Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country.

2024/06/1811:50:33 migrant 1699

Recently, Australian Prime Minister Albanese once again expressed his views on the immigration issue!

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country.

He believes that temporary immigration is not a solution to Australia's skills shortage, and the door to permanent immigration needs to be opened wider. Australia’s new immigration policy is about to undergo dramatic changes! And it was confirmed from the Prime Minister: Australia needs more people!

He told reporters on Monday that the Labor government had inherited a "significant" visa backlog.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

"At a time when we have such a shortage of skilled workers in Australia, it's ridiculous that they have to wait for a very long time because they can't get visas."

"We do have some short-term skills shortages, need to always go through temporary immigration to fill in ".

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

"One thing we can think about, and I've already talked about it, is that is in short supply for such a long period of time for certain specific occupations, how do we continue to rely on temporary immigration rather than a more permanent form of ?

He said allowing a significant increase in permanent immigration would have a "significant impact".

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

"We have a global labor market and we need to recognize that."

"We need to make sure they have better pathways to live permanently in Australia so that people provide us with the skills we need."

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

The comments came on Monday. The announcement was made at a press conference at the Jobs and Skills Summit, which will be held at Parliament House in September.

The Prime Minister said the government intends to bring together businesses, trade unions, civil society groups and other levels of government. Finance Minister Jim Chalmers said the ideas raised at the summit were likely to be included in the October budget.

"We have deliberately chosen to put this Jobs and Skills Summit ahead of our October budget, which is due to be released, because there may be some steps proposed and agreed at the summit that can be implemented quickly."

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

Albanese said Australia faced a once-in-a-lifetime situation during the epidemic. challenge. The summit agenda will be announced at the end of July.

However, Albanese said tax policy would not be on the agenda.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Sally McManus said she hoped the talks would find solutions to systemic problems.

"We have an opportunity to build a stronger, more inclusive workforce that will help us recover from the pandemic with the economic growth we need and share our economy's success more equitably."

"We must rebuild Our manufacturing industry, working together to build the skills we need for the jobs of the future."

Australian Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said the summit would be an opportunity to recalibrate the economy.

It seems that Australia is determined to increase the number of immigrants this time

So how much is the specific number?

We've heard it from the minister...

Recently, Australian Skills Minister Brendan O'Connor once again supported the introduction of more overseas workers to help fill direct job vacancies in key areas of the economy, and then to Australians in growth industries. (including blue-collar industries, IT and healthcare).

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

O'Connor said short-term solutions to the worker shortage needed to include a full reinstatement of temporary and permanent immigration schemes.

He said he did not believe there was a binary choice between training Australians and supporting migrant workers, both needed to help the economy grow.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

"But it should never, and will never be under a Labor government, come at the expense of investment in skills in our existing labor market."

"I think the previous government was a bit lazy and relied too much on those temporary skilled visas holder."

International visitors will no longer need to prove their COVID-19vaccination status to enter Australia, prompting a push for more migrant workers to come on board after Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil announced on Sunday.

"Removing these requirements will not only reduce delays at our airports, it will also encourage more tourists and skilled workers to choose Australia as a destination."

There were a record number of job vacancies in May, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics last week of 480,000.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

That number has jumped 14% since February and is more than double the pre-pandemic figure of about 225,000, with vacancy rates high across sectors of the economy, including construction, mining, healthcare, IT and retail.

"I think as a country we have failed to properly recognize, promote and advocate for the real benefits of employment through vocational and technical pathways."

The Business Council of Australia called in February for the permanent migration cap to be increased to 160,000 per year over the next two years. Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews20,000 people, and then return to the pre-2019 cap of 190,000 people.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

On Sunday, BCA chief executive Jennifer Westacott said addressing worker shortages "is not a choice between immigration and domestic skills".

Westacott said the government needed to reform the immigration system to ensure local companies could "outperform others in fierce global competition to attract the best talent and skills".

"This means safeguards are in place to speed up visa processing, remove barriers that make it difficult for potential migrants to reach Australia, and allow them to obtain four-year visas."


Let's review the recent

Australia's package of immigration relaxations and Visa plan


html On July 6, Australia completely canceled the vaccine requirements for entry. In other words, as long as the visa is valid, you can enter Australia at any time!

And this also means that Australia is completely liberalized and restored.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the number of immigrants in Australia has declined.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

In 2021-22, Australia's net overseas migration will be approximately -41,000 people.

In 2022, as borders gradually open, overseas immigration will also rebound.

Before the Labor Party took office, it had stated that it would adjust immigration policy.

Among them, Albanese also said that he would consider issuing PR to foreigners working in Australia.

also said that temporary visas should be given more help to allow them to stay, instead of constantly renewing them here.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

The new immigration minister has also stated that the immigration system will be reformed.

These include several possible directions:

Simplify the visa process and speed up the processing.

Currently, the processing speed of various visas is very slow, which also puts pressure on many industries.

Because visa holders are waiting for visas, industries are eager to find labor.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

It is expected that the new government will introduce new regulations in the future to simplify the method of obtaining PR. But it is expected to focus on those with skills that are relatively lacking in Australia.

In addition to these, the regional immigration system may also be reformed.

In order to encourage regional immigration, the regional immigration system may be further improved and employment in regional areas promoted.

gives you a summary of the new regulations implemented so far in July:

Temporary Skills Shortage Visa

Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Subclass 482 visa holders will find it easier to apply for permanent residence.

In Australia, the number of people holding the 482 visa or the related 457 visa, which stopped offering new places to applicants in March 2018, was 52,440 as of March 31.

From 1 July, these visa holders can apply for a Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) visa, which allows skilled workers nominated by their employer to live and work permanently in Australia.

But the new pathway will only be available for two years from that date.

Work Visa Lawyers lawyer Luke Edwards said the temporary changes would now make it easier for these visa holders to live permanently in Australia.

"Many of them visa holders are staring at a difficult and less guaranteed path to permanent residence."

"The clients and people I'm hearing from are really excited about the opportunity now to stay in Australia."

Eligible People need to have lived in Australia for at least one year between February 1, 2020 and December 14, 2021.

The change will also apply to 457 visa holders on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL).

Age limit exemption

Another change affecting 457 visa holders means they will no longer be subject to age restrictions.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews5 and older visa holders previously had no way to obtain permanent residency.

"Some people have now been working in Australia for a long time, sponsored by their employer."

"They were unable to obtain permanent residency when they were young. This change is something they have long awaited."

This change is also only Valid for two years from July 1st.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews57 Visa holders must have held their visa on or after 18 April 2017 to be eligible for the age exemption change.

They will also need to have lived in Australia for at least one year between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021.

Temporary Graduate Visa

Also from 1 July, current and former Temporary Graduate visa holders who have been delayed by COVID-19 travel restrictions will also be able to apply for a replacement visa.

To be eligible, people must hold a valid temporary graduate visa, or previously held a temporary graduate visa that expired on or after 1 February 2020.

They must also have been outside Australia between 1 February 2020 and 15 December 2021.

announced that the measure is expected to benefit approximately 30,000 current or former temporary graduate visa holders.

Typically, applicants are only granted an initial subclass 485 visa.

Working Holidaymaker Visa

COVID-19 border closures mean working holidaymakers are locked out, putting pressure on industries that normally rely on their contributions.

Anthony Albanese has set out to address immigration and visa backlogs linked to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to stay permanently in the country. - DayDayNews

But from July 1, the number of places for working holidaymakers from multiple countries will increase by 30% as part of the subclass 462 visa arrangements, for 2022-23 only.

Mongolia and Brazil will also receive places on Australia's working holidaymaker visa scheme from the new financial year, and age limits and upper limits will also change in some countries.

The age limit for citizens of Italy and Denmark will increase by five years - from 30 to 35 years.

Hungary, Austria and Slovak RepublicThe cap on work and holiday visa arrangements will also be increased by 1,400.

July also marks the reset of quotas in the immigration program, providing new opportunities for immigrants.

The various channels for skilled workers to enter Australia are about to increase by more than 30,000 places.

Labor has outlined its intention to push for a renewed focus on pathways to permanent residence to tackle the insecurities caused by rising levels of temporary migration.

However, Watt said people should not immediately expect "dramatic changes" to the visa system due to the change of government.

"It will be several years or at least twelve months before we see any significant change in direction or change."

There is no doubt that Australia means this -

html The summit in September will issue the latest immigration regulations, There will be great changes in the number of permanent immigrants and the policy for international students. Let us look forward to the good news of the next wave of immigration relaxation!

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