The Economist Intelligence Unit released its latest annual ranking of the world's most liveable cities on Thursday: Overall, Europe dominates this year's liveability list, accounting for 6 of the 11 global cities in the top 10. indivual.

focuses on the latest immigration hot news of the week: the ranking of the world’s most livable cities is undergoing a major reshuffle! Australia loses its crown! Three Canadian cities are on the list as big winners; 2022 Census: Ireland population exceeds 5 million! An average of 31,000 people immigrated to Ireland each year between 2016 and 2022. Ireland scraps re-entry visa requirement for under 16s~


The Global Liveability Index 2022 has been released

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) on Thursday (June 23) Japan) released the latest annual ranking of the world's most livable cities: Overall, Europe dominates this year's liveability list, with 11 global cities in the top 10 (two tied for 10th Name) accounted for 6. Canada is the big winner! Three cities are shortlisted for the world's top ten livable cities! Vancouver, Toronto lost to Calgary, Melbourne is the only Australian city to enter the top 10 in the world, tied for 10th place with Osaka, Japan.

The Economist Intelligence Unit is a sister organization of The Economist. This year, it evaluated 173 cities in five aspects: education, health care, culture and environment, stability and infrastructure.


The 10 most livable cities in the world in 2022:

Austria - Vienna ;

Denmark - Copenhagen ;

Switzerland - Zurich ;

Canada - Calgary;

Canada - Vancouver;

Switzerland - geneva ;

germany - frankfurt ;

Canada - Toronto;

Netherlands - Amsterdam ;

Japan - Osaka / Australia - Melbourne.


Canada officially announced: The EE fast track will be officially restarted on July 6!

Recently, Canadian Immigration Minister Sean Fraser said in an exclusive interview with CIC NEWS: The Immigration Department will officially resume Canada’s federal Express Entry (hereinafter referred to as EE) on July 6, 2022. Lottery, including Canadian Experience Class (CEC) and Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)!

For those who have been paying attention to Canadian immigration projects, the federal Express Entry EE immigration project is no stranger. does not require employer sponsorship! No job offer required! As long as the score reaches the minimum invitation score! The whole process can be completed within six months of Maple Leaf Card being approved in seconds!

In addition to the resumption of invitations for CEC and FSW, the C-19 bill related to the federal fast track EE is also about to be introduced!


New Deal Changes

For the first time since the introduction of the federal Express Entry Express Entry immigration program in January 2015, the Canadian government will carry out its largest reform. In the past, Canada’s Federal Express Entry EE issued invitations to candidates based on their CRS scores. The new deal will allow the immigration minister to invite specific candidates based on financial need. For example, candidates with special language skills and specific occupations will be given priority to meet the needs of the Canadian labor market as quickly as possible.

The new bill will allow the Minister of Immigration to establish small categories under the federal Express Entry EE. The qualifications to apply for a certain small category will be determined by the Minister of Immigration, which may be based on work experience, educational background, language skills and other factors (such as French).

Three Canadian cities have been shortlisted for the top ten livable cities in the world!

Among the top ten livable cities in the world, three Canadian cities were selected - Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto, becoming the big winners. Calgary (4th) becomes the highest-ranking non-European city, leaving behind the well-known Vancouver (5th) and Toronto (8th) .

Calgary became famous in 2018 when citizens rejected its Olympic bid. In 2020, two giant pandas did not have enough bamboo feed to return to China early, which also attracted people's attention.

In addition, Calgary’s air quality is the cleanest in the world. How clean is it? The average PM2.5 content in the air per cubic centimeter of throughout the year is only 5! Far lower than other Canadian cities! It is also the sunniest city in Canada, with four distinct seasons.

The most important thing is that the housing prices are much lower than those in Vancouver and Toronto, and there are many educational resources. It is not surprising that it ranks so high.

In last year’s list, not a single Canadian city made the list. It can be seen that after a year of adjustments, Canada has made considerable progress in controlling the epidemic and stabilizing life.


The new government has set the tone for immigration policy! Speed ​​up visa approval and relax skilled immigration!

At last Friday’s cabinet meeting, the new Prime Minister Albanese and state leaders expressed their stance on the immigration issue! Albanese even said: must solve the visa backlog problem! Bring in more immigrants!

In order to allow more people to return to Australia, the government decided to speed up visa approval. Mainly targeting temporary visas, focuses on student visas and work visas!

The Labor government is indeed determined to relax skilled immigration and attract talents to return to Australia through various means.


022 Census: Ireland’s population exceeds 5 million!

Preliminary figures from this year's census from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show that on census night, Ireland's population was 5,123,536 , an increase of 7.6% on 2016. Of the 361,671 new people, 171,338 were born naturally in Ireland and 190,333 were immigrants.

This is the first time since 1851 that Ireland's population has exceeded the 5 million mark. It is also the highest level of Ireland's population since 1841. The previous Great Famine had led to widespread death and immigration in Ireland.

Longford is the county with the largest population growth rate, reaching 14%. This is followed by Meath (+12.9%), Fingal (+11%) and Kildare (+11%). Donegal, Kilkenny, Kerry and Tipperary had the lowest growth rates at 5% each.

This year's results will be finalized next year and, at a rough glance, show a change in immigration trends in Ireland compared to the last census. Before 2016, 5,000 people immigrated to other countries every year. But between 016 and 2022, an average of 31,000 people will immigrate to Ireland each year.

Ireland announced the cancellation of the re-entry visa requirement for children under 16 years old

On June 14, 2022, the Irish Judiciary and Immigration Services issued a notice stating that would cancel the visa requirement for children under 16 years old to re-enter Ireland and stated that this regulation is effective immediately and until further notice to .

This means that children under the age of 16 who want to re-enter Ireland no longer need a new entry visa. But the regulations add that they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with a legal residence permit. Adults accompanying children into the country must also provide appropriate documentation to prove that they are the child's legal parent or guardian.

Among the documents given in the notice that prove the relationship between the parent or guardian and the child are as follows:

► Birth or adoption certificate, or guardianship document showing your relationship to the child

► If you are the parent of the child but have If you have a different surname, you will need to provide a marriage or divorce certificate

► If both parents of the child are deceased, you will need to provide a death certificateDeath certificate


Greek summer tourism season officially kicks off with revenue expected to reach €15 billion

Greek Hotel Industry Federation Chairman Grigoris Tasios said in a recent interview with Yahoo News Agency that the Greek tourism industry has shown strong recovery momentum. This year, the country's tourism revenue is expected to reach 15 billion euros.

Tasios pointed out that June and July marked the official start of the Greek summer tourism season. The volume of travel bookings in the coming months has shown steady growth, and Greece is also becoming a destination for foreign tourism investment. He said that judging from current data, Greece's tourism revenue in 2022 may be as high as 15 billion euros, equivalent to 80% of tourism revenue before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2019.

He emphasized that although the performance of the tourism industry in May did not achieve the expected results, the "explosive" growth of high-spending tourists from the United States and Canada set the tone for tourism recovery this year, indicating that Greece is a safe tourist destination. However, it needs to be acknowledged that this will continue to be a difficult year for the hospitality industry due to increased energy and food operating costs.

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