Canadian Immigration Service announced the 2022-2024 immigration plan and announced an increase in immigration quotas in the next three years. In October 2020, the Canadian Immigration Service announced the immigration level plan for 2021-2023: · 2021: e

On February 14, 2022, the Canadian Immigration Service announced the 2022-2024 immigration plan and announced an increase in immigration quotas in the next three years.

In October 2020, the Canadian Immigration Service announced the immigration level plan for 2021-2023:

· 2021: It is expected to receive 401,000 permanent residents

· 2022: It is expected to receive 411,000 permanent residents Permanent Residents

· 2023 Year: It is expected to receive 421,000 permanent residents

In the 2022-2024 immigration level plan released in February 2022, the number of new immigrants expected to be received has reached a new high!

· 2022: Expected to receive 431,645 permanent residents

· 2023: Expected to receive 447,055 permanent residents

· 2024: Expected to receive 451,000 permanent residents

Each year is higher than originally planned With another 20,000 people growing, it can be seen that Canada Determination to welcome new immigrants!

Quota status for each category

In 2022, the economic category is expected to issue approximately 241,850 quotas, no less than 210,000, no more than 248,000.

FSW, FST, CEC, and the three fast track categories are expected to be issued 55900 quotas, with an average of 4,658 people invited per month. Since the beginning of the year, the three categories have not yet recruited people. According to official news, recruitment will be open in July, and new adjustments will be made to the screening criteria. Although the new screening criteria have not yet been introduced, the sufficient quota has shown that opportunities will always be reserved for those who are prepared. Do you still remember the "75 points" amnesty!

Therefore, the Canadian government welcomes new immigrants and sends out positive signals. It is now a good time to immigrate to Canada. If you want to immigrate to Canada, get ready now!