The main customer groups of Spanish non-profit immigration: 1. Seniors who are retired, have pensions, and want to live in Spain; have sufficient financial resources in China and do not need to work locally, such as full-time housewives who take their children to study abroad, an

2024/06/0606:40:34 migrant 1097

The main customer groups of Spanish non-profit immigration: 1. Seniors who are retired, have pensions, and want to live in Spain; have sufficient financial resources in China and do not need to work locally, such as full-time housewives who take their children to study abroad, an - DayDayNews

Spanish non-profit project

Low threshold, no language, no business background requirements

0️⃣No investment or house purchase required, you can apply

Children enjoy free education & travel to 26 Schengen countries

Easily Immigrate to Spain

Spanish non-profit immigration 's main customer base :

1, Retired , elderly people with pensions who want to live in Spain;

2, who have sufficient financial resources in China and do not need to work locally, such as full-time housewives who take their children to study abroad. , entrepreneurs, investors, etc. who enjoy domestic company dividends, financial management, rental income, etc.~

You must have:

1. Customers who have a true intention to reside in Spain~ have immigration supervision

2. Have the ability to obtain and retain a stable residence in Spain Ability ~ The family has a fixed residence (just rent a house) and a security deposit

3. The ability to cover all living expenses of the applicant and his family members in Spain ~ Non-wage income

The main customer groups of Spanish non-profit immigration: 1. Seniors who are retired, have pensions, and want to live in Spain; have sufficient financial resources in China and do not need to work locally, such as full-time housewives who take their children to study abroad, an - DayDayNews

Spanish non-profit immigration project

Immigration Act:

2011 Spanish Royal Act No. 557/2011, promulgated on April 30, 2011, is a bill revised by the Spanish government on how foreigners can integrate into Spanish society. Article 46-Article 51 of Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the Act is a non-profit provision.

The main customer groups of Spanish non-profit immigration: 1. Seniors who are retired, have pensions, and want to live in Spain; have sufficient financial resources in China and do not need to work locally, such as full-time housewives who take their children to study abroad, an - DayDayNews

Main applicant requirements:

1. Over 18 years old;

2. No criminal record;

3. Health examination and purchase of health insurance;

4. Living security deposit: 1 family of 3, in a Spanish bank The minimum deposit in the account is 40,000 euros/

5. The family has a stable residence (renting is also acceptable);

6. 40,000 euro/year non-salary income (equivalent to RMB 290,000/year).

7. Stay for at least 183 days in each calendar year.

Subsidiary applicant requirements:

1. Legal spouse;

2. Unmarried, studying, financially dependent children under 18 years old or over; (parents are not allowed)

3. No criminal record;

4. Buy health insurance.

Spanish non-profit immigrants focus on the applicant's ability to meet the needs of life without working in . Therefore, non-profit immigrants cannot work in Spain, but can do business in .

The main customer groups of Spanish non-profit immigration: 1. Seniors who are retired, have pensions, and want to live in Spain; have sufficient financial resources in China and do not need to work locally, such as full-time housewives who take their children to study abroad, an - DayDayNews

Spanish non-profit immigration application process

①Consult and sign a contract with Qiaoyu Abroad; ②Prepare documents and submit them to the consulate; ③Obtain type D visa (3 months); ④Log in to Spain and take fingerprints; ⑤Obtain Spanish residence card (2 years); ⑥ Renew Spanish residence card (2 years); ⑦ Obtain permanent residency (5 years); ⑧ Obtain Spanish passport after 10 years (conditions).

The main customer groups of Spanish non-profit immigration: 1. Seniors who are retired, have pensions, and want to live in Spain; have sufficient financial resources in China and do not need to work locally, such as full-time housewives who take their children to study abroad, an - DayDayNews

Advantages of Spanish non-profit immigration project

1. No age limit (over 18 years old), no language, no academic qualifications.

2. One person applies, and the whole family gets status. (Family of three)

3. The procedure is simple and fast, the investment is small, the whole process only takes 3-6 months, and the success rate is high.

4. Children born in Spain can apply for nationality directly after one year.

5. The obtained identity allows you to freely enter and exit 26 Schengen countries. The Spanish passport allows you to travel to 172 countries around the world without a visa, without any hindrance!

The main customer groups of Spanish non-profit immigration: 1. Seniors who are retired, have pensions, and want to live in Spain; have sufficient financial resources in China and do not need to work locally, such as full-time housewives who take their children to study abroad, an - DayDayNews

"Spanish passport, ranked 3rd in the world, accessible to 189 countries and regions"

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